Fifty-one. I know what your hiding

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Wanda pov

I hear you and Nat come out of the elevator, right after you'd left she also left. Which makes me think for some reason you two are keeping something a secret. You hold her hand but drop it to walk over to me on the sofa.

"Hello luv" you whisper in my ear, sending chills down my spine.

"Now can you tell me what you were doing?" i get your point on my impatience but i don't like you keeping secrets from me, you've never done it before.

"You were right about her being impatient" Nat mumbles before heading into the kitchen "You guys want anything to eat?"

"Have you eaten?" you ask me and i want to say yes even though i haven't.

"I'm not hungry"

"Yes, she'll have something to eat '' good i hate how you see right through me. I wish i could do the same to you, but you've trained for seventy years to not be seen through.

"I was thinking about training later, you two wanna join?"

"I should get some rest, I'm exhausted" you say and start to walk to the kitchen, to Nat. "Wanda can join you, she needs to get some energi"

"I thought you'd want her to join you"

"Not this time, beside you two have barely spent any time together since iceland" i feel the regret and anger remembering you leaving in your voice.

"Finally, then i can have a girl talk about the wedding, Tony left me a copy of his plans"

"I know, i got one too" you say and i decide to join the conversation in the kitchen instead of just listening.

"Sounds fun" Nat puts a plate with pasta and meatballs in front of me.

"I'll come down in a few hours" you say, kissing my cheek and disappearing away again.

"I've seen her less in the last few days then i've seen you in two months" i mumble and i see the sad face on her face when she puts down her own plate.

"I know, just bear with her, i promise you'll love what she's planning"

"How'd you know?"

"I... i was... i picked her up from... the place... she was making... her plans in" she stumbles over her words.

"You know that didn't make any sense"

"I know, just wait and see"

"I can't just sit around and not see her before I marry her in eight days."

"Why aren't you gonna see her in eight days?" Steve asks as he enters the room with Bucky. They've been inseparable the last couple of weeks.

"Nothing" Nat answers fast but what's the deal of keeping it a secret that it's a secret.

"She's planning something with Sam and now Nat knows but no ones supposed to know"

"Who is keeping a secret?" Clint asks, entering with Bruce by his side. He's been hiding in his labb very much.

"Y/N, she's keeping something from me, but both Sam and Nat knows" i say

"Do you mean that she's planning on making..." Bruce begins but Nat gives him a killing look.

"You know too?" i ask and he nods imberased.

"I didn't know it was such a secret, sorry" he says to Nat who turns to put more food on some other plates for the others.

"I'm sure Sams gonna slip" Bucky says with a laugh.

"I'm not so sure about that, he was the one to give her the idea" Nat cuts in while everyone starts to eat.

"Still, he might slip it" Steve concurges.

"No he won't, she made sure of that. It's impossible for him to talk about it with anyone else then her" Nat explains and everyone stops to stare at her.

"How?" Clint asks, breaking the silence.

"Her powers, jeez. You've all forgotten that shes a shapeshifter, has ice powers and mind manipulation" right, i did forget about that, except for the ice powers. "Maybe she should come on missions more, she could prove useful"

"It's too much of a liability if they both are on the mission" Steve cuts in, referring to me and you.

"He's right, they would jump in front of bullets or worse without a second thought" Bucky agrees and i have to say something.

"I wouldn't" everyone looks at me. "What? She's immortal, she can take a bullet or a nuclear explosion if she wants to. She doesn't need me to jump in front of her"

"That's true, but when it comes down to it you'll do it no matter what because you love her"

"I still wouldn't give my life for something she would survive, then she would be so mad at me for getting myself killed and she would blame herself and try to kill herself again and that won't work so she'll starve herself until she's too weak to do anything and just suffer for eternity" i ramble on while they just look at me. But it's true, you would do that. You would blame yourself.

"Alrighty, can we just eat and go back to our daily business" Clint says and we all silently agree but i can't stop thinking about it. You would find a corner in the world and just lay there and become a legend, until someone decides to wake the legend up. Then the world will probably end at your thirst. Maybe if Mia is still alive she can stop you or maybe stop you from even sitting in your corner. I might not like her but if she could stop you from punishing yourself then she is your best chance.

"I'll be back in a minute" i say, leaving them at the kitchen table, and into our room. Where you lay on the balconies chairs.

"I'm not asleep, if you want me anything" you mumble as i must have been standing int he middle of the room, just looking at you. You sit up and turn around to face me. "You want to know what it is i'm planning don't you?"

"Yes, will you tell me?"

"Then there won't be a surprise party to tell you" you joke with a smile.

"I don't care, Sam, Nat and Bruce all knows, so now i wanna know"

"Sam helped me do that's why he knows, Nat followed me there and Bruce accidently saw one of my mails because i forgot to log out of my computer down in the lab. I'm surprised Tony didn't see it"

"Can you just tell me, i know i'm being clingy but i can't just sit here and know your keeping something big from me."

"Fine, i have us booked for an appointment at a fertility clinic this Tuesday"


"Because we're gonna have a baby"

"I thought you wanted to wait"

"I did, but i don't anymore and there is this program that will make the baby 100% biologically ours"

"Really?" i say excited as you drag me down in your lap. Taking your cheeks in my hands, and give you a small kiss before saying. "Were having a baby"

"You know it might not work so don't get your hopes up to much"

"I don't care as long as i have to i don't care, There are other ways we can do in that case." you drag me in for another kiss, passionately. "Were gonna have baby"

"Wear gonna have a baby"

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