Seventy. Knowing the truth

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Wanda pov

"Sure there is nothing i can do?" Sam asks me for the hunderth time in the last hour.

"I'm sure Sam, i just want my wife right now"

"Well that i something i can't do, say something i can do"

"Fine, you wanna do something to help. Shut up" i feel tears start to fall down my face in anger and i mumble under my breath, placing my hands om my belly. "Stupid pregnancy hormons"

"You must be starving, let's go to the kitchen and i'll fix some food" he says, just one second after i just told him to shut up.

"Will it make you shut up?"

"Yes, beacseu i can't cook and talk at the same time"

"Then, let's go" with a helping hand i clumpsy get up and we walk to the kithcen. A we pass the medbay, noones there.

"Where are the others?" i ask Sam but he just shrug his shoulders and continue to walk me into the kitchen.

"So what do you want? We have" he takes a pause, oppening the refridgerator. "Pizza, icecram, tacos and... chineas"

"Chineas as appitizer, pizza and tacos as a main couars and icecream as desert"

"I like the way you think" he says and start to cook, or well warm the leftovers. First chineas since you don't need to warm it really. Then Pizza and Tacos when theire warm and at last the icecream. But in all that time we're sitting there, five hours to be exact since you left me in our room, i havn't seen the shadow of a single human being. Apart from me and Sam. I keep worrying about what your doing, probobly something about the curse, or it's just that you conservative military husband is back.

"Is something wrong?"

"Why do everyone keep asking me that?" i say with an angry tone.

"Because your crying again"

"Well i have a lot to worry about, and im crying becasue im mad"

"Your mad? About what?"

"My wifes dead husband, our babies, the curse, our fu..." i stop myself when i realised i sliped with my information.

"I didn't think she'd tell you about that, i guess i was wrong" he says with a laugh, taking another bite of his icecream.

"You know too? Why am i the only one who doesn't know what that is about"

"Chill, your not the only one. Tony, Bruce, Steve and Bucky doesnt know either"

"Is that what Nat and y/n have been doing?"


"Can you tell me more abuot it please"

"I'm not sure i should get myself involved in that"

"You already are when you keeping it a secret"

"I still don't think i should tell you" and thats it, a quick handmovment and some red sparkles and im in his head. Looking trough what you could have said. There, he leed me to it on purpuse. I start to look at it from the beging, to not miss anyhitng.

Sam pov flashback

"Hey, could i get some help" i hear you call out from one of the booths.

"I'll help" i call back before coming in to you. And since im the only one left here, i help you with the chain. "You really do look beautiful"

"Are you hitting on me?"

"No of course not"

"Good because i have no idea what she would do to you if you did" i must have seen scared becaseu you let out a laugh at my reflection. "Now get out so i can change"

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