60. Just Friends🚪

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By: @Soft_Hobi

It's like this: In front of the parents Jimin and Jungkook are best friends. They have frequent sleepovers and study dates where they talk about girls and play video games. Their relationship is completely platonic, a completely normal friendship.

But behind closed doors? Late nights when everyone's asleep? Well things are a little different...

"Good night mom, night dad", Jimin kissed his parents on the cheek, wishing them each a good night's sleep.

"Good night my dear. Don't stay up too late with Jungkook okay?", she smiled at Jimin and then at Jungkook who was leaning on the kitchen counter.

"We won't Mrs. P", Jungkook smiled. Mrs. Park flushed and smiled back at him, his infinite charms never failing to work on anyone.

"Jungkook dear I know you're just saying that to make me feel better, you boys will stay up late no matter what I say"

Jimin kissed her on the cheek again, "We'll try not to stay up too late mom, or at least try not to make any noise that'll wake you up"

Jimin stood up straight, walking over to Jungkook.

Mrs. Park laughed, "Alright Min, I'll see you boys in the morning"

Jimin grabbed Jungkook by the arm. The taller boy turned around in his hold and waved at Jimin's parents

"Night Mr. P night Mrs. P"

Jimin rolled his eyes at Jungkook's little nickname for his parents. His mom loved it, said it made her feel special. As much as he pretended he found it annoying he secretly felt warm inside whenever Jungkook and his mom got along like that.

"Night", she sing-songed. Jimin pulled Jungkook further along.

Jungkook could tell Jimin was worked up, the way his stride got longer, and his grip tighter. He stroked the small of Jimin's back with his thumb subtly as they walked up the stairs and to Jimin's room. Jimin shivered at the contact.

It was no surprise that Jimin was on him as soon as the door closed. Jungkook hummed in content when Jimin's lips met his own.

"I thought game night would never end", Jimin breathed against Jungkook's lips. The taller of the two gripped Jimin's waist firmly in his hands.

"They just want to spend time with you"

His hands slipped under Jimin's shirt, feeling the smooth expanse of skin.

"Yeah well, every minute they want to spend with me is another minute you could be using to fuck me into the mattress so"

Jungkook pulled Jimin harshly into himself, "Fuck you're so dirty"

Jimin grinned at him.

"Is that what you were thinking about while we were playing Yahtzee hmm? Me inside of you?"

Jimin nodded, bringing their lips back together.

"I couldn't wait to get you up here, we haven't fucked in days I miss your cock"

Jungkook bit Jimin's bottom lip, "tell me more"

"I wanted you to take me on the table"

Jungkook grabbed a handful of Jimin's ass.

"I even thought about you bending me over the kitchen counter and fucking me quietly so we wouldn't get caught"

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