Seventy-four. Confession

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Nat pov

This wasn't supposed to happen, not like this. I look at your peaceful face, though i can still see the pain causing through your veins. This isn't like last time either, i can't hear you. It's too late to load up your consciousness too, that's the most important detail you said. That it needed to be done before. And that you needed a certain drug for it to turn you and not just kill you. I'm the only one left in the medbay, the rest are resting since it's the middle of the night.

"It wasn't supposed to go like this. You were supposed to have a chance to live y/n. Why did you go in there when you knew what would happen" i say and I genuinely want to know because it was you who said to lock him up for it not to happen. I lay my head down against the bedside of you.

"Because i love him" you mutter out and i jerk up to see you weakly looking at me.


"I love him, i will probably always love him. He was my husband"

"Even after what he just did"

"It was his natural instincts so yes, you need to understand that Nat"

"But i don't"

"You will eventually, and if i say so it is so because i'm always right." i let out a laugh with your weak laugh joining me.

"You were wrong before"

"About what?"

"That i don't like you, that i only tell myself i do for Wanda but i don't" you just look at me and i can't believe im actually admitting this.

"Tell me"

"I do like you, like like you and I hate myself for it because your with Wanda. i've been trying to ignore my feelings for you but i can't, thats why i told myself that i don't like you not the other way around."

"I didn't know you were into girls like that Nat" i let out a nervous laugh. "Is that why you blew it off with Bruce?"

"Partly yes, he also called himself a monster and that he didn't deserve me. Which made me think what am i if he's the monster, the devil?"

"No, i'm the devil, you can be one of my demons" you joke it away. You take it better than i ever thought you would, maybe it's because your dying or it's because... no don't go down that line.

"Im serious y/n, i need you here more than anyone or anything in the world"

"I get that, but i'm not here for much longer."

"There must be something we can do"

"We don't have time Nat, the werewolf venom is spreading too fast"

"What's gonna happen to Wanda and the twins without you? your there mother and her wife"

"You'll take my place in their life Natasha"

"I can't replace you"

"I'm not asking you to replace me, I'm asking for you to take care of them. I know you'll do it because i'm asking you"

"I wish i'd meet you first"

"I know you do but you can't change the past, it's one of the few things you can't change"

A/N thinking about doing a Natasha wish realm/other timeline of this story since it became such a huge success

"But he traveled in time, maybe so can we"

"No Natasha, you can't think like that, i love you okay, just in a different way" i place a hand on your cheek and you lean into it.

"I'll take care of them, i promise" i say as you let a tear slip down your face.

"Good" you sigh, letting another tear come out. "We talked about names before you interrupted us in asgard"

"Yeah, what did you come to?" you let me wipe away some of your tears.

"We both get to name on first name and one middle name"

"Which did you get?"

"The boys first and the girls middle"

"How am i not surprised its one of each" i say with a small laugh. "What did you decide on?"


"After her brother? Thats wonderful, what about the girls middle name?"


"Steve's girl or friend or whatever she was?"

"Peggy was one of my best friends, she was my maid of honor when I married Daniel. She helped me through a lot"

"Thats beautiful, now I can't wait to hear what Wanda decides."

"So do i" you put on a sad smile that anyone could look right through if they weren't blind.

"How long do you think until the venom..." i can't bear myself to finish that sentence.

"I don't know, maybe a few hours, maybe a few days. It depends"

"Depends on what?"

"If he kills me first" you say, switching to look at something behind me and i turn around to see Daniel stand there. I stand up from my chair but he's already by your side. I try to fight him but he throws me through the wall into Bruce's labb. Where he apparently is. I quickly get up and go through the hole in the wall but you're both gone.

"Friday, wake everybody up. He's got her"

y/n pov

"You don't have to do this Daniel, the venoms gonna kill me anyways" i say but he just throws me before him on the floor in the living room. It's one of the highest levels of the tower.

"You could do bad things in that time, i need to end you now"

"Then why don't you? Huh? I think its because deep down you're still my Daniel"

"And i think you're delusional, i never loved you y/n, don't you understand"

"And why don't I believe you?"

"Because these people have got into your head that you deserve to be loved, that you aren't a monster, a killing machine, unlovable" with every hard word he takes one step closer to me, backing me up against the window. If he crashed it, i would fall.

Tony pov

"Leaving so soon?" I interrupt the pushing you against the window.

"No, but she is" Daniel says and with a grin he takes one hit against the glass and it feels like everything is moving in slow motion. I see the panic in your eyes as you meet mine as you start to lean back. Shots are fired from Nat beside me and both super soldiers are ready to fight. But your already falling so i push away in my suit to catch you. I move at the same speed as the bullets hitting Daniel, killing him. Sam must be with Wanda to keep her out of harm's way. Everything is still moving so slow, why won't it go faster, i won't make it in time. I have at least 90 floors to catch you, i can make it.

Tell Wanda i love her

I hear you in my head, not knowing how to answer you but fully knowing you would hear me i say.

"You can tell her yourself" but as i finish my word a wormhole opens up right below you and closes again as soon as you're through. But at the last minute I throw one of my gloves that attaches to you, hoping that wherever you land you'll have help.

But your gone, your really not here. I don't know where you went, you just went through that whole.

A/n I seem to have no writers block in the middle of the night or in the middle of class. So here I am, it's 2:16 am right now. So here you go with another chapter. The third one today, can you tell I have almost jo social life? 😂

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