Fifty-five. Countdown

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Wanda pov

"How long until we'll know?" i ask impatiently as you lay beside me under the covers.

"I don't know, should be soon"

"It's been four days, we're getting married tomorrow"

"I know" you say, drag me closer, hands on my stomach. You mumble into the beck off my neck. "my wife"

"I'm hungry" i say and you laugh at how I destroyed the perfect moment. "Could i get breakfast in bed?"

"Nope" you say and I pout as you free yourself from my entanglement. "But i'll make breakfast"

"I'm too tired to get up"

"Too bad since the food will be served in the kitchen with the rest of the team" i find a smile on my lips every time you call them the team. Not my team, just the team. It's more including that your a part of it.

"I'll be done in a minute" you say before exiting our room. I still manage to get butterflies everytime i think of it as our room. I can wait to actually be pregnant, because then I wouldn't have my period and you won't have to sleep in Loki's room for a week a month. I laugh at my reason. I'm exchanging a week of agony for nine months of sickness and pain. But there will be nice moments during that as well. Like name picking, planning on where to live out our life, but most of all, having you by my side during all of it. A knock interrupts my daydreaming and Nat enters, making me sit up.

"Breakfast is ready" she says and i sign back onto the bed. "How are you feeling?"

"Peachy" is all I answer as she drags me out of bed. A sickening feeling swallows me for a second but then disappears.

"You sure, you're okay?" Nat asks and i give her a questioning look. "You looked like you were going green"

"I felt like it to, let's go" i say before she can say anything else about it. I take a deep breath and take my robe out her hand. Wrapping it around me as i walk out to the kitchen.

"... never do that" i hear you finish a sentence.

"Never do what?" i ask as we walk in. Cant be something secret since you probably hear me coming.

Y/N pov

"Wouldn't you like to know" i say with a teasing tone. It surprises me that i didn't hear her coming. My senses are giving up on you. More than i would like to admit. "Im kidding, we're talking about baby names"

"I thought you were gonna tell anyone until you knew for sure it worked" Nat says as they sit down around the table with the rest of the team.

"I did, but i guess i wanted my brother to know" i say with a sigh to my brother. "And he told Steve, who told Clint and Thor out of pride. And Loki already knew, he's Loki"

"I now see why you didn't want anyone to know" Nat says with a laugh.

"Yeah, keeping secrets in this tower is nothing you guys do" i say and look with a smile at Wanda as she starts to eat egg and bacon. The others start to do the same. I can't believe that I'm marrying her tomorrow. The love of my life, forever mine. Well, for as long as i live. 'Fuck Y/N, what did i say about thinking like that, we're gonna forget it to make her happy' i think to yourself, wanting to hit myself for thinking like that again.

"So, you dress got here an hour ago" Nat says, reminding me of everyone in front of you. "But no you don't get to see it just yet."

"Shouldn't i get to see my own dress? Come on Tashi, Tony's not here"

"Still, he would be very sad if you didn't listen to him" she says with a voice that should draw out my quilty side.

"You know that a guilt trip doesn't work on me just like it doesn't work on you"

"I know, but show some humanity and just wait. You'll see it in less than 24 hours"

"So, you and Tony are the only ones who've seen the final dresses?" Steve asks and Nat nods proudly. She probably forced him to include her in the plans. And he didn't say no. A small sound that only i detect comes from Wanda and i look at her with concern. In the next second she's on her feet and then gone. She teleported somewhere. And thanks to the 'thing I'm not supposed to think about' i can't hear where she went.

"Where did she go?" Someone asks that i can't make out.

"I don't know" i say and feel the questioning looks on me as i make my way in human speed around the table to find her. As soon as i come into the corridor where our rooms are i hear a puking noise, coming from our room. I hear a sigh from inside but as i walk in no one is there. Then i hear throwing up from the bathroom, but as i feel the door, it's locked.

"Wanda?" I just get a soft hum in response before another puking noise.

"Are you okay?"

No response


More puking noise but no response.

"Wanda, unlock the door please"

A red glittering unlocks the door and i don't hesitate and swing the door wide open. Her head is almost in the toilet.

"Oh, baby, what's wrong?" I ask, quickly holding up her hair.

"I don't feel so good" she says, looking up into your eyes.

"Oh honey, I can see that" i say with a sad smile.

A/N i was thinking, Since both Y/N and Wanda are twins, it hightens the biological chans of twins or more. I really need someone to answer me on how many it should be. I know biological it also enhanses the chance of physical damages but i'll ignore those statistics. So how many? one? Two or even Three. Girls? Boys? Both? Really need an answer on how many at least. I know it's a long time left but still. Need to plan who the storys going to go.

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