22. On His Tongue Like Liquor👅🍷🥂

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By: @pearlaquabomb

Loosening the tie from around his neck, Jungkook lets out a deep sigh. It's early evening and he's finally done with his meetings with investors and stockholders that's been going on since seven in the morning. His father and CEO of Jeon Financial is expanding his company to America, with his first building opening in New York City. Jungkook gazes out the window watching the evening sun peak through the skyscrapers of Manhattan.

The driver pulls up to the private entrance of the Four Seasons hotel. Then he rounds the back of the Mercedes-Maybach S600 Pullman to open Jungkook's door on the other side. Jungkook follows as the chauffeur leads him to his private elevator. The chauffeur giving a deep bow as Jungkook enters the elevator and Jungkook bows in return thanking the man for his service as the elevator closes between them.

Jungkook leans against the elevator wall taking in a few deep breaths and appreciating this small moment he finally has to himself. Today was... exhausting. Jungkook went from meeting to meeting with his father speaking with U.S. investors to going over plans with contractors for their new office situated in Manhattan. His father was more than excited to break into the American market after they conquered the Asian market for many years. Honestly, Jungkook was completely indifferent about this expansion, but he would never say that out loud because it wasn't the Jeon way of thinking. He was bred since he could walk and talk to be the successor to his father's company. From Phillips Academy in America to Seoul University where he received his Bachelor's in Business. Finally, receiving his MBA in Finance from Wharton three years ago.

His father placing him as a hedge fund manager in the company right after graduating. Which for most, they would think Jungkook had it made with getting such a high position straight out of college but, Jungkook knew better. It was a test. His father wanted to see if Jungkook could handle their most exclusive investors and make them and his father's company the most profit with the least risk. Which Jungkook has made good on and more so these past three years, because like his father always reminds him that, "a Jeon's only option is success."

As he's running his hand through his hair, effectively ruining the well-maintained hairstyle he had all day, it dawns on him that the day was not over.

"Fuck... the party," Jungkook sighs.

Tonight, was the party to celebrate the new business expansion and to welcome their new American clientele. The elevator finally dings, opening to the private entrance to his penthouse suite. He trudged through the living room pass the floor to ceiling windows overlooking Central Park and the glittering lights of the Upper East Side. He enters the kitchen, pouring himself a glass of water. After he finishes the glass, he realizes its way too quiet.

"Babe," Jungkook calls out but gets no response.

He makes his way to the master suite. He enters looking around the apartment-sized bedroom. Then, he scans the king-sized bed in the middle of the room, but no one is laying in it. Just then, the door to the en suite bathroom opens and Jungkook feels himself finally breathe for the first time that day.

His eyes are in complete awe at the beautiful creature that stepped out. The way his smaller body is slightly flushed and glistening from the bath and his blonde hair still damp covering his eyelashes. Jungkook bites his bottom lip and internally groans when he sees the smaller man's wearing a black silk robe that barely covers his round ass and showing off his toned thighs. The robe is tied loosely around his small waist causing one of the sleeves to slip down his shoulder exposing his collarbone.

Jungkook could feel his dick twitch at the sight in front of him. He thinks at that moment how did he get so lucky to be married to the most beautiful man he has ever seen in his life.

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