Fifteen. Introducing the old you

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Wanda pov

I wake up to the sound of your heartbeat, which first scares me but then I remember that you're human for a while. You have your arms around me and my head is under your chin. I think about moving but I never wanna do that again. But I need to talk to the others before you go see them. So I just lay there, with my head on your chest, feeling it move up and down, hearing your heartbeat.

"Good Morning sleepyhead" I hear your voice clinging in my ears. I tilt my head up to see you smiling at me, but as soon as you meet my eyes that disappears. I can see it in your eyes that you're not here, even though you are. Your remembering something, i look inside your head.


Everything I see, I now see through your eyes, you are us both.

I feel us get dragged back to your cell but at the last moment before they throw us in they're already dead. We quickly walk to my cell and open my cell door and then my brothers. I now know what memory this is. Everything goes so fast that we dont even notice the men coming up behind us. An electric sound made us freeze and I dropped your hand in pain. The chock goes through our body and we fall to the floor in pain. Before I couldn't imagine what it must feel like but I hade an idea since I held your hand when you were shot. But now I feel the pain throughout my entire body.

"Please stop, please make it stop" your crying out and tears form in my eyes as the other guards try to push us back into our cells. We try to fight back but your scream echoes in my ears. Its like your on fire, the floor starts to blacken at your touch. A dark figure comes out of the shadows holding a controller in his hand.

"I thought i told you to be a good girl y/n" he says as your face starts so change. You turn so that i cant see you but i know whats happening. You told me in case... in case you couldn't control it. You turn back to meet my gaze before you fall onto the floor. I started to scream but everything just went black.

End of memory

"y/n? please wake up" i say and starts to shake you by your shoulders. "Hey, hey It's not real, it's not real" Tears are forming in your eyes as you open them again, looking at me. "Hush, its not real"

"But it was, and you were there" you begin and I already know where this is going. "I took that bullet for you, because I wasn't human, I could take it"

"Just breathe printessa, i'll come back in a minute and then ill let you meet the rest of the team" i just say as i hurl out of bed, you chuckle lightly behind me and it takes me a second to realize why. I'm not wearing any clothes. You throw me a t-shirt and I grab sweatpants from the floor and then I almost fly out the door, leaving you laughing behind me. I find the rest of the team in the kitchen with food on the table.

"That's not your shirt" Nat says and I think it was supposed to be a question. But she's right, its yours.

"And how would you know if that's not her shirt?" Clint asks with a smile on his lips.

"Because i know her closet... it's a girl thing" she answers but still looks questioning on me.

"Your right, but that's not what I was coming to say... i want all of you to please be nice to her. She will be the old her, the one Bucky and Steve grew up with. She won't be a killer or a monster, just a normal girl" i explained and there are too many words for even me to hang on."Just please give her a chance before she changes back... please for me"

"Fine" Nat says after seconds of silence. "Well act like this is the first time we've met her, right guys" all the guys nod in agreement even though I know they all have other thoughts.

"Thanks, I'll go and get her," I say before jolting out the room and back to the bedroom where I see you still under the covers.

"You're wearing my shirt," you say as I make my way onto the bed.

"Yeah, Nat noticed" I say brushing some of your hair out of your face. You smile that smile that somehow makes my world shine brighter than ever. "Wake up sleepy head, time to meet the team"

"So that's who you told to be nice to me" you say confused sitting up. "I still dont get it, how am i still alive?"

"Thats a question for a different time." i say pushing my lips against your again. "Just come eat breakfast with them"

"So they are comfortable with eating breakfast with a murderer" you say and I freeze at the word, the word that you are. "I heard what loki said about me going on a killing spree again."

"Like i said, thats something we can talk about later" i say standing up beside the bed, but you grab my shirt and drags me down in the bed again. Pushing your lips against mine, your hands in my hair. "Just five minuets" i say, taking a breath.

"That's all i need" is the last thing you say before taking my breath away again.

I hold your hand as we enter the kitchen where the rest are still seated. They all lift their heads at us but i chose to ignore them.

"Good Morning y/n" Steve and Bucky say almost at the same time, it somehow feels wrong but right at the same time. This is the real you, right, the old you, the original you.

"Morning" you say as you seat yourself in between me and Bucky. Nat just keeps staring at you with hatred in her eyes. I just look back at her with a warning. For the next thirty minutes everything is quiet, more quiet than ever before. I feel a rush of nausea over me and before they know it I'm halfway out the door back to my bedroom.

y/n pov

She just bolted off, leaving me alone with some people for what I know, hate me. I rise in a swift movement as do the other redhead. She's right on my tail as i make my way after Wanda. I can feel everyone's eyes following me out, but i ignore them. Only focusing on her. I come into the bedroom seconds before hearing a sickening noise from the bathroom. Natasha comes in seconds after the first throw up noise, and finds me all stiffened up outside of the closed bathroom door.

"Wanda?" She begins, knocking on the door."Are you okay in there?" but the only answer she gets are more hurling noises. For probably the first time ever, Natahsa meets my gaze with only worry on her face. But that swiftly changes into hate, into blame. Before i have the time too react she slaps me across the face.

"Nat... what the hell..."

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