Thirty. Before

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five days ago (end of november)

Y/N pov

"Godday, how can I help you?" A woman says approaching me.

"Yes, i'm looking for an engagement ring"

"We'll right here we have all sorts, what would he like do you think?"

"I think she would lika a kinda old but still new model"

"Do you have a price limit to hold on to?" she asks and i shake my head as she leads me to another table of rings. "We'll then this ring would be perfect, it's real silver with a diamond. It's bows makes it more old fashioned but with the diamond it's quite modern." that's the perfect one, she will love it. I just know it.

"It's perfect, how much?"

"6,300 dollars" i whip out my card, that's cheap, even for me.

"Good luck ma'am" she says before i exit the store. It's been on my mind ever since it was first mentioned. And now, I'm so scared even though she said she'd say yes if i asked. As I'm are making my way back to the tower Loki or Laufey comes up beside me.

"Did you find what you were looking for?" he asks and i smile nodding. Giving him the navy blue satin box with a nervous smile.

"You think she will like it?"

"I think she will be mad that you went out without any of them to get a ring" he says, making me stare at him in the eyes. "But yes, i think she will love it Y/N"

"Good, now i just have to ask" the panic of nervousness comes as i take his arm, making him stop in a step. "What if she says no?"

"Didn't you kinda already ask that? And she said yes"

"I know, but what if she changes her mind when she finds out what im going to do. I mean, im planing to kill someone, and even if that man is Damian, its still murdur"

"Her best friend is a ex assasin"

"Point taken"

"Just stop worrying so much, i'm sure it'll go great."

Wanda pov

"Where have you been?" I ask as you enter our bedroom.

"Just looking at some christmas presents" i say with a serious and worried look. "Chill, it was online and i was on the roof"

"What is it with you and the roof, the first time you were there you got kidnapped. I would be scared" you sitt in my lap on the bed, hands on my face.

"Well i guess that's the difference between us, i'm not a coward" you say, kissing me deep and passionately. "Well now i have to go, i have to help Tony in the lab"

"Not quite yet" I say, dragging you back on top of me. Kissing you even more passionately and deeper than ever before. Hands on your waist, tracing down and up as you trace your lips down my neck.

Tony pov

"You're late" I say as you enter my lab.

"Well better late than never" you say with a soft laugh making your way over to sit on the chair next to me.

"Well that saying is for being fashionably late, you look like you just woke up" i say, referring to your tousled hair. Then realizing your look on me with the answer. "Nevermind... I was thinking that you should have a suit."

"Why would i need that?"

"Because your a part of this team, even though your not an avenger we could still use you... and then you will need a suit"

"Sweet, thanks Tony"

The night before the party

Y/N pov

"Do you, Y/N Barnes take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, from this day forward til death do you part?" the priest says as another tear falls down my face. Could my life be any worse. He looks at me, with those deep grey eyes with murdur in mind.

"I... i do" i answer, quietly as the knife to my throat starts to cut through the flesh.

"And do you, Damian Kaekha take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, from this day forward til death do you part?"

"I do" he answers with a cold and hard tone.

"May i now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride" he leans forward to my lips and I'm frozen as his lips touch mine.

"I own you now Barnes" he whispers in my ear and i jerk up in the bed.

"Y/N? Baby? What's wrong? Why are you crying?" Wanda's concerned voice breaks through the dead silence in my head. I hadn't even noticed I'd been crying.

"Nothing" is all i say, getting out of the bed. As soon as i stand up i feel that sickness of him again. I sprint to the bathroom and hurl in the toilet.

"That's not nothing" i hear her mumble as she makes her way to me, holding the hair out of my face. "What did you dream of?"

"That day, the ceremony, him" i say before puking again. Just the thought of him makes me sick to my stomach.

"Breath, I'm here and he's not getting to you again." she starts to trace her hand on my lower back.

"You know ethically and lawfully i'm still his... wife" i can feel the spite of my words on your tongue. I can see her tense of the words as well.

"Yeah i know, but soon enough, maybe you'll be married to someone else" i meet her gaze with a questioning look, even though i already know she means her.

"You were the one who mentioned it first, remember"

"No actually, it was Nat. I just overheard it"

"Spying on your girlfriend, are you now?" She takes a towel and starts to dry my mouth.

"Maybe, one day i'll make it real" i say leaning in for a kiss but she stops me.

"Brush your teeth first" her words make i laugh, forgetting the dream i just had. She helps me up on my feet and hands me my toothbrush. "Now brush and come back to bed"

"Yes ma'am" i say with a seductive smile, making her blush like hell.

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