Sixty-seven. Surprise

533 26 1

y/n pov

My wife is fast asleep in my arms i you can't sleep. I want to get back to work, trying something that might slow down the pregnancy. it's going far too quickly, faster then i first had calculated. It's not right for her to go though this to later on lose them. They need at least two weeks in the womb, even if they're fully grown Wanda needs that time so that she'll make it.

Before i know it I'm already halfway down back to the lab and workshop. I can't let it wait, not when this is going to kill her before they are born. I get back to work even though it's around five am now when my music takes an end. It's not the end of a playlist, since that list is over twelve hours long,

"What are you doing?" My wife's voice cuts through the air. It's not mad but it's not exactly loving.

"Just a thing that needs to be done" i say without turning to face her. She might be small and pregnant but she still manages to scare me. Maybe not scared but at the same time yes.

"Stop with the secrecy, you promised to stop with the secrets"

"It's not a secret, i just don't want to tell you until i know it work"

"Until what works?"

"Theres a thing about this pregnancy that i didn't tell you" she seems to breath out, like she was expecting something else to be said. But her quietness i take as a sign to keep talking. "They need to stay in there at least two weeks so that you don't die in brith"

"So I don't what?" she asks in shock.

"There was a slight chance that the pregnancy would go quickly, I didn't think it would actually happen. So as soon as we got home i started working on a kind of dampening wristbands, that'll slow down the pregnancy"

"This is stuff your suppose to tell me y/n"

"I know, but as i say didn't think it would happen so i didn't worry about it. But there's nothing to worry about, since i solved the problem"

"In the middle of the night" she takes a deep breath and sigh. "I don't have the strength to fight with you anymore, i'm going back to bed"

"As soon as you put these on" i say, extending her the bracelets. They're of metal but warm. "I will fix so there more comfortable, but until then"

"Fine" she takes them and starts to walk out, but before she says. "Goodnight"

And she's off to bed, again. Why can't things just be simple? Just for once in my life can something be easy.

"What would be the fun in that" a dark voice says, i realise i had said that out loud. Without a single thought a sword of hard ice extends my hand just as i turn to meet whos there.

"Who are you?" I ask right out, into the man in the shadows.

"Is that any way to greet your long lost husband, the love of your life?" he says, stepping out of the shadows and into the light of the workshop. Seeing his sparkling forest green eyes with his warm brown hair. Light brown skin, sunkissed. If it weren't for his eyes you might not have recognised him.


"Glad to see you remember who i am, i didn't first"

"What do you mean? How are you here, so young"

"I could say the same to you y/n" he moves closer to me, looking into my blood red eyes. As he walks closer i can smell it off him, the stench that marks any wolf. "I looked for you, you were gone"

"y/n i'm sorry for the way... who are you?" Wanda says, coming back into the workshop. Gaze fixed on the small gap between me and him.

"I'll be right with you luv, just wait in the kitchen" i say with a look of please. She's about to protest but i tell her in my mind instead.

I promise i'll tell you everything, answer every single question, just walk away right now

"Sure, don't be too long babe" she says, walking away even though she doesn't want to. But i guess that getting answers is better than getting nothing.

"Babe?" Daniel asks, looking back to me.

"She's my wife" in a weak moment he raises his hand to slap me but i take a firm grip around his wrist. "I wouldn't do that if i were you"

"Then answer my questions" he says with the tone that used to make me want to crawl into a corner and cry. But that was before, I'm not the same anymore. I may suffer from PTSD of everything but i can handle yourself, even then I'm scared. Percs of being dead.

"Ask away"

"Where are we?"

"Avengers tower, my home and the home of my family"

"What is all of this?" he says, gesturing to all the technology.

"It's tech, a hologram screen." he looks at me with a thousand more questions. "You don't know what that is, do you?"

"Where were you? I looked for you, it's been five months and your already remarried, to a woman no less"

"It's been almost eighty years since i disappeard Daniel, how are you alive?"

"It's been five months y/n, what is happening?"

"What's the last thing you remember?" I ask, afraid of what he has been affected by. This is not how i expected the day after my wedding day to be.

"I was in the woods with Rogers, looking for you. We came across some hydra agents and i fell" i take out a censor from one of the drawers.

"I think you fell through a wormhole" i say, draggin the piece of metal in front of him.

"What's that"

"A whole in space and time, i think that when you fell into it you somehow ended up here"

"What are you talking about?"

"You timetraveld"

"That's not possible, there's no such things"

"Howard we're talking about flying cars, Steve became a super soldier and i died"

"If your dead? Does this mean i'm in heaven?"

"If it only were that simple, i'm not going to heaven no matter what, I've killed far too many for that." I take a breath to meet his asking gaze. "You time traveled eighty years into the future Daniel, things have changed"

He still doest seem to believe a word I'm saying, like I'm talking in a different language.

"I need to talk to Tony" i mumble but he hears me.

"Who's that?"

"Howards son, it's his tower technically" i meet his searching gaze, seeing it looking for you. But it's not the me he remembers. "Could you follow me up to the medbay please" i say to him and then i say to Friday.

"Friday, please let the Avengers know i need them in the medbay now, let Sam know too"

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