Seventy-nine. Going home x storytime

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y/n pov

"I will miss having another woman in the house," Iris says, giving me a hug.

"Maybe Cait will let you live with her and there will be only two women in the house... apartment rather" i answer in a laugh.

"I will not miss having another woman in the house" Joe laughs as he drags me into a hug too. "But i'll miss you"

"I'll miss you too" i go to Caitlin and Cisco, giving them hugs and goodbyes.

"Remember that we're only one call away, there's a kind of phone programmed into that thing" Cisco says before i go to Barry, giving him a hug and whispering in his ear.

"You know you should ask Iris out"


"Because your head over heels for her, so ask her"

"Now's not the time"

"Later is just another word for never, go for it" i whisper before letting go and walking back to Loki.

"I'll miss you all"

"We'll miss you too Ace" Caitlin says and smiles.

"Ace?" Loki asks.

"My new supername, i kinda like it"

"I like it too" he says before we speed off into the hole of blue clouds. I'm finally on my way home, I'll get to meet Wanda and the twins. Which only reminds me of how i missed their birth and the first two months of their lives.

Nat pov

"A portal has opened in the common room" Friday annonces and I quickly start to run with Wanda at my heels. The twins are sleeping since it's 8 am. I see it's not just us that are running, we meet Tony in his suit and Steve running alongside Bucky and Bruce. Thor comes running behind us.

"Feels good to be home" a familiar voice says as we stand there, hiding. "I can hear your heartbeats and your breathing, your not exactly quiet"

"Is that?" Tony asks and I walk out to look at who's in front of us.

"Missed me?" you say with a sad smile and before i can talk myself out of it i run up to you and hug you. I can't believe i'm hugging you, in front of people. And you're hugging me back.

"Y/n?" Wanda says and the rest emerges from behind the wall. You let me go and just stares at her for a few seconds before rushing into her embrace. You meet halfway and i can't help but admire the love you two share. The love i wish i could share with someone.

Wanda pov

"Where the hell have you been?" i ask her in a whisper.

"You wouldn't believe me even if i told you"

"I missed you so much and im so sorry for what i said" i say with tears rolling down my face into the crook of your neck.

"You have nothing to be sorry about okay, i will always love you and trust you and from now on i will never keep a secret from you even again"

"I believe you" i say and that's it. You let me in your head so that i can ser everything that happened to you. Everything you feel, just like we used to do.

y/n pov

I continue to answer everyone's question when i have my daughter in my arms and son in Wanda's arms. Apparently i weren't the only one who thought of naming the boy after a twin brother. But i tell them about everything that happened, the people, the planet and the life i had there.

After a few hours we all started to get tired so everyone went to sleep while i put the twins back into their cots. Cuddling up in our bed.

"Feels good to be home"

"Feels good to have you home"

Eight years later

3rd person pov

"Can you pwease tell us the story again" Naylie says as Wanda tucks her into her bed.

"But you heard it yesterday" she answers and Pietro adds to the conversation.

"I don't care i want to hear it again"

"Consider it another birthday present" Naylie says and they can see she inherited y/n stubbornness.

"How could you possibly want another birthday present when you spent the entire day getting spoiled by uncle Tony and aunty Pepper" y/n says from the doorframe.

"He can't buy the best bedtime story of all time" the eight year old girl says with a pout.

"That's true, but they did spend two hours driving here because your Mommy wanted a house out on the countryside" the unaged woman says, sitting down beside Wanda.

"Hey, you love our house" she says in defence.

"I didn't say i didn't luv" with that word you earn an eww from Pietro and an aww from Naylie.

"Pwese" the little girl says and the two women look at each other.

"Why not, come here Pip" Wanda says and the little boy gladly jumps up into his sister's bed.

"It all began one afternoon when i found my brother and best friend that I hadn't seen in decades, walking the streets of New York...."

The end

I hope you liked it and i'm starting on my next one right now. It's Grey's Anatomy since i couldn't keep that out of this story it gets its own. I hope you'll check it out for first chapter is up as I'm writing this. And the two other with Wanda i've written

NOTE: There is also re-write of this shit called A immortal and a Widow where we explore similar things with Natasha instead.

Thanks for reading

Total word count part one - 45 854
Total word count part two - 44 067
Total word count - 89 921
Days spent writing - 133 days
Reading time - 6h 40m

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