Forty-three. Your daughter

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Y/N pov

"I have people who can help" i say, gesturing for her to follow me to the elevator. "They're good people"

"I just want to find my daughter"

"So do i, but if they are who i think they are, we're gonna need my team" there not my team, but i don't care right now.This is my granddaughter on the line, and great granddaughter. It feels weird, still being so young but soon being a great grandmother.

"Y/N, we still have to talk, you can't just walk away like that" Wanda says as soon as the elevator door opens. That's until she notices Petra. "You can't just take a random lady into the tower"

"Wanda, not now" i lead Petra out to the living room, where everyone is still seated. "This is Petra Meyer, my daughter" everyone goes quiet. "Petra, this is my brother Bucky and his best friend Steve. My best friends Loki and Tony. That's Natasha, Clint, Bruce and Thor" i say pointing to everyone, it's still silent. Turning to the last person i start to play with the ring on my finger, seeing she's doing the same."And that's Wanda" I'm unsure what to call her right now. With all feelings so conflicted. "my fiancé"

"How can you be sure that's your daughter" Tony asks, and i want to roll my eyes, but thats a reasonable question for those that don't know.

"Because shes always had her eyes on her, not talking or actually seeing, just keeping an eye on her to make sure she was safe." Loki says and i give him a thanking smile.

"The first thing i did when i woke up was to search her up, took some time but i did" but there is no time for more questions, so before anyone can open their mouths again you say. "Questions can come later, we have to find my grandaughter Sabine, shes been taken"

"It can't be them vampy, not after what happened" Tony says, referring to me killing Damian.

"They are still there, that was just the begin of the fall" i sigh "They must have taken her to get to me"

"But how could they know of her?" Petra asks, so oblivious, so innocent.

"If i knew where you lived, they probably knew too" i say, not daring to meet her eyes.

"Hey, it's not your fault" Wanda now says, lifting my head up by my chin. "It's not your fault"

Wanda pov

"But it is Wanda, i cant keep having this fight with you over and over again. Because this time your wrong" Theres no sadness in your voice anymore, just depth, infinite dark depth.

"Then we better get going on finding her" Bruce says, first thing he says. "Is there anything i can trace her with?"

"You should be able to trace her like me. At least i think you can" you answer and theres sadness in your voice again.

"Let's get Petra to a safe house while we find Sabine" Steve says but Petra starts to protest, saying it's her daughter, her responsibility.

"Well, your my daughter, that makes you my responsibility. I will get her back, her and the baby, i promise" you say before giving her a hug. "I love you meine Touchter (my daughter)"

"I love you too mama" she says before leaving with Steve and your brother. Im about to say something else, now that shes gone but you stop me with a 'later' face.

"Now, let's find my granddaughter. Bruce, Tony go to the lab. Clint, Nat is there any other way to track her down, do it" they nod and leave together with Bruce and Tony. "Loki you know what to do" he also nods, disappearing in green smoak. "Thor, see if Heimdal can see anything, shes not me so maybe he can"

"What can i do?" i ask, but your not looking at me, you've turned your back to me.

"I just want to be left alone" you start to walk but i grab you arm, turning you around to see your tearful face.

"I can't leave you when your like this you know that. Remember, this is a promise" i say, referring to the rings on our fingers. "On both ends"

"I still don't know what you see in me, im a monster, a villian and villians don't get happy endings" with that you get out of my grip and disappear down the hall. I don't even know what to say to that, your not a villain. Sure in somes stories but in mine your not, not in Lokis either, he said it himself.

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