Sixty. Traveling part two

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Nat pov

"Im sure that we can fix this?" i say as calmly as i can.

"How? We're leaving in one hour?" Wanda says, freaking out in the kitchen.

"I'm sure they can fix it there, breathe Wanda" i take her shoulders again and help her take a deep breath.

"Fix what?" Bucky asks as he and Bruce enter the kitchen.

"The dress, it's too tight" i answer quickly. Lucky Wanda had put on a baggy t-shirt so they can't see the beginning of her stomach.

"I thought brides stopped eating, not eating more" Bucky says as i give him a look.

"It's not because of that, but we don't have time to get a new one" Wanda says, slowly sitting down on one of the chairs next to her plate of food,

"I'm sure they have great dresses in Asgard" Bruce says, pouring up a cup of coffee. Wanda stairs at the cup so I take it out of his hands and pour it down the drain. "What was that for?"

"Wanda can't drink coffee" i answer.

"So? Why can't i?"

"Because she'll drink it, she's addicted to it"

"I thought she isn't supposed to drink caffeine when she's pregnant" Steve says and i'm reminded that they don't know that she is yet.

"Just don't want to jinx anything"

"Did the Natasha just say 'jinx'?" Steve says in surprise looking at the others for confirmation.

"So what if i did Capsicle" i say with a smile and Steve's fades as i start to make some tea. "You can all drink tea in the meantime"

"I need my coffee to work, Natasha" Bruce says and i roll my eyes.

"Well then you can make your coffee in you labb, Banner" i say, looking him right in the eyes. I don't really know why im so mad at him. I just am, he thinks hes a unlovable monster. If he is that, then what am i? It's not like hes worse than me or y/n, since we're both killers and he's just a mutant. "Am sure Tony wouldn't mind you buying a new koffiemachine"

He's stunned by the dryness in my voice and honestly i would be too. I put down a cup, one for each of them, even Bruce. Pouring up the hot water in each and a box of different teas.

"So, you got everything packed?" Bucky asks to break the uncomfortable silence.

"Yeah, i think we've got everything" Steve answers, Wanda just stares at me, trying to break into my mind

"Stop trying to look inside my head Wanda, it won't work" i snap at her. She lets a hurt face grace her and quilt digging a hole in my stomach.

"Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of her bed" i hear Bucky mumble.

"I didn't, but sorry for snapping at you" i say, giving her an excusing look. "I need to go and do something so i'll see you later."

Wanda pov

After she left, for probably the gym, Bucky and Steve continued talking while Bruce also left. I still can't wrap my head around the fact that we're having twins. But i don't know whether to be happy or not when it's going too quickly.

"Are you coming?" Steve asks in the door opening, and i gaze at the clock. It's already half past one, time to go.

"Yeah, let me just" i say, gesturing to the cup in my hand.

"Need any help with your bags?" Bucky says, sliding up next to Steve.

"No that's okay, y/n took most of our stuff" i say, walking up to the boys. But before i walk off into our room i say. "I'll meet you guys on the roof"

I walk with a happy smile on my lips and my hand on the lower part of my stomach. I can feel them moving, the twins. I shouldn't be this surprised, since we're both twins ourselves. But there is still a part of me that is suprised and not happy about it. I've heard about twins having twins of their own and there become problems, either with birth or physically with them later on. But that part of me is small, and the other part that's happy and surprised is so much bigger. Like so much bigger, like my heart is going to explode in love for you and our twins.

"God, i have to come up with names too" i mumble to myself as i take my little bag with literally only my favorite pillow and my pjs. You had said that if i carry i can choose the names. I make my way to the elevator and up.

A/N wanna help her come up with names? I not saying boy or girl, so just say some that you personally like and I'll spin the wheel to see which it'll be.

They're all waiting for me as i step out of the elevator onto the roof. I always hated it up here, since you got kidnapped. The memory gives me chills as i walk up to Nat.

"Everyone and everything here?" Thor asks and we all nod and say 'yes'. "Then everyone join hands"

Nat takes mine steady in hers, like she thinks I'm gonna fall. Sometimes i don't get how lucky i am to have her as my friend, best friend even. A beam of light appears from the sky and strikes on the whole roof. I climb stuck to Nat as we lift off, holding the other hand on my stomach. As i dare to open my eyes i see these wonderful stargazing lights in different colors and shades. If i look past them i can see space, like literal fucking space. Stars, planets.The beautiful view disappears as were now standing still. And we're there, Asgard. Or rather here now.

"Wow" both me and mumble under our breath as we now gaze upon the castle of gods.

"I know, it's a little shabby but i think you'll like it" Thor says like it's nothing, but i guess for him it isn't. Since he grew up here. A darker man appears in weird golden armor. "It is great to see you again. These are my friends"

"I know, i just greated y/n, Sam and Pepper with Loki" he answer with a somewhat dead tone even though i think he's smiling.

"They just got here? But they left hours ago" Steve says and oh my god, he needs to learn to keep up.

"Time moves differently here Captain Rogers, they just speeded into the castle" he says with a steady voice.

"Wait? Pepper, like Pepper Pots, Tony's... something?" Nat says, not really knowing what she is to him anymore.

"Yes, and you should start to walk if you don't want to miss the startup"

Without any other word we start to walk down the rainbow glass bridge. I can't help but admire everything as I feel one of them move again.

You do look lovely

I hear you say inside my head. It doesn't startle me like it usually does, because I know it's you.

How do you know? Your not suppose to see me until an hour

I don't need to see you to know

There is a silence where i don't know what to say, just feel your love fill my head. Before i say anything else i turn to Nat.

"Do you think i should tell her now?"

"Your not suppose to see each other before" she says, shortening the steps to distance us from the others.

"We can talk telepathically"

"I think it's something you should say in person, like when you tell the rest that your pregnant"

"Right, that's a great idea. That way she gets a surprise to"

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