Three. What the hell did you do Wanda?

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y/n pov

Extremely awkward to pass out in from of the avengers, Typically me to show of what i could. It had been so long since i did a full body that it took all my power away. I was so lucky Wanda was there, and did she teleport me to her room. I feel a warm body against mine under the sheets. Arms around my waist. Even after what she saw, she not scared. I hade kept that part from her, so she had never seen it until now. She knew about it but never saw it. I see the clock on the night table. Its midnight so theres no way that the other doesn't know what happened now. I wonder if she told them how we knew each other. I have more questions then ever, last time we saw each other i was running away with a blast, literally. I had wished that i could have taken them with me, Wanda and Pietro, but there was no way i all could run away without them finding me again. I detach yourself from Wanda without waking her up and walk out of the room.

"What are you doing up at this hour?" a male voice asks behind me. Its Tony, i can hear his mecanic heart doing its work. I almost vamp out, as i call it when i go into vampire mode. For some reason it had became harder to keep under control with the people i love. Or yeah these people.

"Couldnt sleep, you?" I ask walking into the kitchen where Tony is sitting.

"Couldnt stop wondering about you. You know ive heard about you from Fury" he says and i stiffen. What the fuck Fury, i thought i had made it clear as day when i told him no in the 90s."Like how you where offered a jobb with SHIELD and declined it over and over again"

"I had my reasons" i just say as a glass with red liquid appears in my hand. For someone else it looks like soda or a smoothie but for someone like me. Food, or yeah, human blood.

"What is that?" I turn around so that I'm are facing the city and not Tony.

"Food" i answer as i chunk it down. In hope that Tony doesnt see the cracks below my eyes in the reflection of the window.

"Wheres my brothers room?" I ask turning back to meet Tonys glare and smirk.

"Down the hall to the left, almost all the way down. His door is hard to miss" he answers and i start walking.

"You dont like very much do you?" he shakes his head. Not denying it. I sigh as i walk down the hall towards my brothers room.

Wanda pov

I wake up with a jerk and notice why in an instant. Your not next to me. I grab a silk robe and walk out into the kitchen where Tony is seatted.

"Have you seen y/n?" i ask and startle him as he didnt notice me come in.

"No but im sure shes fine" he answers and nods for me to sit down. I knew he was lying about where you where but i knew that i you could take care of yourself.

"Look i know you dont like her, but could you please give her a chance, you gave me one even after what i did" i start not knowing where im going with this."You dont even know her, shes not some super soldier thats trying to kill us for them"

"You told us how you knew her and that she worked for THEM, how do you know shes not like her brother" Tony speaks and stands up.

"Because i made sure that she wasnt, yes its true that she was like that but i said the words and nothing changed '' i say defending the fact that your not like that anymore.

"You what?" a familiar voice say at the doorstep. "I thought i could trust you but your no better then Damian right now'' you say and gets chills just by his name. Im to surprised you even mentioned him that i dont even know what to say. Damien was the man you were forced to marry during your four years we were together at Hydra, one yeare before you got away you where married to that monster and technically you still are. Before i can notice your already gone, nowhere to be find.

"JARVIS where did y/n go?" Tony says suspiciously, he thinks that shes activated by the words i had said.

y/n pov

I cant believe that she could do that to me. Sure it didnt work, like she thought it wouldnt. But still, she couldnt have known that. What if it had worked, then everyone in this tower would already be dead. But thats not whats on my mind as i stand on the towers roof edge. I dont know how i had dared say his name, hes been able to track me down before. What if he does it again.

Flashback - six years at Hydra headquarters

"Again, again, again" he shouted as another electric staff was touching your lower back. A painful scream comes from my throat, but i can still hear the voices of my friends on the other side of a black window.

"Now tell me what i want to hear y/n" he keeps shouting as my head falls back in pain. I had to do it, or else he would hurt the twins. YOU HAVE TO DO THIS, WHY CANT YOU SPEAK. My voice fails me so i just nods in tears. It had been some time since someone had tortured me like this. I guess you really let your guard down after twenty years on the run, without being caught.

"Good girl" he whispers in my ear and it disgust me. "Now get her ready for the ceremony, she cant look like this" he says before exiting the room. I can hear her scream for me on the other side but theres nothing i can do anymore. It was happening, and i would never be able to be with her alone again.

End of flashback

"y/n?" an unfamiliar voice, but still familiar says behind me and everything goes dark.



Slow the horses what happnd here? Will you ever forgive Wanda for what she did and will she save you from what took you?

Thanks for reading and i hope you liked it


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