Ten. Old frenemy - Part two

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I have lay him down on the couch again, compressing in his open wound. I don't have a second though before i began to take care of him. That's what i did when i toured with Steve. An extra nurse, for every town we were in.

"Hey hey take it easy" i say as he begins to move around. He stops and looks at me dead in the eyes. "Who are you?"

"Loki son of Odin" i almost let out a laugh.

"As in the Nordic gods. Yeah sure, and your brother is Thor" i laugh off but he only looks serious at me. "Oh"

"I'm Wictoria and if you want your wound to heal better you need to stop moving"

"That's not your real name is it?" I shake my head at the lie he saw right through.

"No it's not" i say smiling to yourself. "But it's safer that way, for the both of us"

"Why are you helping me?" he asks after a few minutes of silence and i hadn't thought of that. "I broke into your home and just told you am a god"

"Yeah well I'm not human either so I guess we have that in common. I was a nurse so seeing someone wounded like that, I guess it doesn't matter who you are. As long as your not a nazi" i answer with a soft laugh. He's so easy to talk to somehow. I barely know him.

"Well for that I will forever be in your debt Wictoria" he says and for a silent moment there's something in the way he looks at me. But the moment is ruined by a nock on the door.

"Wictoria, det är några här som söker dig(Wictoria, there are someone here looking for you out here)" my neighbor John says from the other side of the door.

"Kommer(coming)" i say but as i intend to stand Loki grabs my wrist.

"Dont, it's not safe" he whispers and i know its not, but i don't want any civilians getting hurt in crossfire. He lets go of my wrist, as i continue to walk to the door.

"Wictoria Johansson, i'm with the secret services?" a tall man in some kind of armor stands outside the door as i open it. John is standing there behind him. "We are looking for someone, her name is y/n Barnes. She has y/h/c hair and red eyes, have you seen her?"

"No, i'm sorry I haven't" i say and he looks me up and down. Studing my long n/y/c (not your color) wig and blue contact lenses. A sound comes from inside the apartment that makes me turn my head. Loki had taken his way behind the door.

"Are you alone miss?" he asks and i meet John's gaze. Hes studying me, my every move.

"Yes" i start but then i hear a cat's noise."Thats my friends cat shadow"

"Well thank you ma'am for your cooperation, sorry to have disturbed you" he says before he walks away down the stairs again. I take a deep breath and notice Johns staring.

"Vad handlade det där om?(Whats was that about?)" he asks and i step out of the door and closes it behind me. "Varför pratade han engelska med dig?(Why did he speak English with you?)"

"Sluta bara med frågorna John, bara gå tillbaka in i din lägenhet(Just stop with the questions Jhn, just go back into your apartment)" i say as nice as i can, meeting his gaze once again. An excuse, the dinner, he invited me over for dinner today. Use it."Jag kommer över sen, okej(I'll come over later okey)"

"Okej(Okay)" he says hesitantly but takes his steps back into the apartment. I take my own steps back to my apartment and closes the door behind me again.

"That went well" Loki says sarcastically.

"He's coming back to kill me"

End of flashback

"I missed you" i say as i contiue to hug him, and some more locking lips.

Wanda pov

"Is that Loki?" Nat asks as she notices the man kissing and hugging you. I cant believe what i'm seeing. The screen in front of me, the drone thats spying on you. That you still hadn't noticed somehow, or maybe you have and just wants to show us that you lied about everything.

"Yeah but is that really y/n?" Tony asks and both Steve and Bucky nod their heads.

"I thought i said to not follow her '' Bucky says and i thought that would grab my attention from the screen but i donsent.

"And i said that we at least should keep an eye on her" Tony says gesturing to the screen. "And it was right since she apparently has a... close relationship with Reindeer Games"

"I... I should... i need to..." but my voice fails me, before any tear have time to fall down my cheeks im halfway out the door to my room. I close my bedroom door behind me and fall down on the floor. Tears falling down my face in rivers.

"Wanda" i hear Nats voice outside the door. "Please let me in" i move so that she can open the door. She sits down beside me and look me in the eyes, before she embraces me and i cry into her chest.

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