Six. The thrill of the clone

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Wanda pov

I hadnt noticed when they left but according to JARVIS they where on a mission.

"We're bringing someone in, can you prepare the white cell?" Nat had asked me over the phone and at first i took a pause wondering why, since that cell was used to hold people like Bucky and Steve, and me. "Yeah i can fix that" and thats exactly what i did. Even though i did not expect who they would put in there.

"Ms Maximoff, your presence is required in the white cell" JARVIS says and that means their back. But still i didnt know why i was needed, since Nat had put me on the sidelines for now.

"You wanted me?" i say as i walk into the same room as Tony, Nat and Bruce. The rest must have gone off somewhere. But instead of answering me they just look through the glass window to a girl lying on the floor. There was something with her that seemed familiar, but now quiet.

"Its y/n" Tony says and i had already notice the similarity but its not you. I know it.

"No its not" they all look at me as if i said something crazy, but to them i guess i had."Thats not her, thats a clone"

"Okay that means more explaining to the whole group, JARVIS" Tony says as he continues to look at me. "You have some serious explaining to do now Wanda"

Thor, Clint, Bucky and Steve all walk into the room where they all can see it lying on the floor. Their choked faces do not hide what they're thinking.

"Why isn't she back to normal? I thought that's why you called Wanda down here Tony" Clint says and there I have one quetion answered. Only 99 to go.

"That was the ide but then Wanda here said something that i dont think someone will explain multiple times" he answered but he was right. I had no intention of explaining more than one time.

"Its a clone of y/n" I start as they all have their eyes on me. "nine years ago they had captured her and she was put in a cell next to me and Pietro, they would tourture her for what she is because she doesn't die of it. Six years ago she was forced to marry Damian Kaekha to protect me, after the ceremony they" i trail of at the memory of what they had done "that night they did something that helped them clone her, but it failed when she got away"

"So this was right before she escaped" Thor interrupts me and I nod to answer. I had never told anybody the story of my years with Hydra, just some of it with you. But not my history,

"Because of what she is, they needed her to control the clones or else they would go rogue. And that would mean a thousand vampires on a killing spree" they all can just look at me after my explanation like it was something, normal.

"So you knew what she was?" Bruce ask breaking the tension.

"Yes but she never showed it, because thats when she loses control" Bruce and Tony just look at each other like scientist and i dont even wanna know what their thinking.

"So that one is rouge?" Nat questions but i shake my head.

"No, that one is controlled by her" i say not daring to say your name anymore. "They must have something on her to make her do this, like..." before i can finish my sentence it moves, with fingers it spells something in the blood. Numbers... 36.

"What the hell is that suppose to mean" someone say but i dont know who, I turn my head to meant Buckys gaze and hes thinking the same as me. The containment cell 36 in island.

"Shes in iceland" we almost say in sync. "Theres only one place thats called 36 and thats on iceland" Bucky continues at the questioning looks. i see it, i feel it. Its about to self destruct and with a swift movement with my hand a forcefield around it, containing it. The other just stare in confusion.

y/n pov

"Shes in iceland" Wanda and my brother almost say in sync. "Theres only one place thats called 36 and thats on iceland" Bucky continues at the others questioning looks.

It blows but i open my eyes at the light. They know where i am now, and Damian doesn't know i sent one of the clones there.

"honestly i didnt think you could bare it, you currently are stronger then we first thought" the man in front of me says.

"Well you know what they say about what doesn't kill you make you stronger" i answer, making a smile on my face. My reflection in the black glass across from me, is tired and exhausted. It felt like my life was slipping away again, my eyes had no blood red glance but was instead filled with gold brown. That Cullens color from the twilight movies i saw a few years ago."Yeah, ready for another go now are we Mrs Kaekha" Doctor Alleka says for my open eyes. I hated that he called me that, but thats what i am to them. Damian's wife.

"Im always ready" i answer even though I'm not.

"You really are crazy" he says and Wanda's scream echoes through my head again and tears start to fall down my face. A whole week with her scream in my head is making me go crazy. The only thing stopping me now is that i know that shes alright and they are coming for me. But how long till I'll lose control now that I'm hungry. All these questions stirred together with the scream makes it even more unbearable.

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