51. Oppa (I'm the Hyung 2)

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By: @justhere

Jimin's been watching a lot of porn lately.

It's not his fault, honestly. BTS has just been so busy with schedules that he hasn't had sex in almost a month. Jungkook's always too tired whenever Jimin wants it, and Jimin's always too tired whenever Jungkook wants it.

It sucks, truly, to be stuck in that cycle of horny exhaustion.

Jimin's logic was that they should have all the sex they can now before they get old, because he heard that old people can get hurt during sex. If they get it out of their systems now, breaking a hip mid-thrust will never be an issue for them. He tried telling that to Jungkook last week when they were walking to the van after practice and lingering behind everyone else, earning nothing but a "what the fuck, is that what you think about in your spare time?" from Jungkook.

Needless to say, that's not exactly the most sexy way he could have approached the subject.

After that fruitless exchange, Jimin resigned himself to the lonely life of internet pornography. Truth be told, he found it quite rewarding. He was getting so adventurous (read: desperate) that he was finding things he didn't know he liked.

Of course, at the same time, he was finding things that he certainly didn't like. He just hoped Jungkook didn't have some secret fetish for feet or voyeurism, because he wasn't quite sure he could meet the younger halfway with those.

However, he could definitely get on board with this whole cross-dressing deal. He's dressed up as a girl before- a couple times actually- but it had never excited him. That could be because his costumes were always so conservative, and it was usually in a variety show setting (and if he had to choose the least sexy environment... he'd probably pick a petting zoo, but variety shows were a close second). Besides, when he was wearing those costumes, he was just cute- and didn't he know it- but there was nothing sexy about it.

He could certainly get behind this idea of lace panties and mini skirts, though.


The next time their schedule opened up, Jimin made a mental note to bring up the topic with his boyfriend. He was a little too embarrassed to just go for it, because what if Jungkook thought it was weird? If he asked first, then no one got their feelings hurt.

Except he didn't exactly get to ask.

The moment they returned to the dorm from their last interview of the week, Jungkook took the older straight to his bedroom. He ignored Taehyung shouting after them to ask if they wanted to go get ice cream, and he also ignored the following whine that he'd just take Hoseok instead.

After locking the bedroom door behind him, Jungkook pulled his boyfriend closer, hands already roaming freely. "Please tell me you want this," he breathed desperately, close to Jimin's ear.

Jimin was hoping to maybe have something to eat and then go to bed early, but maybe that could wait... "Yeah," he whispered back, already feeling the younger working his shirt off.

In the next few moments, the two stripped themselves and maneuvered over to Jungkook's bed. Jungkook sat up against the headboard and pulled the older in with firm hands on his ass, prompting him to straddle his lap. Jimin's hands locked into Jungkook's hair as the two met in the middle, no patience for innocent kisses to work them up- they were already worked up, thank you very much. Jimin shoved his tongue in Jungkook's mouth as soon as he was able.

Sitting on top of Jungkook, he was pleased to have the advantage of leverage at the moment and used his slightly taller position to exert his dominance of the kiss. Jungkook let him, for a while, but soon became impatient once Jimin started rutting his hips down towards Jungkook's.

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