Fifty-six. I promise

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Nat pov

"Are you okay in there?" i ask, knocking lightly on your bedroom door.

"Yeah Tashie, everything is great" you answer quickly, opening the door with a huge smile on your lips.

"Why are you smiling like crazy?" i ask, a smile sneaking up on my own lips as I realise the happiness in your eyes. But i also see the pain that you're hiding. "Are you serious?"

"But please don't tell the others, we want to tell them after the ceremony tomorrow" you can't seem to shake that smile off. If you would only let me help you.

"I won't. God i'm so happy for you" i say, dragging you into a hug. As i look back in your red eyes i see tears slipping down your cheeks.

"Nat, hi" Wanda says, sneaking up behind you, wrapping her arms around your waist. Her eyes are also a little fluffy from crying.

"We need to pack, so i'll talk to you later" you say, seeing what i wanted to say.

"Sure, later" i say and you close the door. Before i go i mumble, fully aware that you can hear me. "Why won't you let me help"

Y/N pov

Soft lips meet mine right as i turn around from the door. I wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her closer.

"We're gonna have a baby" she mumbles against my lips. The vibration sends me chills.

"We're also getting married tomorrow" i say against her lips, letting her feel the same vibrations.

"I love you so much" she smiles before taking your mouth to hers again, but mumble. "Never leave"

"I love you too" i mumble back. I want to say 'never' but thats not something i can't say right now. She takes some steps back towards the bed, dragging me with her. Her hands finding their way up to my hair. The bad thoughts are making their way back into my head. I try to only let the good ones in, like the fact that I'm happy, i have almost everything i ever wished for. Wanda, a baby, a family. But that doesn't change the fact that i did have everything before, that was all ripped away from me. My thoughts lead back to her as i lay her down on the bed. Continuing to kiss my way down her neck and up again.

"I love you" i mumble for a thousand time for the last five hours we've been lying in bed. I place a kiss on her head before starting to untangle yourself.

"Why can't we just cuddle after, why do you always have to get up?" she mumbles in a tireldy state.

"We've been cuddling for three hours" i answer with a laugh at her cute pout.

"According to the clock it's been five hours"

"That's becasue we were having sex for the first two hours" i say with a laugh again as i kiss her cute nose. Making her no her little nose scrunch that i think is so cute. "Besides i have to go talk to Nat or she'll be even more mad at me then she already is"

"Why is she mad at you?" I shrug my shoulders even though i know exactly why. "Go"


"Go, whatevers between you has made her keep a distance from me... so go, talk to her"

"I'll be right back luv" i kiss her one more time, and she tries to drag me back into bed but fails big. So i put on my workout clothes, since she'll probably be training i could join her.

And i was right because when i get down to the gym, there she is, punching a punching bag very hard.

"I'm guessing you're picturing either me or Bruce" i say as i get up behind her. She heard you, or she's just really good at detecting things. Or both, probably both.

"You" is the only answer i get before she punches so hard the sems rip and the sand inside flows out on the floor. So without turning to me she says "Can you get me another one?"

"Sure" i say, using my speed to get it from across the room. But on my way back everything slows down to human speed. She notices me walking at normal speed with the sack in hand. I hand it up in the chains were the other one hung, before she took it down. "Or do you wanna punch me?"

"I don't want to punch you Y/N" she says and starts to punch and kick again.

"Then why are you doing this?"

"Because your being a selfish ass"

"Just because i'm going to die, you think that is selfish? It's not a choice"

"I know, but i found something that could help you and you choose to look the other way" i stop her punches and look her in the eyes.

"I've lived a long life, it's just fate taking its course" i take a breath. "I should already be dead, but i'm not and now death is chasing me"

"Why won't you just listen to me" she's angry now, more than before. "I found a way for you to live"

"I don't want to live Nat, i want to die, I want to no longer walk this earth. And if that's selfish then call me that" you snap at her.

"That does not give you the right to leave Wanda, especially now"

"I don't want to leave her but i don't have a choice now do i?"

"But you do, because i found a way. If you could just listen to me"

"Fine, i'm listening now, what did you find" i calm down, not wanting anyone else to hear us. So does she.


"What about it?"

"There's this venom called Dreamshado that grows..." i cut her off.

"On the south of Asgard, i know. And if thats your plan that i think i was right about not listening"

"If you already knew of it then why haven't you used it?"

"Because it'll turn me into something else"

"How do you know of it?"

"I've tried it before, when i first meet Loki he took me to Asgard and helped me trying to find a cure. But there's a price, like it is to everything. There's even a legend about it"

"What does it take?"

"To get into the garden where it grows you have to give up your soul. I'll give up who i am and become someone or something else."

"Did you do it?"

"No of course not, i was already doomed, i didn't need another reason to go to hell" she looks at me with sad eyes, but there's still some anger left in them. "It might not even work for the better, it could get worse."

"But there has to be a way" i love the way shes so hopeful, because that is not a part of her character really. But for me she is, for her friend and family she is.

"There isn't, but I promise you. If you find another way, i'll listen, and i'll try it"

"Good, then i don't have to force you into doing it" She says with a smile, making me let out a soft laugh.

"You already have another ide, haven't you"


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