70. Butterflies Like Flowers pt. 4

415 21 0

By: @serendipityswan

MOMA = Museum of Modern Art

ABT = American Ballet Theatre

"Can I ask you something?" Jungkook questions suddenly, eyes on a spot on the table between himself and Jimin.

"Of course you can," Jimin answers easily, looking up from his laptop.

"Are...are we friends?"

Ever since he spoke with Yoongi, the question has been bothering Jungkook. He'd like to say they are, but his uncertainty was too strong. And Yoongi was right that the only way to really know is to ask.

Jungkook furrows his brows slightly and tilts his head, looking confused at the younger in the most adorable way. "What?"

"Are we...do you consider us friends?"

"Yeah. Do you not?"

"No. I mean I don't. Wait, that's coming out wrong," Jungkook rambles nervously, looking up to lock eyes with Jimin.

"Relax Kookie," Jimin chuckles lightly, and the nickname doesn't help Jungkook achieve relaxation even though it has become a norm.

"Sorry. Just...I didn't know if we were or not. Like if we were just roommates who hang out sometimes or you were just spending time with me out of pity or something."

"Do you want to be friends?" Jimin asks simply.

"Y-yeah," Jungkook replies quietly

"Then we are friends," Jimin replies with a smile. "I promise I've never spent time with you out of pity. I enjoy hanging out with you."

"I like hanging out with you too," Jungkook replies sheepishly, dropping his gaze and feeling his ears heat with blush.

"Speaking of hanging out. This is actually the perfect segue," Jimin starts, grabbing his bag and sifting through it. He pulls out an envelope and hands it to Jungkook with a grin and a sparkle in his eyes.

"What is it?" Jungkook asks tentatively, taking the envelope and eyeing it curiously.

"Open it and find out," Jimin prompts, seeming very excited for whatever this is, and that enthusiasm comforts Jungkook a little bit. He flips open the envelope and pulls out the contents, eyes growing wide as he registers what it is.

"MOMA tickets?" Jungkook questions in disbelief.

"Yeah! Since you love art I figured you'd enjoy it," Jimin reasons gleefully, pleased with the younger's reaction.

"Are you serious? Hyung this is..." Jungkook replies, examining the tickets carefully.

"Do you like it?" Jimin asks hopefully.

"Like it? That's an understatement," Jungkook admits, looking over at the elder. "You didn't have to do this."

"I wanted to," Jimin assures. "It seems fun and I wanted to go with you."

Jungkook's heart is doing a gymnastics routine and if he wasn't already smitten with Jimin, he definitely would be now.

"You really want to go to an art museum with me?" Jungkook asks, still gobsmacked at the gift. Jimin nods eagerly.

"The tickets are for Saturday if that is okay."

"Yeah that's...thanks hyung," Jungkook responds, gaze returning to the tickets in his hands.

"You're welcome Kook-ah," Jimin replies softly before turning back to his homework.


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