Seventeen. Your fault into remembering

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Nat pov

"But i do love her" you say as I make my way to Wanda's bedroom where she's still sleeping. All that is in my head about you all goes away when I see Wanda, peacefully sleeping. For the first time in a very long, she's sleeping peacefully. I guess that's the one good thing about you, you make her feel safe somehow.

"Wanda?" i say quiet, but loud enough for her to hear me. "Wanda, i need too talk to you"

"About what?" she says not even opening her eyes. "Where is y/n?"

"She's... she's out getting lunch it's already three pm" i begin as i sit down on the bed, next to her."You need to tell me what's wrong"

"She sent you didn't she?"

"You wont tell her so yes, she asked me because if it could be linked into it being her fault you wouldn't tell her... so tell me" i say and she just looks at me with a sad face. "Can it?"

"Yes..." she began closing her eyes again. "If she knew why i think i'm sick, she will leave again because that's what she does when she finds out she's the reason im hurt or sick"

y/n pov

"... she will leave again because thats what she does when she finds out shes the reason im hurt or sick" i hear Wanda say and a tear falls down my cheek. I know thats the truth because thats who I've become. But thats not who i am anymore, i would never leave her again. I decide to stop eavesdropping and make my way to the kitchen to get food for her.

"I honestly thought she would hit you" a male voice says behind me.

"Oh she did, just this morning" i answer and turn around to see Tony, i remember him for the man who carried me when they had saved me. "Tony, right?"

"That's me... but i'm surprised it took her so long to hit you after what you did" he answers and i stiff up as i place a fat off lunch in the microwave. What's left from the rest of lunch.

"Could you... could you tell me what I did" i ask. "I know why i did it but could you tell exactly what."

"We were saving you in Iceland, Wanda emptied herself on her magic to protect you so that her body couldn't hold her up... So when she did wake up you were in the medbay here, in the tower. And then you left, without a word to the rest of us" he says and i remember that. "A few hours later, i found you with a drone and saw you kissing our enemy"

"Loki? I was kissing Loki?"

"So you do remember?"

"No i don't, but i remember him, as i remember you carrying me out of Hydra that day"

"You remember more things than you're letting on, aren't you?'' he says and it's true, i do remember more than everyone thinks. "Maybe enough to already be transforming back, maybe you should..." i interrupt him.

"You're scared, aren't you. You're scared I'm going in a killing spree, right here in the tower" i say and the pale on his face is enough to answer. "And no, I'm not taking another IL-2 treatment, I'm not a cancer patient" i say, taking the food out and filling up a glass of water.

"I'm just saying... i don't like you, but since both Steve and Bucky want you here i can't do anything about it" i sign, heading back to Wanda's bedroom. I stand there for a few seconds before knocking. Almost in an instant Natasha opens the door, letting me in. She leaves the second I'm inside the door.

"Here you need to eat... i know your not feeling well but i will force feed you if you don't eat" i say placing the food on a little nightstand.

"Your sounding like Nat" Wandas says with a soft laugh. I can see the remaining of tears in her eyes. With one look she carefully sits up and i hand her the glass of water. "Aren't you eating?"

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