Fifty-nine. Maybe something is wrong

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Wanda pov

"You know you can come out now, she's not here" Nat says through the door.

"I'm just tried, i didn't get any sleep" i say as i open the door with my magic.

"Don't worry, all you need is food and you'll be up and around again"

"Not while this is growing" i say, placing a hand on the bottom of my stomach. Somehow i can feel it moving, it scares me to jerk up and almost bump my head into hers.

"Are you okay?" she asks and i just take her hand to my stomach so that she feels it too. "How's that possible, you found out yesterday"

"I don't know, maybe somethings wrong"

"No need to panic Wanda, breathe" she says, putting her hands on my shoulders as i take a deep breath. "Bruce is still here, maybe he can check"

"No one's supposed to know"

"I know, and i'm sure that y/n won't be angry at you for checking in on your baby" i nod, knowing shes right. she extends me her hand to help me up."Come on"

We make our way down to the labb where Bruce hangs out, but he's not there.

"Bruce?" Nat asks again out into the labb that's connected to the medbay."He's not here"

"We can call Meredith or Addison, there friends of y/n, both doctors"

"Friday, can you please call Meredith or Addison Grey" there is a silence before the AI answers her.

"They say there on there way"

"Good, i'll go fix some food while you lay here, still and try to save some energy for later. Alright?"

"Alright" she kisses my forehead and my panic thoughts start coming back. What if somethings wrong? What if your sample was too old or not preserved good enough and i'll lose it. Or maybe Strucker had something done with my genes that'll make me lose it? What will i tell you if that happens? What will i do?

My thoughts occupied me for longer than i thought because now three women enter the medbay. The soft ginger tall women, Addison. The blond and a little shorter woman must be Meredtih.

"I'm Meredith, you must be Wanda" the blond one says, confirming my thoughts.

"That's right, your friends with y/n" she nods.

"I heard that you 're worried about the fetus, congratulations by the way that it worked" Addison cutts in to get to the point.

"Thanks" i look at Nat who stands right next to me by the bed. "When i woke up this morning i was feeling sick like yesterday, but i was feeling movement"

"You shouldn't feel that until at least thirteen weeks in" Meredith says.

"I know, thats why i called" Nat says, taking my hand in hers,

"Well you are starting to swell, it could just be stress that makes you imagine"

"I felt it too" Nat adds, as making sure I'm not going crazy for imagining.

"It seems like you're in week 15 but you're only showing for week ten" Addison says, feeling on my stomach, i hadn't even noticed that my belly was growing. "I think you'll need to change your wedding dress"

"So everything is fine with it?"

"Except for the fact that it's growing fast, it should, yes. It could just be something about y/n genes. She's a twin, right"

"So am i"

"You're both twins?"

"Yes, could that affect it somehow?"

"It could... do you have the equipment for an ultrasound?" Addison asks Nat. What if somethings wrong with my baby because of the fact that we're both twins and not fully human.

"Yes, we do" she answers, walking up to a cabinet fluid with different kinds of stuff. Meredith helps Addison set everything up and puts that cold gelly on my stomach. The silence is exchanged with the sound of heartbeats. Wait? Heartbeats, like plural.

"There's more than one?" Nat asks as I'm just quiet.

"There's two heartbeats" Addison says and i'm speechless.

"I'm having twins?"

"Yes, you're having twins " Addison says, showing the monitor, and there they are.

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