Sixty-two. First dance

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Wanda pov

You had been thrilled with joy when i told you, and later on almost forced me to sit in your lap. Not that you forced me, i wanted to. Your arms wrapped around my stomach, protectively. I took another bite out of the cake that you had gotten me when someone called out.

"Time for the newlyweds first dance" i can't make out who called it but we still get up. Having everyone stare at us as you lead me to the dance floor. Your favorite singer Estrid started singing a cover of Elvis Presley song Can't help falling in love. One of my favorite songs.

"You know we never talked about our last names" you say in my ear as we start to waltz to the music.

"What do you want it to be?" i ask and you spin me around and back into your arms.

"I can change my name to Maximoff"

"But you don't want to? I'll change mine instead"

"I will, if you want to"

"I can't make you do anything more that you don't want to"

"Then we'll add it."


"As soon as we get back i'm y/n Diana Margret Maximoff-Barnes, your wife and you my love, will be Wanda Marya Maximoff-Barnes, my wife"

"I like the sound of that" another spin and i gaze into your red eyes once again. They blend so well with the red and white roses in the background. As the next song starts to play, more couples start to dance with us. Covers of Is this love by Bob Morley, One and Only by Adele, Young and beautiful by Lana Del Rey and Browed eye girl by Van Morrison but with the word brown exchanged to blue to match mine. Every song you hold me tight and spin me around to the beat. As the end of the brown eye girl comes you sneak me by everyone and out on the balcony where the music is more faded. Just the tones of the instruments coming out.

"What are we going out here?" i ask as you take me to the railing.

"I always thought that the sunset on asgard was the most beautiful thing in the world, but i was just proved wrong"

"How? It's magical" i say, gazing to the color shifting at the horisont.

"Seeing you walk down that aisle" you say and my face get's stained red. And the other think i needed to tell to come to my mind and my smile fades. "What's up?"

"I need to tell you something"

"Is there something wrong? With me, the wedding, you?"

"The babys" fear stains your face and you're lost for words. "Before we left i saw Addison and Meredith, they looked at the baby"

"Was there something wrong? Why did you need to call them?"

"No... well yes, i felt a movement when i was getting up and i got scared, i am scared"

"You felt a movement? But your only one week in"

"Apparently not, according to her I'm fifteen weeks pregnant, but only showing for twelve. That's why i had to change dresses, the one i had before became to tight"

"So they are growing too fast?" somehow your calm, more calm then i was.

"Yes, and im scared that something will happen"

"Nothing will happen okay, i saw the possibilities of this happening."

"You did?" i snap and then realise what i just did. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because i didn't want to worry you my love, and because the chances we're small"

"You still could have told me, i was worried sick that something was wrong"

"I'm sorry Wanda, i am. But i didn't tell you because if you worried too much it could affect your body in a negative way" you kiss me on the cheek and i nestle myself into your chest as we continue to watch the sunset beam in different colors. Purple, orange, yellow and red. Giving way for the marvelous night sky that's built with northern lights. Right now, at this moment, everything is perfect.

"I was made to love you" i mumble and you let out a small laugh into my hair.


"I think i was born to love you" i feel you smile, making me smile. "i mean it couldn't be the other way around since your a hundred years old"

"Hey, i'm still 28, your just one year younger" you say with a laugh.

"I'm still younger" i mumble into your chest. Knowing that you'll be 28 for the rest of our lives. Soon people won't think we're married but mother and daughter or grandmother.

"Hey, stop thinking like that" you interrupted my thoughts and i wonder if i had said it out loud.

"Thinking like what?" i play oblivious.

"That you age and i don't, it's not good for the babies to stress about that"

"And it's year until that i know"

"I don't know, is that a wrinkle?" you place your finger on my temple with a laugh. I look up at you with an angry gaze.

"It's not fun y/n, you don't age, i do" i nestle into your chest again. Admiring the northern lights. You stay quiet even though i know its on your mind too now.

"Y/n sorry to interrupt, but i need to talk to you" a woman's voice that you're all too familiar with says from behind you. You turn around and meet Nat's gaze. It's like you talking with your eyes and you give in eventually.

"Is something wrong?" i ask and you both answer in union.

"No, of course not" and then you continue.

"I'll be back in a minute luv" you give me one last kiss on my lips before being whisked away by Nat. As i stand there, looking after them, wherever they went. I don't notice the woman coming up to me.

"Are you okay?" she asks, motioning to take a tear of my cheek. It's Freya, Thor and Loki's mother, the one that married us.

"Yeah, just feeling a little sick"

"I get it, your worried"

"I am, about a lot of things"

"What weighs on you most child?"

"That shes hiding something"

"She is" she says without thinking and i look questioning at her. "You don't know were shes going?"

"No i don't"

"Shes looking for a way to stay alive for you and your twins"

"Stay alive from what?"

"Stay alive from being dead, she really haven't told you?"

"She hasn't" anger starts to boil in you.

"Maybe it's not my place to asy"

"You've started, you'll finish"

"She's prophesied"

"What do you mean prophesied?"

"She has a curse laying over her head, she always has. It was just a matter of time before her timer starts to run out"

An Immortal and the Scarlet Witch (Wanda x reader)Where stories live. Discover now