Twenty-eight. 19 hours

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TW - Homophobia

Tony pov -  19 hours

"How long are we going to wait out here?" I ask impatiently.

"Damien was still in Iceland, around nine hours for him to get here after the five hour flight here for her. So until he or someone pulls up here" Loki answers camly, i don't understand how he can be so calm.

"There, get down" Nat says, pushing us to the ground as a black car drives past us to a little fallen cottage. Kinda creepy cottage.

"Maybe we should have brought the rest of the team" i say and Nat pulls out her phone but Loki stops her.

"What? We need backup"

"And me?" Loki ask letting go of her hand.

"I don't know, we'll explain to them after we get her out."

Y/N pov - 18 hours

"I am sorry again miss about the time" the man in front of me say, he has a scar over his right cheek.

"No worries, I have all the time in the world, besides it's only been twelve hours" i answer in a russian accent.

"Mr Kaekha has changed his orders and want us to start interrogate you if that's okay?" I just nod for an answer. After twelve hours in a black room without talking has become hell. Even though i cooled the room to make them put the AC on. Making them use more power, less power for protection later.

"Mind telling us how you knew where this base was?"

"It's was on the map home"

"And where is home? Russia?"

"You guessed correctly, I traveled here because I thought this was where I could find him. I didn't know he had flown to Iceland" i say with an even more refraction then before.

"How did you know he was in Iceland?"

"I have sources that told me when i got here, but since i already where here i thought i could check it out anyways."

"What is your full name miss?"

"Korotkina Lara Valerianova Schmidt... but people call me Lara Schmidt also known as the granddaughter of Johann Schimdt aka Red Skull"

"I'm sorry fraulein, i did not recognize you"

"That's okay, i don't really look like him so it's hard to see" the door opens and in my heart was bearing, it would skip some beats. There i was, meeting his deep grey eyes again.

"Sorry for the delay, miss" he says with a dark tone that should give me goosebumps, but it doesn't. I'm in a roll, and must stay that for a while.

"No worries, it's always a pleasure to meet you Damian" he noticed my accent in an instance.

"Russia, how come your here in america, can't be just to meet me?"

"Sorry but no, i'm Korotkina Lara Valerianova Schmidt, but you can call me Lara Schmidt" i say and he is interested.

"Then what brought you here fraulein?"

"I've come to talk about your wife, the one that somehow escaped this very base six years ago"

"You really seem to have your information right" he straightened himself before opening his mouth again. He still disgusts me. "How about a tour as we speak fraulein"

"Sure why not"

"I must say, your english is very good"

"I spent a few years with some amerikans when I was younger"

"How old are you?"

"That's a very rude question to ask a lady"

"I'll tell you if you tell me... i might be older than i look"

"You go first and then i might tell you"

"32" i pretend to look surprised, i already knew that but if not i would be surprised. "Now you"


Nat pov - 15 hours

"Can someone please explain to me what we are doing here, why he is here?" Steve asks and me seems to be the only one who can't figure it out.

"Long story short, Y/N left, shes not at SHIELD, shes attacking Damian Kaekha down there" i start explaining, pointing to the cottage. "She asked us to not go after her but go to Loki who is... was the only person who knew her plan and where she was going. And hes been training her"

"We started of by giving her 36 hours but when Thor told us why she had been training with Loki we went straight to him" Tony continue."And he's on our side now, so don't attack him no matter how much you want to, we need him"

"So let me get this straight" Wanda begins, sounding angry. "You didn't tell me that the lov of my life is at the hands of Damian fucking Kaekha, the same man who starved her and married her to hurt me... and tried to kill me?"

"If you put it like that, it doesn't sound so good I know, but we need to get down there. If my calculations are right, which they are, she has been down there the last twenty hours" Loki says, looking at every one of us.

"How much it pains me to say, hes right. We need to get in there now" i say, looking out over the dead road to make sure no one sees us.

Damian pov

"I also heard that she's gay" you ask with your magestic russian voice.

"Also another reason why i married her, to get that nonsens out of her head" i say continuing down the hall."We've been walking for hours, how about some food?"

"That would be nice, going in high heels does hurt after a while" you say with a soft laugh, but there's something about that little laugh that reminds me of someone.

"Right this way, fraulein Lara" i say but gets interrupted by an agent.

"Sorry to disturb but there's something you need to see"

"You" I say , grabbing another agent's attention. "Take fraulein Lara to the kitchen and make her whatever she wants"

"Is something wrong?" you ask, looking at me with some worried eyes.

"I will see, than i'll meet you there" i say before walking away. The whole bunker shakes as if an earthquake. "What the hell was that" i say entering the monitoring room.

"It's seems like someone is attacking the base from outside" someone answers my question.

"I noticed that but who, go get fraulein Schmidt and get her to the safety room, NOW!"

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