69. Butterflies Like Flowers pt. 3

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By: @serendipityswan

Jungkook woke up with a groan, his body still heavy with sleep and his eyes staying closed. His head throbbed slightly from the alcohol but mostly from the exhaustion of social interaction and travel. He cracked an eye open to check the time and decide whether or not he could sleep more, only to find it was nearly three in the afternoon.

"Fuck," Jungkook groans, forcing himself to sit up and gain at least some consciousness. His stomach growled loudly, demanding food from the younger who tugged a hoodie on and clumsily stumbled into the kitchen to satiate himself. He was quick to notice how quiet the apartment was, suspiciously so.

"Jimin?" he questioned out loud and got nothing but silence in return. He felt his heart drop, mind immediately conjuring theories of where the elder was that made his stomach twist.

What if he never came back?

Because he's with someone else.

Sleeping with someone else.

Someone more interesting and social.

Someone better than me.

His spiraling thoughts were interrupted when the front door flung open with a startling thud to reveal Jimin with his hands full of bags.

"Oh you're finally up," Jimin says with a small smile, lifting the bags onto the kitchen counter and beginning to pull out groceries while Jungkook blinked wide-eyed at the scene.

"You went shopping?"

"Yeah. I thought about waking you up but you were out cold and looked too peaceful."

"W-What?" Jungkook stammers, cheeks reddening rapidly. Jimin simply continued putting the groceries away.

"Yeah. Guess you were exhausted since you were already asleep when I came back."

"Oh. You came back," Jungkook repeats, relief relaxing him.

"Of course I did. I live here," Jimin chuckles. "Where else would I have gone?"

Jungkook bites down on his bottom lip, resolute on not answering that with the thoughts he was having mere moments ago.

"You left early."

"Huh?" Jungkook questions, hazing zoned out. He looks up to find Jimin looking at him then, expression like a curious cat.

"The party. I couldn't find you when it was over, only to find you already here."

"Oh," Jungkook mutters, worrying his bottom lip as he looks down, fiddling with his hoodie sleeve nervously. "I-I was just really tired."

"Could have told me you were leaving," Jimin points out, no animosity in his tone.

"Didn't want to interrupt," Jungkook mutters. "You looked like you were having fun."

"Okay well next time at least text me," Jimin reasons.

"Right..." Jungkook mumbles, running a hand through his bedhead.

"Hungry? I'm starving. I got some instant ramen," Jimin informs, turning back into the kitchen.

"You don't have to feed me hyung," Jungkook says awkwardly.

"I'm making it anyway so you might as well eat some."

"But it's your food."

"And I can do what I want with it."

"You bought it."

"Kook-ah relax," Jimin chuckles, as if the back and forth is amusing. "If you're that worried about who paid for it, you can get groceries next time okay?"

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