Two. The Avengers

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y/n pov

"Your coming with us, im not letting you out of my sight for awhile" Steve says and i dont argue. He though i had died like Bucky, i didnt tell him that i had gone, just left a note. He blames himself for that.

The whole short walk back to the tower was filled with talk about memories and about the avengers, there was Tony Stark, but i already knew like everything about him. Thor and Loki who where asgardians, Clint Barton an agent and Natasha Romanoff an ex assassin. Peter Parker aka spiderman and a teeganer and then there where one more that they didnt say much about. The elevator ride was more quiet and as soon as we came into the living room everyone stared at me. Thor picked up his hammer, Natasha and Clint picked up their guns and Tony just stood there and watch it unfold. I hide behind my brother even tho I'm not scared, I had to act that way, no one could find out, not now anyway.

"Please dont, this is y/n Barnes" Steve begin and they all freeze at my last name but dosent put down their weapons.

"Since when are there two Barnes?" Tony asks and i can se that he still doesn't trust Bucky after what happened over a year ago.

"Shes my sister" Bucky says and they all stare in shock.

"JARVIS could you get the witch in here please" Tony says to an AI that scares me when it answers.

"They have been notified" Bucky moves so that they can see me. I just stand there while they apparently dont think I am threat anymore and put here weapons down. But just in reach so that they can use them quick. I can feel how they look at me. My y/h/c falling down of my head on my pale skin. Once it had been darker or sun kissed. To the red of my eyes that had blackened since i haven't eaten in a while. I had went straight from the seven hour flight to my brother.

(A/n i know that Elizabeth Olsen has green eyes as well, but the comic version has blue. And I just searched 'Wanda Maximoff eye colour' and used it. And honestly now it's to late to change, just deal with it)

"What do you want Stark" i hear a female voice with an accent so hard but so reconizible. I turn my head to the voice and is greeted with a shocked face with auburn hair and those blue eyes that used to look at me while i fell asleep in her arms. I couldnt believe my sight at the one person who knew me.

"y/n?" she asks as a smile sneaks up on her. I hadnt seen her in almost five years and was pretty sure she thought i was dead.

"Wanda" i say as i run into her embrace. I didnt care who saw me, i just had to kiss that pretty mouth of hers again. So i did, and she didnt pull away and just had her hands in my hair. Everything seemed perfect as the two of us locked lips but got interrupted by Tony who clears his throat to get our attention and it works. As soon as i meet her eyes again everything seemed to stand still and she was scared of what she saw. I saw in her eyes the reflection of yourself in vampire mode. I quickly, before anyone else saw, turned my head away from the others and took a breath even tho i didint need to. The cracks faded away and my eyes got back to red.

"Well not what i expected here but lets get to the good stuff, shall we" Tony said gesturing to a conference room. No one else said anything as we followed him into the room.

Wanda pov

I dont really know what i saw but i know it was something. You never explain to me what it was before and then you had disappeared. I really though you where died, how will i tell you about pietro? You where like best friends.

"So do you mind telling us how your alive if your Barnes little sister?" Tony asks and what? I knew your last name was Barnes but i hadnt thought of that connection.

"Big sister actully, im twelve minutes older then James" she answers and thats when it clicks. I hadnt seen it before, how they looked so familiar. I had thought that first of Bucky but forgot about it. Twins, like me and Pietro. "Unlike my brother and Rogers i was not frozen, i was alive and running the whole time you can say." you continue but just get questioning looks. Even from your brother, but not from me, i had heard this story before, maybe not alĺ of it but i trusted you that it was all i needed to know at the time. But since that was five years ago im a little more intrigued.

"1945 i was put in some kind of camber, like the one that make him, well him" you says pointing to Steve. "It hurt as hell that i can say, but i died during it. I woke up in the hospital morgue and i was still dead, like i am now" you explained but no one seems to understand.

"Shes immortal" i finally say and you meets my gaze, but what i see is not what i expected. Fear and something else.

"So your what? A vampire?" Clint says sarcastically and you stiffens but laughs it off.

"No, im not, but im not human either" you lie and the only one to notice it is me. You had let me pass your defenses and into your mind. But only a bit.

"So you go any other powers? Then immortality i mean?" Nat asks whos been quiet the whole time. I remember when they had forced your powers on you, even though not all of them stayed.

"Yes, actually. Ice, mind manipulation and im partially a shapeshifter" you answers looking over at Nat as your hair changes color to match Nats. After just a few seconds theres two of them, two Natasha.

"Cool" Clint mumbles to himself even tho we all heard it. I see a flash of red in you eyes as you go back to your normal self. You meets my gaze and i see that you used to much of your powers at the same time. Before you could collapse am at your side and teleport us into my room.

"Right, the teleport thing, i almost forgot" you says weekly before dozing of in my bed. I had also forgotten that, the fact that you make my powers stronger when you around.

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