Twenty-six. Yet a letter

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Wanda pov

"Well since he can take a while to come back up i will go again" you say and sit down beside me again. No one disagrees so you continue. "Thor truth or dare"

"Dare" he says thinking he will regret it.

"Go the five rounds without a shirt" you say and that's not what I was expecting. But he does do it, shirt of.

"My turn, truth or dare... lady Y/n"


"Top of bottom?" his question surprises almost everyone.

"I'm surprised you even know what that is" you say and then notice Tony. "On second thoughts no im not"

"Well that does not answer my question" Tony say, exposing that it was his question just as you suspected. This is so going to expose me to.

Y/N pov

"Top" i say while Wanda hindes behind her locks. It's actually quite cute.

"That means Wanda's a bottom" Nat comments, making Wanda look her dead in the eye. "I mean i'm not surprised but still" i laugh at how cute she is when she's embraced.

"Then it's your turn again, Nat truth or dare?" I say smiling while her smile fades away.


"Weirdest place you've had sex"

"Courthouse before a hearing"

"Wait really, that's your weirdest place?" she nods and the door opens.

"I hate you two" Bukcy says, entering the room again.

"You didn't like the ice slide?" I ask him as if he was a little kid.

"Still hate you"

"Love you too"

"My turn, truth or dare Tony" Nat says, interrupting our little brother sister fight.

"Dare this time"

"Makeout with Y/N" Wanda rects before i even have the chance to comprehend what she just said.

"We're done playing this game" she says standing up, dragging me up with her. "We'll see you all tomorrow" she's still dragging me out of the room and everyone just stares after us.

"What is wrong with you?" I ask her when we're out of sight from the rest.

"What's wrong with me? Oh sorry go back and make out with Tony freaking Stark. You can keep his bed warm tonight" she says leaving me shocked in the hallway. I scare her using my speed to stand in front of her in one second.

"Wanda, is something wrong?" I ask worried why she's acting this way.

"Nothing" she says continuing walking and i don't follow her so i make my way back to the others.

"Thanks for that Tasha'' i say reentering the room. Everyone looks at me in my angry steps.

"It's just a game, I didn't think she would react like that" Nat says standing up.

"You of all people would know that she would react like that, you were there when..." my voice breaks at the memory of knowing when they saw me and Loki. "Your her best friend Natasha, you should know"

"I'm sorry... i truly am.

"That's not enough, you have to go talk to her, apologize to her not to me" i say angry but still hurt by Wanda's words. "Now"

"Okay breathe, I will talk to her" she says, starting to walk away.

"So want to talk about it?" Tony asks but i can feel the tears in my eyes. If i speak there's no way to hold it together.

"I'll see you all tomorrow" i say after turning around, walking towards my bedroom. Where i haven't slept in over a week. No one follows me, which is good, no one will see how i break down in the hallway. But instead of the hurt and sadness over what happened, the anger comes. Which ain't good. But i guess now's the time for me to use my past week with Loki.

Tony pov

"Y/N?" i say , knocking on her door. "Are you still awake?" i know she is but still. But no one answers so I knock again. Still no response. Nat comes out from Wanda's room behind me.

"What's wrong?" she asks with a worried face.

"She's not answering the door" I explained and she got the same worried face.

"Y/N? Can i come in?" she asks knocking on the door but no response. She gently takes the handle and opens the door. Not enough for me to see in as well but then she opens the door full. No one is there and it's a mess. Clothes and stuff everywhere. We walk into the empty room and notice the window repairing itself like before.

"Look" Nat says, picking up a piece of paper from the nightstand.

"It seems to be a letter."

"Yeah I can see it's a letter but why?" she says before opening it and a pair of keys fall out. They have a black fluffy ball on the keychain.

Dear Avengers

I don't know who is reading this but i guess it's Nat or my brother. I have gone for a while, I will be back so there's no need for Wanda to panic. I am so happy that i have found a place with you but there's something i must do. I have been training my magic with Loki behind you backs with the help of Thor. Don't be mad at him, I made him help me. The key is to our apartment, Loki will be there. And i'm telling you that in case I don't come back soon, not so that you can throw him in a cell. He is also the only one that knows what i'm doing so just wait, if i'm not back in a couple of days you can ask him where i am. If i don't come back at all or you can't find me i just wanted to say thank you to everyone for becoming like a second family to me.

Love Y/N Barnes

"We have to go there" i say but she stops me before i can take another step towards the door.

"No, she told us to wait"

"And she's in trouble, she can thank us later for not waiting"

"If she's not back in 36 hours we'll go there, alright. Give her some time"

"Fine, but what are we going to say to the rest of the team, or Wanda for that matter"

"Nothing, we don't tell them she's gone"

"Then where do we say she is?"

"That shes with Fury, undergoing tests to see what she's capable of"

"And when her 36 hours are gone?"

"We go and talk to Loki, then we can tell the rest if it's necessary" she says and though everything seems like we'll throughout there's something that we're missing.

"And Barnes? Won't he know we're lying, i mean there supertwins"

"Then he will have to keep it secret as well" she's holding onto the key.

"And if someone tries to contact her or Fury to ask about her?"

"We just have to hope no one does"

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