Forty-nine. What are you hiding

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Wanda pov

"So, we're still on it being in Asgard?" you just nod, like it's nothing. "Then i will be seeing you in a few hours for me, days for you"

"Before you go, did you decide what dress i should use?" you ask, before he can leave the room.

"Yes i did"


"You'll see, i ordered it to come the day before and then Nat will take it"

"So i don't even get to know what dress i'll be wearing. Great, then you can leave goofus"

"See you in a bit" and with that he's leaving earth to go to Asgard. The one place you don't want to go to but agreed to just because i think i'll be cool.

"I can't believe you're actually getting married," Steve says, taking another bite of his dinner.

"Thats what you said last time too" you note.

"Yeah but this time i get to see the ceremony as well, not just the after party" Bucky ships in and you smile.

"Let's just let this be the last time, i have no intentions of seeing you get married a third time"

"Hey that's rude" you throw a snowball you created in your hand at Steve's face.

"A snowball, really? Is that all you've got"

"No, I could just freeze you down again, but then you'd miss the wedding. And you kinda have to have you there" we all let out a laugh.

"Im really happy for you but i think i should leave" Mia interrupts our laughter.

"Why? I just got you back" you say, with a sad smile on your face.

"You have a new life, I spent mine looking for you and i found you. Now i have to live my own life"

"I'll miss you Mimi" you say, giving her a hug.

"Why don't you come to the wedding?" i ask and everyone is surprised by my suggestion.

"I would, but i really need to find my own life" you two let go of each other. "But i'll come back someday, and we can see eachother again" i sense there is a deeper meaning of that. You're both immortal, maybe she means after i'm gone. You take off your necklace, the one that Loki gave to you, that's able to track you.

"So you'll know where to find me" you say with a smile and you put it on her. And the next second she's gone.

"So, what are you wearing on the big day?" you ask, normally again, sitting down and continuing eating, or drinking your food. For the first time I feel at ease that you drink human blood. I know it's what you need, but still.

"I was thinking about wearing that blue dress you got for me, since i never got to wear it on new years eve" Nat says, also like nothing just happened. Am i the only one that can see what just happened.

"I was thinking maybe a grey suit" Steve says, finishing off his plate.

"Just simple black suit for me"

"I need to go" i say getting up and walking away before anyone understands what i said. What the hell is happening? Please tell me i didn't just imagine her being here, tell me that you did something with their minds, but why?

"Is everything okay?" you ask, coming out on the balcony where i apparently went.

"Yeah... no not everything is okay. you keeping something from me" i turn around and see you. I want to melt at the sight of you but i must hold myself up.

"Your right, i am keeping something from you" your honesty surprises me more then i care to admit.

"Are you going to tell me?"

"No, not just yet"


"Because i can't just tell you, it's a surprise that i know you'll love" that's it, i melt at your touch around my waist. Pulling me in, feeling your breath on my neck. Your cold lips that i've gotten used to kissing.

"When can you tell me then?"

"God your impatient, i'll tell you when it's ready"

"And when is that?"

"I don't know, soon i hope" you continue kissing my neck, sure leaving marks all the way up to my mouth. I will sure never stop loving the taste of your lips on mine. I would even say, I won't survive without it. Your hands draw me closer and my hands are already in your hair.

Y/N pov

"Miss Barnes, Mr. Wilson is here to see you" Friday interrupts midd kissing.

"Thanks Friday, tell him i'll be right there"

"What does he want?" is she really thinking i would cheat on her with him? Like no offence he is hot but really not my type.

"I'll tell you later" i start to get out off bed but she draws me back. Smacking her lips into yours. "Love you"

"Love you too" and I'm out the door. Lucky i could take a pair of shorts and my flannel before heading down to see Sam standing there, waiting.

"Oh, coming from a workout i see" he says with a laugh and we hear Bucky cough for the underline of those words.

"Yeah, and i would love to get back to it so... did you get it?" he nods, taking a piece out his pocket.

"When you get there you ask for a Pamela Smith, saturday at noon"

"Tomorrow, noon, got it. Thanks" i say, giving him a kiss on the cheek, taking the paper out his hand. "I'll owe you"

"Just name it after me" he calls after me in a whisper, he knows i can hear him and laugh. I'm gonna make sure she has a baby to remember me by, she'll probably hate me for that, but I'll be worth it. Well that is if this goes to plan and she doesn't go all jealous girlfriend, fiance, on me, thinking I'm cheating for real before. This might be the worst idea I've ever gotten, but if it'll make everyone think nothings wrong i'll all be worth it when I'm not around. Even though I'll know it'll be my last weeks with the team, I'll make the most out of it.

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