13. Thirty Four plus Thirty Five🫂🙇🏻‍♂️

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By: @wonce_km

When Jungkook first listened to Ariana Grande's latest album, he was elated as a music student and a fan of her work. During the first few listens, he was able to appreciate her artistry, but the next couple of rounds of listening consisted of making out with his boyfriend while the album looped in the background.

They made out to Nasty and discussed their bedroom dynamics after listening to Positions for the 50th time. But...there was a particular song Jungkook couldn't get out of his head. Sinful images filled his mind of doing what the lyrics portrayed with his boyfriend of three years. Jungkook wanted it so badly—still does after two weeks of looping that particular song, Jungkook decides to make a move.

Jimin's seated on the couch, nursing a can of beer while Unsolved Mysteries plays in the background. Jungkook licks his lis, contemplating how he should go about this. It's their Friday night together since they live separately (at leas for now). On these nights, they take turns watching their favourite shows on Netflix before talking and ultimately getting intimate.

Jungkook shifts closer to Jimin and clears his throat, hoping to steal Jimin's attention from the TV. It doesn't work. Ever so slowly, he slides his foot across Jimin's leg and playfully wiggles his toes. This seems to work because Jimin looks away from the TV and pins Jungkook with a questioning gaze.

"What?" Jimin asks.

Jungkook flashes a nervous smile.

Jimin places his beer down and grabs Jungkook's other leg, gently placing it in his lap. "Wanna talk?" He asks in a softer tone. "Is that professor still giving you a hard time?"

"Umm," Jungkook gnaws on his bottom lip. Here his boyfriend is genuinely concerned about his wellbeing and Jungkook wants to talk about sex.

"I want to eat your ass while you..." Jungkook doesn't picture that conversation going well.

He swallows and replies, "No, it's nothing school-related."

"Then what is it?" Jimin begins to massage Jungkook's calves, working at the muscle the way Jungkook likes. "You've been so quiet."

Jungkook goes through several excuses in his mind, deciding to act tomorrow. "Work's been a bit hard."

Jimin frowns, "You've taken on more shifts."

Jungkook remains silent, staring into Jimin's kind eyes.

"Why not take a few days off? Your scholarship covers most of the money, so you don't need to work as much." Jimin suggests.

Jungkook tosses the idea around before leaning forward and kissing Jimin's lips. "Alright, I'll think about it."

Jimin smiles, kissing Jungkook once more before turning back to the TV. Jungkook watches Jimin and with a soft sigh, he decides to try again tomorrow with a text message instead of having verbal conversation. Then it dawns on him...he could try sending Jimin snippets of the lyrics.

So, the next morning, he does just that. He sends the first text right before Jimin's class and his heart thrums with excitement when the little dots begin to dance on his screen.

My puppy
You might think I'm crazy
The way I've been craving
My puppy
If I put it quite plainly
Just give me them babies

His puppy
You wanna have sex tonight???
His puppy
I can fuck you but I can't give you babies :(

Jungkook snorts, nearly knocking into someone as he stumbles into his classroom. He apologises to the stranger before responding to Jimin.

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