Thirty-six. Facing your demons

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Wanda pov

"It's been hours now, is something wrong?" Tony asks.

"It's been thirteen hours" Bruce adds, i haven't been so observant at the time.

"And for them it's been one hour" i say, not taking my attention away from Nat. Even in her sleep she has a stone cold face. "We have to be patient"

"How can you of all people be so patient? She's your girlfriend" Tony continues and I sign.

"I'm not, but i can not control others fear, just my own"

"Well, can we at least make conversation. Im bored"

"Of course you are, well then, make conversation tin man" Loki says with a serious but sarcastic tone.

"As you wish Reindeer games" Tony begins. "Let talk about the fact that Athanasia there, called you "The Fiance", i mean come on"

"I don't know why"

"I do" Loki mumbles quietly, becoming frozen at a move for his mistake.

"Mind telling us?"

"There is nothing to say"

"You are going to tell us now or you can spend the rest of your days in that cell, I don't care what Y/N said," Tony ships in. But before he can answer we hear them again.

Is she crazy? Seems like it

I look at Loki who just stares into the void to try to understand.

Y/N pov

I don't want to trick them, but it's the only way. There are two possibilities but i know which one is most likely. I can't let them see them both, it's either one or the other. Even if i trusted them, i don't want them to know either.

"Here we split up" i say and get some questioning eyes on me. "There are two poibilites that i don't want to enter, so we split up"

"I'll go with mom" Athanasia says, looking at Anya. They sure look alike, but are their souls alike?

"No, you'll go with Nat" i say, not meeting their gaze. "You need to stick together because you don't really belong here" what I'm saying is true, but god i hate lying to Nat.

"Okey, be careful" Nat says, giving me a look that really cares about me. They run away to a steel door on the other side of the korridor.

"Why do you keep lying?"

"Shut up and help me find an oak door" i say, starting to walk into the maze of doors.

"Still, she's your family"

"No, my family is my brother, and only him"

"And Wanda?" I had almost forgotten about her. I realize my mind is not what it used to. I'm forgetting the most important and easy things.

"There" i say, spotting an oak door.

"You sure you want me to come?"

"It's not you i don't trust"

"Then why do you keep lying to me?"

"Well, hello Y/N" a dark voice says, that same voice as before. "I really thought you were smarter than trying to escape"

"And i thought you knew where i hid my soul"

"I never did, but that sent you to a search for it" he smiles and reveals those fangs.

"So I did, but you really thought I would go after it myself?" his eyes glow red at my words."Something you should learn, i always have a backup plan"

"And you think the people in your mind are helping you?" he smiles again.

"Oh... but there not from my head" his eyes glows of rage as i keep smiling. "So are you gonna take the chance that they are not picking it up right now? Or are you gonna think that im stupid enugh to pick it up myself?" Am I really selling out the people who tried to help me? Just for a secrets sake?

Nat pov

"This looks like a military base" Athanasia comments and i roll my eyes.

"How could this be one of the worst memories for her?" I look around at all the people who seem to be grieving. "I mean i knew she was in the war but as a nurse"

"Maybe it's when she finds out her brother is gone"

"No... look" i say, pointing to a board with the date.

"3rd august 19...45"

"That's the year she died, Bucky was already frozen and so was Steve" a woman came into the room, she's familiar but somehow still not. She's wearing a turquoise dress with a light grey goatee, her long y/h/c lies on her shoulders. "That's her"

"Then where is her soul? Is it in her?"

"I don't know but now I'm curious why she didn't want us to go here" i say, walking closer to you. "Lets just watch it at the same time as we search"

"Hey, i'm looking for records on Daniel Thomas Bennet" you say, leaning on the counter to a woman.

"Family or friend?"

"Family" i never heard that you had someone named Bennet in your family. But apparently there are a lot of think i don't know about you. "He's in the 107th"

"Yes he was, but it seems like he died on a mission to rescue a certain woman together with that super soldier" you look like your about to break. Who is this Bennet man to you?"

"And Rogers? the super soldier?" somehow you manage to not break.

"His plane crashed into the Arctic only a few weeks later" you take a hand on your stomach and one on over your mouth. Falling on your knees to the floor, i just want to just go and take you into my arms.

"Miss, are you okay?" the woman behind the desk asks, making her way out to you. There are tears roaming over your cheeks as the woman lays a hand on your shoulder.

"I still don't see how this is one of her worst memories?"

"It's probably because that man meant a lot to her, so did Steve"

"But thats not like her, she wouldn't let this memory be the worst"

"Well, shes not the same person as she is in our time as before... but i do wonder who he is and if she has transformed yet'' But that i get answers quickly, too quickly. Before anyone can react, you have closed every way out without moving. My gaze moves back to you as people start to scream. You have blood, covering your face and your clothes. The woman is on the floor.

"Okay now i get how this is a bad memory" ice winds its way over the floor and I can see my own breath. "I think we should leave now"

"You're an assassin and afraid of a little blood?" i ask, not turning away from you, moving from person to person, draining them.

"Its not the blood i fear... its the monster that killed my mother that scares me" the cracks under your eyes, your glowing red eyes. Your standing in the middle of the room. They're all drained now.

"Now can we lea..." she starts but gets interrupted by your snapping neck, falling to the ground. "Holy shit" the creature almost looks lika a man. Dark suit, dark brown hair, glowing red eyes. Like you, even fangs as he smiles at us. But his happy face swiftly turn as nothing happens.

"Since i didn't get what i came for, i'll just have to kill the two of you" he say with a dark voice. Even though i should be scared, i'm not. "And you should know you friend is a liar. You really though she sent you here to collect her soul?"

"What do you mean?" she asks and he starts to laugh. A laugh like a demon.

"She just didn't want you to see her deepest secret"

"And what is that?"

"That she's a mother..."

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