Sixty-one. Ceremony

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A/N keep in mind that I've been to one wedding in my life, and that was in 2013. So I literally have taken this information from Google and movies. And since it's Asgardian too I could just use my imagination, plus a little Tony Stark sparkle on. Listen to the music for the ceremony btw.

This is actually my childhood dream wedding, just changed it into a more Marvel theme. So my base material for this is literally something I wrote when I was seven, like in 2012, second grade.

This is your dress

This is your dress

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y/n pov

I can see how they all rais from their seats as i walk in the door beside my brother. A tear escapes my eye as i walk down the aisle, that's decorated in white and red roses. The red meaning love, beauty, courage and respect while the white represents purity, innocence and youthfulness. That's at least what Tony said. Everyone is looking me up and down, admiring my dress. The white flowers along my chest and the whole top, the slit that goes up to my hip. The smell of lavender fills my nose and the steady heartbeat of the people and my brother helps me focus on not falling. As i get to the altar i see Freya, Loki and Thor's mother, stand there as the one to marry us. As she takes my hand in hears a very earthly songs start to play. Flightless Bird, American Mouth being played and singed by one of Asgards most famous singers. Estrid. I can admit that i created a crush on her when i was here before.

But everyone's gaze switches from me to the woman who enters after me, in a beautiful, not from earth, dress.

There is a certain glow in her ocean blue eyes as they meet mine

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There is a certain glow in her ocean blue eyes as they meet mine. The skirt starts just above her stomach where silk and lace decorate the floor around her as she walks. Her auburn looks on her shoulders and some in a braided crown on her head, where it also lays a grown with a veil.

It's magical as she walks the aisle, with Loki by her side

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It's magical as she walks the aisle, with Loki by her side. She felt that Thor would outshine her.
Don't fall, don't fall, don't fall, please don't let me fall

I hear her repeat in her head, accidentally sending it over to me. It stops as Loki's mouth moves quietly and discret, saying 'relax' and 'you're not going to fall'. As they come up to the altar where I'm standing Loki gives me her hand so that i can lead her up to stand right in front of me. I lift up the vail so that i can see her face clearly.

"We are gathered here today to witness the union between y/n Diana Margret Barnes and Wanda Marya Maximoff" Freya begins as i get lost in her eyes. "I don't know much about Wanda but i do know y/n"

I all let out a small laugh as she starts to talk again.

"She came here with a problem to be solved, thinking she didn't deserve a happy ending for what she is. Yet still she proceeded to chase what she didn't think she deserved. I don't know if she still thinks so but I'm here to prove to both of you that you deserve this happy ending. Knowing the love you two share, i just know you'll be happy. But now, vows... y/n"

"I didn't think someone could love me after everything i've done, but still you managed to see beyond the monster and seen me. At first i thought i was dreaming, but after everything we've been through, being separated more than once, by death and distance. I had lost everything, a husband, a child and my life. But now i get everything renewed, a wife, a child and my new life" everyone is in shock at the news i just dropped, except for Nat whos just smiling big "But i know that i want to spend it all with you. I love you"

Freya gestures for Wanda to continue hers.

"When we first meet i though you were the most beautiful and strongest woman at the compound. As I guessed it was true. When you got higher value for them, you still protected both me and my brother" a tear stirs down her left cheek at the memory of her brother. "But i was certain of one thing in all that kaos, my love for you. And then you left" i feel guilt for not taking them with me.

"But everytime you came back, from the compound, from a guilt trip and even from death. And that made me realise that you're always with me one way or another. And with this" she rests her hand on her stomach. "I'll get to start the life with you i always wanted, i love you"

"Now repeat after me" and so we do. Repeating every other sentence.

"I y/n, take thee Wanda, to be my wife"

"I Wanda, take thee y/n, to be my wife"

"To have and to hold"

"From this day forward"

"For better and for worse"

"For richer, for poorer"

"In sickness and in health

"To love and to cherish"

"From this day forward"

"Until worlds collide"

"And we die together"

"I am now proud to pronounce them for the first time as wife and wife, you may kiss each other" Freya finishes and i take her face in my hands. Crashing my lips into hers as people cheer. As we melt together for a few seconds before parting and turning to everyone. Taking her hand in mine as we start to walk back down the aisle, but as a married couple. I'm married to the love of my life, can life be any better. And it seems like it can, later when we're all seated around a massive table ready for speeches. First up is Tony.

"I was so glad that they let me plan their wedding, even though I may have been on their backs for a month about it. y/n even took the love of my life here because i was too of a coward to ask her to be my plus one" he says, gesturing to Pepper on the seat next to him. "But i can't be more then happy for you too get married and have a child together"

Next is Loxi.

"I was thinking about how i meet y/n i thought i'd share the story" he says making me palm my face and getting a laugh out of a few. "I was hiding in her apartment in Sweden when she got home, i was hurt and she helped me, a complete stranger that had broken into her home. And our first adventure together was actually trying not to get killed, but i got to know her through that experience. More then maybe i should say at her wedding to another"

Many lets out a laugh and a bunch of 'ooh' and 'what' since he technically just declared that you had slept together.

"But when she met Wanda again, I couldn't be more then happy for her. So happy that i even started helping her new team and helped her admit that they had become her team. It was a wonderful sight to see her this happy, so i hope that you get the same for the rest of your lives together"

A round of applause for him and then it's Thor's turn, Nat and then Clint. They all talk more about Wanda than me, but also the start of their relationship with me. Now it was Wanda's turn.

"I think i just have one thing to say, since i said most of it at the altar. But as you all figured out, we're pregnant" she takes my hand in hers. "with twins"

"What?" I say with a confused and happy smile. Before everyone starts to applaud again i whisper to yourself "We're having twins?"

"We're having twins" she repeats, taking me into her arms as applause starts to go around the big ballroom. Nothing in this world has ever made me happier then to hear her say those words.

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