87. Go Big or Go Home pt. 6

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By: @serendipityswan

The rest of the shuttle ride is silent as Jimin looks out the window the whole time and Jungkook has no idea what to say in this situation. The silence continues as the enter the hotel and cross to the elevators, boarding the same one.

Jungkook can see Jimin fidget next to him but keeps silent. He has probed the elder enough for one day, he thinks. They exit at their floor, still walking in silence until Jimin stops abruptly.

"What's wrong?" Jungkook asks, turning to face the elder who is still fidgeting.

"What are you doing the rest of today?" Jimin asks quickly, forcing himself to make eye contact with the younger. Jungkook blinks at the elder in confusion at the question before speaking.

"Uh nothing specific. Why?"

"Meet me in the lobby in an hour?" Jimin requests. Jungkook can tell by the tone in the skater's voice that this is an invitation, not an order.

"You don't hate me?" Jungkook asks without thinking. It was a worry that built up ever since he saw the panic and vulnerability in Jimin's eyes. He thought Jimin would never want to interact with him again.

"Why would I hate you?"

"You just looked so scared when I asked if you were unhappy. I thought you would never want to speak to me again because I made you vulnerable," Jungkook admits.

"Jungkook I don't hate you," Jimin says softly.


"Really. I know they say keep your enemies closer, but I refuse to do that. So if I hated you, I wouldn't invite you to meet up," Jimin smiles a tiny smile of reassurance.

"Does that make me your friend? You know cause of the saying."

"Maybe," Jimin chuckles lightly.

"Do you at least trust me?" Jungkook asks boldly.

Jimin hesitates, surveying the boarder before meeting his eyes to say, "Starting to."

Jungkook tries to bite back the smile pulling on his lips and fails miserably.

"So an hour?" Jimin asks calmly.

"Yeah," Jungkook confirms. Jimin smiles a bit bigger at him then and Jungkook feels his heart cartwheel in his chest. Jimin walks past him to close the small distance to his hotel room, opening the door and slipping inside without another word.


Jungkook takes a deep breath as the elevator reaches the lobby and the doors slide open. He slips past the people waiting to get on and looks around briefly before finding who he is looking for.

Why did he have to dress so hot?!

Jungkook forces himself to remain calm as he approaches Jimin, who is talking to someone he vaguely recognizes. His attention is mostly focused on the blonde who is sporting tight skinny jeans that hug his legs sinfully well and an emerald green oversized sweater. Compared to that, Jungkook looks so lazy in his holey skinny jeans and red flannel he through on after a shower.

When he gets closer, the other man makes eye contact with him and Jungkook's heart drops. There is a look in that man's eye that is unsettling. Maybe even sinister. Jimin must notice the man is looking at something specific, so he turns to find Jungkook approaching. Jungkook watches the smirk pull on the skater's lips and he tries his best not to react too much despite his confusion.

"Good you're here!" Jimin says brightly which throws Jungkook even further off guard than usual. Even through his confusion he can tell that Jimin is faking it and it probably has something to do with the man watching them intensely.

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