Thirty-seven. Getting somewhere

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Loki pov

"What's wrong with your faces?" Tony ask, rudely but still worried.

"Please tell me I heard that wrong" Wanda says, staring at Natasha. I also hoped I heard wrong.

"I'm afraid not" she meets my gaze with a million questions in her face.

"Did you know?" she asks, considering i know more than her but no.

"No... i didn't know"

"Know what?" Banner asks but gets interrupted by Athanasia monitor. She's going into shock. "Get me the crash cart"

"What happened?" Bucky asks, entering the room as well. I use a swift movement of my hand to get the cart to Banner.

"You can say they bumped into a little trouble" I answer, looking back into Athanasias mind to find something of help.

Nat pov

"Athanasia... Athanasia" i say, catching her. The creature had ventured his hand through her chest.

You might want to back away from her

Loki's voice echoes inside my head, reminding me that our bodies are out there. Right the second after I let her go her chest rose in a chock. The man had already disappeared, god knows where.

"Holy hell" i say to her deep breath, now holding her again.

"We should go get Y/N now" she mumbles under her breath, but she's right. I help her up and we start to make our way out the same door we entered.

"Hey, we got it" you say as we meet you in the middle. "What happened?"

"A friend of yours visited" Athanasia comments. "Tried to rip out my heart" you meet my gaze, somehow reading it off my face that I know more than I'm supposed to.

"Yeah right, i almost forgot about him" she turns to Anya with a look i can't quite make out. "You said you had a way out"

"I do" a bang is heard further down the corridor of doors, accompanied by some footsteps. A lot of footsteps.

How are things going?

We are on out way out, why the rush. It's only been like four hours?

It's been four days on our end.

"What?" Athanasia blurts out, making you and Anya turn heads to her.

"Did they say something?" you ask, meeting my gaze.

"Yeah, that we've been in her for four days" I answered.

"But it's only been about five hours since you came here" you say.

"Yeah, but time moves different here... that's what Loki said" an arrow comes flying, landing at our feet.

"Lead the way mom" Athanasia says with panic in her voice and we start to run, run somewhere. The footsteps behind us are coming closer no matter how fast we run and they are screaming something. A word that i can't quite make out.

Y/N pov

I know what they are screaming. The dead are screaming their killers name, my name. Stupid conscious, remembering every one of them, their last scream before i sucked the life out of them. Usually, it might have been with a gun or someshit sometime.

"There," Anya says, pointing to a portal. A literal vortex portal, like in movies.

"Is that a literal portal"

"Votex to be exact"

"Well then can we go" an arrow comes and misses my neck by an inch.

"Are you leaving the party so soon?" that demonic voice echoes through the wall. Behind comes at least two dussins people, or whatever you can call them.

"Yeah i don't see how thats a party" Nat comments, stepping in front of me. Now that i have my soul back in me, i can be killed and she knows that. So does he.

"You really thought that they could save you?" Damian asks, appearing next to the demon.

"No" i say, making them look at me with another million questions. "I could get out of her whenever"

"Your lying" Damian says, confused off what to believe.

"Am i?" I meet Anya's gaze. She reads of my eyes, I'm staling."I mean think about it. I knew where the portal was, i knew where my soul was and i knew exactly where everything was"

"Then why did you stay?" he asks and thats a question i still haven't an answer to. But thats not something i would tell them anyway.

"I had nowhere else to go..." i take a few steps forward. "Maybe i thought it would be fun" i say with a smile, that same smile i always forced on every time i got tortured so that no one would see how much it hurt.

"I might be you but... i will never get your humor" the demon man says.

"What do you mean you are her?" Athanasia asks and i sigh. Why can no one make the connections by themselves?

"I thought this would be a more intimidating look" he shifts to my reflection. "then this" they all look at each other for answers they aren't gonna get. "And being in a place that is filled with people who wants you dead, bearing the face of their killer probably wasn't a good idea"

"Probably not" i say as Anya, discreetly starts to drag Nat and Athanasia towards the portal.

"Quit stalling, take her" the reflection screams to the others who start to walk towards them. "And kill the rest"

"Anya get them out of here"

"Not without you" Nat says, "That's why we are here"

"I'll be right behind you, I promise" They run the last steps up the stairs, but i stay. I lift my hand right out and a wall of ice forms that takes up the whole corridor. I make three more and start to run to the others as i hear them crash. My reflection is making her way through them. Another three walls build up but i hear them crash too.

"We have to go NOW" Athanasia says, holding on to her mothers hand. I make my way up the last steps to them as the last wall crashes.

"I love you my baby, and I'm so proud of the woman you have become," Anya says, kissing i Athanasias forehead. She has the chance to smile at her mother before she pushes her through. "I'll hold them of so you can get out"

"Wait you can't take on them alone" i say, grabbing her arm to stop her.

"But i can stall, safe travels my love." she takes my hands in hers for a swift moment, where everything is still. "Promise me you don't let the people that you love go"

"I promise" tears are falling down my face as she starts to walk away. Nat grabs me and almost drags me towards the portal. I know that she is the one that should hate me the most, it's my fault her daughter grew up without a mother. Still there she is, sacrificing her life for me, again. Fighting her way through to the reflection.

"Come on Y/N, we need to go" i turn to her and hear how a body collides with a sword. Deep down i know that's her but i take the jump with Nat through.

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