Seventy-two. Them meeting Daniel

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y/n pov

They had talked about it, Sam had told Wanda everything he and Nat knew. He broke his promise, and he wondered why i have a hard time trusting. But since i got interrupted by Petra and Sabine and the baby they had named after me. Diana, my middle name. Well, technically they didn't know it was my middle name until i said it like five minutes ago.

"Give me a few minutes to check if it's safe" i say and they both nod before i enter the room of the white cell. I'm all too familiar with it, even though i didn't spend much time in it. I didn't like it. And seeing him lie there, on the concrete white floor, twisting and turning in pain, scares you. They had a smilular room at Hydra that used to scare me more than anything else. It's not something you forget.

"Daniel? Can you hear me" he lets out a muffled scream.

"Nod if you hear me" and he does.

"I have a surprise for you" i open the door, my mind racing at the fact that just one scratch can kill me."I want you to meet your daughter"

"i... i have... a... have a... daughter?" he stammers out in pain. I hate to see him like this but, i don't know what. There's something, like hes a part of something bigger, something evil.

"Yes you have, and a granddaughter and great granddaughter" i say with a smile. "But you can't show them this pain, its not something i want to put them through."

"Just tell me one... thing"

"Sure" i stand next to him on the white bed with white sheets and white straps holding him still.

"Why didn't you... come find... find me when you got out?" the memory of that afternoon hits like a bullet in my head.

"Daniel... i did but they said you had died"


"Two years after i left" i can see a tear in the back of his eyes as he plants his hand on my cheek. The faint sound of multiple heartbeats enters my head and another person enters the room. On the other side of the white colored glas. God i hate this room.

"y/n" Wanda says and when i turn to look into her worried and angry eyes his hand falls back down. "They want to meet him"

"Right, I just need to..." i hesitate at my words, looking back at him when another bone cracking pain comes back. It's been so long since i showed anyone my true face, no ones ever seen me eat either. I breathe and let the cracks flow down my eyes and fangs to break out. There is only fear in his eyes and in the corner of my eyes i see Wanda stand there, studying my new face. The white in my eyes gets a darker black red color and i take my wrist up to your mouth and bite. Since the hourglass is close to empty this hurts more than it should. Without a second thought i press the bite of my wrist in his mouth. I let the cracks linger their way back and the fangs too. My eyes get a lighter red than before but normal, at least normal for me.

I can see how he first tries to stand against it but soon learns to like the taste. That's when i let go and in a second there's just blood, no wound.

"That should help for a little while, but that's all we need" i say, getting up to let him free from his restraints. "But you stay on this side of the glass"

As soon as i loosen the restraints he almost throws himself over me but i push him back. Focusing his eyes on yours as i mumble.

"I am a friend, not your enemy, not now"

"Friend not enemy, not now" he repeats and i let him go. Quickly get out the door before he can get his mind straight.

"What did you do?" Wanda asks camly, more camly than i thought.

"My blood should be able to stop the transformation for a little while, but I don't know for how long. And the eye thing, that was to keep him from attacking me and killing me before i got out the cell"

Wanda pov

I'm surprised you said the whole truth, at least the entire truth I know.

"I should let them in" you say and without another word or look at me you open the door to let them in. Daniel stands up as soon as they walk in. "Petra, meet your father, Daniel"

"He looks just like in the picture" she says as she takes in the fact that she gets to see her father at least once.

"Why is he locked in a cell?" Sabine asks, rocking Diana in her arms.

"It's one side effect on how he got here, we don't want him to hurt himself or others, so it's just temporary" you answer, reassuring.

"We'll let you talk in private, we have some things to talk about" I say with a smile on, grabbing your hand.

"We'll only be a call away if anything happens" you say before i almost drag you out the door. You're quiet as I lead you to one of the conference rooms. And to think that a little more than one month ago we sat here planning our wedding, or three days for us.

"I know I have somethings to explain.." you start but i cut you off.

"No shit you do, you're not supposed to keep secrets from me. I'm your wife now, that means we're in this together." you just look at me as i continue to ramble on about all the things you haven't told me, the curse, the man and Daniel, that you're gonna die soon no matter what we do.

"Can i talk now?" you ask as i stop to talk for a few seconds and i nod in answer. "I am really sorry but i had my reasons to everything i do"

"And what if i don't agree with your reasons"

"Then you don't, but they're mine and these are the ones I'm keeping too. You can't make me change my mind about that"

"I'm not trying to change your mind, i'm trying to understand why your kept it a secret"

"You don't want to change my mind?"

"Of course not, i believe that you make the right choice for the ones your love and yourself"

"You got that from Sams memory"

"But i still do, but why would you keep it a secret"

"Because i don't trust anyone okay" you snap at me and i jump. I knew that I wouldn't like the answer but this isn't exactly what I originally thought.

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