Seventy-five. Nowhere to be found

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Five weeks later

Wanda pov

I would say I was awakened by thire screaming but the truth is I didn't even go to sleep. I make my way of the king sized bed and to the two cots. I pick my daughter up as another figure joins me to pick up my son. Nat's been spending every time she got free with me and the twins.

"Would you pass me Nayelis bottle?" without answering she gives me a blue flask from the counter. I can tell that she actually sleeped.

"I can take them both if you want to go back to sleep" she says tiredly and i know you must have asked her to do this. To take your place.

"No need, i'll take them"

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure, Nat"

"Okay, then i'll go back to sleep" i bet she won't even remember this when she wakes up in a few hours, that's how tired she looks. She gives me Pietro and i put him on my right hip side as Nayelis is on my left. To let her sleep i walk out of the room and into the living room but stop myself as i see the window that's still not fixed.

"She has to be out there" i hear a mans voice in the kitchen. I hid so that they can't see me and i can listen.

"We've been looking for over a month, shes gone" another man says even more hopelessly.

"No, she was to be somewhere" the first one says.

"As much as i hate to admit it Stark, i have to agree with Steve. I don't want to believe that my sister is dead. But she is" a third man says that must be Bucky and the second Steve.

"We don't know that" Tony says.

"But we don't know if shes alive either" Bukcy says with a sigh. "I thought she was dead for seventy years. I got to meet her again and i know that wherever she is she is alright"

"So you admit that you still believe shes out there?" Tony says but just as they are about to answer Pietro starts to cry again and they notice am there.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop" i say, walking into the kitchen.

"Yes you did" Steve says, looking right through me.

"Nothing new?" i ask with all the hope i have left.

"It's been five weeks, maybe we should consider the possibility that she's gone" Steve says and you can't believe his words.

"No, absolutely not" i snap at him and Tony comes up to me to take Nayeli out of my hands to make it easier for me. "Just because we can't find her doesn't mean that."

"Should i take Pietro too" Tony says and i let him take him too "You could get some sleep"

"I don't need sleep, i need to find my wife" i say before storming out. He's right, i won't be able to take care of them if i don't sleep. But i can't sleep, i've gotten so used to sleeping next to you i can't. And it's not just having someone else next to me because Nats sleeping there now. It's you, like i feel your love calm me down, how i feel you breathe just to remind me that your there. Your arms wrapped around me, holding me close.

"Where are you?" i mutter out to the stars as i sit down on your balcony chair. That's the eternal question. Where are you? If your even alive, but i don't have the benefits of thinking like that. I have the twins that don't have their mother. We talked about it, I would be mommy while you would be mama.

"Where the hell are you y/n?" i ask the stars again as i let my eyelock close and a tear fall down my cheek.

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