Thirty-two. Secret mission

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Loki pov

"Are you sure we should keep it secret"

"Since when are you against secrets" Natasha koment snarky.

"I'm not but..."

"There is not but, no one will know" she whispers as we get closer to the living room where the rest are.

"And where are the two of you going?" Clint asks as we try to sneak past the big opening.

"Can't we just walk?" Natasha says, earning a look from all of them.

"Sorry lets correct that, where are you going with him" Tony corrects and i play dramaticly offended.

"Training" she answers before gesturing to me to follow her. And i do.

"I don't think they believe that '' I say quietly as we enter the elevator.

"I know, but when they get that we'll be nowhere to be found" she says and we start to go up. "Where exactly are we going?"

"A mountain in Tibet called Nanda Parbat"

Y/N pov


I try to scream as high as i can in my head, she must heard me.

What? What am i supposed to do? I need to get Wanda down here. No she will panik or maybe I should get Loki

I can hear her ramble in my head. The arrow in my right shoulder starts to burn like flames.

Please let me out

Stop. Where are you Y/N?

Her voice fades away and i can no longer hear her. A hand hits my face and brings me back to the flaming room.

"So where were we... right, you were going to tell me where it is" the man in front of mr says. He has red glowing eyes, like mine but somehow more flaming like the room. His black hair and that black suit with the burgundy red shirt. Would have been more hot if he wasn't trying to kill me. I could say he looked like a less hotter Lucifer.

"Never" another arrow is inserted in my left shoulder and i let out a scream. How could i let this happen?

"I need it so that i can kill you" he continued, playing with another arrow in his hand. "Didn't you want to die the last time you were here? What has changed"

"Screw you... i'm never gonna tell you"?

"Never mind then... I already know where it is now. I'll just let you out to the others" A flashing light blinds me from the flames of the room. Somehow I'm now in a dark hallway and the only thought in my mind is that he has found it. But how, he doesn't even know in what form I've hidden it. And what others?

"Hidden what?" a familiar voice says from behind me. With a swift movement i turn around, holding out the arrow from my left arm to the creature's throat.

"Is that really the way to say hi to someone you love" she says and i melt at the sight of her. Her loving dark purple eyes with a sprinkling of red, her dirty blonde hair that has a shade of blood read here and there. Her serious smirk and her dark sun kissed skin.


"Surprised to see me dearie?"

Nat pov

"And how are we supposed to get in?" i ask without turning away from the massive stone building attached to the mountain.

"Simple, we teleport" he answers, giving me his hand which I take with contempt. A whirl of green smoke surrounds us and we are no longer out there, we're in the mountain. In some kind of chamber. A bed chamber.

"Shh, someone is coming" i say, pushing Loki to the wall. A woman with long dirty blonde hair walks in with grace.

"That's her" he mouths and i let him go. In less then a second after i do that, a sword is drawn to my throat. I can see that its here you learned your moves.

"تبرد أثناسيا ، نحن بحاجة لمساعدتكم / tabrid 'athanasiaan, nahn bihajat limusaeadatikum (Cool down, we need you help)" Loki says in a langues i don't really understand, i think it's arabic. How the hell does Loki know arabic?

"Well well well, if it isn't Loki, the god of mischief." she says and i notice her bright purple eyes with a sparkle of the boldest red. "And who is she"

"She is a friend... meet Natasha Romanoff, also known as the black widow" he says and she lays down her sword.

"And what do you need my help with that the famous assassin black widow cant handle" her words would hurt but i have a coal here, and i intend to keep it.

"Well it's more of a team's effort" she narrows her eyes at him, and I say if looks could kill.

"It's someone you know that needs your help... Y/N Barnes..." I start but get interrupted by her.

"Hell no... im not helping the woman who got my mother killed"

"It wasn't all her fault, and I thought you were trained not to feel anything for anyone" Loki comments.

"She was my mother, i was only five"

"And i don't care, you need to help us save her" i try to reason but i really have no reason here. "Your mother died protecting the one she loved. I promise you that it lays heavy on her chest but... now she has someone who loves her as much that doesn't want to lose her."

"That's impossible, she's a loveless monster"

"No, she's not. Now you are going to forgive her and help us or you can stay here and know that you could have saved someone's fiance" her face changes when i say fiance.

"She's engaged to someone?"

"Yes she is, and if you don't want to help Y/N, then help her" i take one step closer to her, shes studying my every move. "You know how it feels to lose the one you love the most, wouldn't you want to stop that for someone if you could '' am i really pleading for goodness in an assassin.

"What do you need me to do?" well technically not yet but that seems to have gotten her interest.

"You need to enter her mind, but not alone. You and Natasha will go together and save Y/N" Loki explains but thats not an explanation for exactly what we are supposed to do. What even lays inside that mind of yours.

"Then... lets get started, before it's too late" she says, taking Loki's extended hand while i take his other. The green smoak surrounded us again and we are back at the tower roof.

"JARVIS, tell Bruce, Wanda and Tony to meet us in the medbay" i say as I enter the elevator. This is not going to be easy.

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