Fifty. Appointment

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Y/N pov

"I gotta go" i say as i put on a coat to seem normal in the late winter weather.

"Where do you think you're going?" Steve says, making me stop before the elevator.

"I have to do something. You'll find out what it is when it's ready. Sam knows where i am if i take too long so just talk to him in that case" before they have the chance to say anything else I'm out the stairs and standing outside the fertility clinic. Something says that i should have brought Wanda with me since she'll be the one to carry, since I'm dead.

"How can i help you" the frontdesk lady says, she seems to be in her early twenties.

"I'm here to see Pamela Smith'' she checks the computer calendar.

"Miss Wilson?"

"It's Barnes, Mr Wilson was the one to book it" of course he had to put it under his name. To remind me to name it after him. Which i kinda can, there's many variations of Sam, Samantha if its a girl and Samuel if its a boy. Maybe as a middle name, not first name. That'll be up to Wanda.

"Have a seat Miss Barnes and she'll be out in a minute" i sit down in one of the chairs, there's two other couples, straight couples. One of the women gives me a strange look, since I'm there all alone. So i do the obvious thing and pull up my phone. Start messaging with Sam. Since he's the only one knowing where and what I'm doing.

Did you have to book it under your name?

Just for her to know i sent you

You could just tell her that

What would be the fun in that?

God i hate you

No you don't, because i set this meeting up. Now are you gonna tell me why your in a rush.

I just want Wanda to have it all

I mean why so fast, your getting married in a few days too. It's like you're on a timer or something

I have to go now, it's my turn

And with that i turn my phone off and turn to the door that opens.

"Y/N Barnes" she says and i get upp, quickly following her into her office. "You know Sam speaks very highly of you"

"He does?" I sit down opposite to her.

"Yeah he does, and that your looking for a fertility treatment for a biological child of two woman?"

"That's right"

"That's a really expensive treatment and it might not work"

"I know, but i wanted to give it a chance" i meet her gaze. "And if it works or not will help with the research for it to work, won't it"

"That's right. I see you've done your homework on this"

"Can't be too careful can you"

"We do have a time for you and her to come in tuesday"

"That would be great, when do i pay"

"That'll come then, either you pay right then or you get it on kredit. I can send you the prize later"

"Can you send it to Sam, i don't want anyone else to know and the people in the tower are quiet nosy"

"Yeah of course. We'll keep contact trough him then" she looks at the clock and then back to me. "I have another appointment coming up and i would like to get some coffee before"

"Yeah of course, i'll come back in two days then" i say my goodbyes and walk out of the clinic. But my good mood swiftly shifts when i see a familiar car parked outside.

"Hey there, something you wanna tell me?" Nats voice says behind me.

"You know you're one of the very few that's able to sneak up on me" i turn to see her not so happy face.

"I know, but why did Sam help set up an appointment at a fertility clinic"

"Because Wanda wants a baby, i was looking at a way for it to be our fully biological child" shes shocked by my honesty once again but i know she would have found out anyway.

"Does Wanda know your here?"

"Nope, because i didn't want a baby" she looks at me. "But i changed my mind and we don't want to wait" technically we both agreed to wait but i guess she won't mind. "Mind giving me a lift home or are you just gonna let me walk home?"

"Get in the fucking car" she says with a smile, i didn't know she could sound so happy saying that.

"Can you keep it a secret, please"

"Just name the baby after me then"

"What's it with you guys and wanting a baby named after you" she gives i a questioning look. "Sam said the same to get him to keep it a secret"

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