Twenty. Buddy system with Tony

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y/n pov

Now all I've got to do is convince the rest to actually let Loki teach me magic. Wandas out of surgery and is unconscious on the medbay.

"Can everyone please gather in the kitchen" i hear Steve on the speakers, i don't want to leave her. "You to y/n" There's too much going on right now, but i still make my way up to the kitchen, where everyone is already seated. It's no secret i don't want to be there, everyone can see that.

"Me and Bucky are going on a mission and I thought that as a gift for Wanda you would become a part of this team" Steve says and it goes dead quiet. No one knows if he is serious, but it seems so. And that's when the rest started protesting.

"Are you crazy Rogers'' i say, making everyone else go quiet again. It's not something I were used to, people listening.

"Come on, for Wanda we all could at least be friends" he says and i get up. "Come you all have something in common with y/n"

"Like what?" Tony says and we all just stare at Steve.

"y/n is a science geek, she's very good at hand to hand combat, she also has magic powers that could come in handy and she's an archer" Both me and Tony singh. "So we will start with a buddy system, up first Tony... spend an entire day with y/n"

"Doing what exactly?" he asks, to my surprise not trying to get away.

"I don't know, figure it out" Steve says smiling. "Tomorrow you will spend the day with Nat" and then he disappears out the door.

"For Wanda" i mutter to yourself as i turn back to Tony.

"Meet me in my lab in 30 minuets" he just says before also walking away.

"This shall be great" i can hear Bucky give of a small laugh as i also walk out. Back down to the medbay.

"Hey beautiful" i say brushing som of her hair out of her face. She makes a weak smile back.

"What happened?" she asks with a weak quiet voice that a normal person wouldn't hear, but I'm not normal.

"He hit you with a power dampener, when you saved me" i start with tears in my eyes. "It was my fault"

"How is that your fault?"

"Because i didn't save you when i could" she whipped away my tears, her hand staying on my cheek, lifting my head up. I could see the fear in her eyes, the same fear she had when i talked about my leaving. "Hey... i'm not leaving just because its my fault, we made a promise, remember"

"I know, but you didn't want to leave before either but you did"

"But i won't, and you know why?" I put my hands on her cheeks. "Because I love you" i say, leaning down and kissing her soft lips. "And you need me so i kinda have to stay" i both laugh.

"I love you too" she says before pulling me in for another kiss.

"Vampy... time for you to come down to the lab" i hear Tony over the speakers and pull away from the kiss. She gives me a questioning look.

"It's a present for you later" i kiss her again. "See you later, i think Natasha will come and keep you company soon" i kiss her forehead before heading out the door and make my way down to Tonys lab.

"Overheating... test failure" the AI voice the second i enter the lab.

"Have you tried air instead of water in the cooling system?" I ask, making Tony notice my presence.

"And why can't i have a water system according to you Vampy?" he says and god i hate my new nickname.

"Because your problem is technically not mechanical, water and tech usually don't go well" he walks over to a holoscreen and starts putting things on other things. "And would you please stop calling me Vampy"

"That's what you are isn't it"

"Still, i don't want you calling me that"

"Alright, how about Barbie Barnes, girly, Barney doll?"

"You know what, Vampy is fine"

Wanda pov

"So are you gonna tell me why y/n and Tony are spending the rest of the day in a lab together?" I ask Nat as soon as she sits down.

"Wow, not even a breath" she laughs. "Buddy system, present for you since she's staying and you want us to get along"

"And when are you spending hours with her?"

"How said i am?"

"Please, this buddy thingy is for the people who doesn't like her, which includes you, Tony and maybe Thor because of Loki. Steve and Bucky are already her family, Clint likes that he has archer on the team and me... well i already love her" she just looks confused and impressed at me.

"Tomorrow... i'll be hanging out with her tomorrow"

"Just please try to be nice to her, she means the world to me"

"Even after what she did?"

"Yeah, because she did it out of love, shes not leaving again, she promised that shed be with me till death do us part"

"She proposed?"

"God no, she just promised to only leave me if death comes to take her home"

"You know shes dead right?" you hadn't thought of that, but you are. Technically you are dead. Before i have the chance to say anything else an explosion is heard from under us, filled with the sound of the fire alarm. I quickly grab Nats hand and teleport us down, taking the most energy out of me. Where down outside of the lab where you and Tony come out running, laughing.

"That went well" you laugh as you try to cough.

"Well next time maybe i should listen to you" Tony laughs coughing as some robots stuff out the fire.

"There will not be a next time if this is what happens" i say and they notice me and Nat. You get up and walks closer to me but in the last step you turn to Nat.

"What is she doing out of bed?"

"After the fire alarm she grabbed my hand and teleported us down" she explained, giving you a look. "What happened?"

"This goffus used a water cooling system on a technical device" you say pointing to the still laughing Tony. They look at each other and you start to laugh again. You really look like you're friends.

"Go back to rest printessa, i'll come by later" You say giving me a kiss on the cheek, and you were back in the medbay. Fuck, the only bad thing with being to teleport with you is that you can controll when i do it. But i'm glad you're becoming friends with my team.

"See, if Tony can be friends with her I think you could give her a chance" I say before the energy loss sends me into another deep slumber.

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