Sixty-four. Am I the only one that doesn't know?

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Wanda pov

I wake at the feeling of my wife wraps arm closer around me in the morning light at the open balcony. Your hand landing on my belly that's really grown more under the night.

"I know you worried but everything is gonna be alright" you mumble with your soft morning voice in my ear, causing me to smile.

"With you by my side i know it will" i say back, turning to you to snuggle in under your chin. You don't stop me, you just hold harder but still softer.

"Have you thought of any names yet?"

"Actually i have"

"Let hear"

"Nayeli if one of thems a girls and Tommy if one of them is a boy"

"Tommy? I was thinking Billy for a boy"

"Tommys better"

"Yes ma'am"

"I'm your wife not ma'am" i say and feel the vibrations of your laugh throughout my body

"I know" you start to brush your finger through my hair before you say. "There is no need to rush through with names"

"Yes it is, it already looks like im 16 weeks pregnant, im in my second trimester"

"I know, you look beautiful" i laugh, laying my hand above yours on my stomach. Everthings good and cozy until you sigh.

"Nat, is coming to drag me away from you in three seconds" and your right because right after you said that Nat opens the massive bedroom door and enters.

"Sorry to disturb but we have stuff to do before we travel home this afternoon y/n"

"I'm coming, just give me a few minutes to get dressed" without a word she goes out again.

"What is it that you need to do?"

"She wants me to take her to this cave in the mountains"


"It's part of a prophecy that she got interested in" and even though you don't say it i know what your talking about. Freya had told me everything, but for some reason i'm still waiting for you to tell me.

"Can i come with you?" i ask, even though I already know the answer.

"No, you need to rest. I don't know what limits you have when it's going this fast." you say and i'm not surprised. Before you get up you get up and leave me alone in this massive bed you say. "But i'll be back in no time."

And with that you race into the wardrobe, that's filled with asgardian clothes and change. I will have to wear those too since I didn't really bring anything else. Luckily there are a few dresses that are loose sitting. You come out dressed like you're from longer back into the past then you actually are. Lika vikinga times. Before you disappear out the door you give me a quick kiss on my cheek and a quick 'love you'. But before i can answer you, your out to find Nat again. I swear something is up between the two off you, and if i didn't marry you last night i would actually think you were cheating on me. And the curse thing of coars.

"Mind if i come in?" Loki's voice interrupts my thoughts and i sit up to see him in the doorway. I nod for him to come in and he does, having a plate of tea and cake. As soon as i see the cake i lose it, damn cravings. "y/n said you'd want some sweets so i took some of the leftover cake yesterday."

"Thanks Loki, your the best" i say before diving in and almost swallowing the whole thing in one bite.

"Might want to slow down there a bit" he says with a laugh. It's hard to see him as a villain as the other do. I wasn't there when he attacked to i just heard stories about the fight in New York.

"You know... you make it hard for me to hate you"

"Why would you hate me?" he asks with a somewhat nervous laugh.

"All the stories i've heard about you, attacking New York and stuff" a look off quilt washes over his face. "And the fact that you sleeped with my wife"

"That was before you where born so i dosn't count"

"So you didn't do it? In the week after Iceland?" he looks confused by my acusment.

"No, of course not. She was in love with you, she barely kissed me" my heart jumps a beat at his confession.

"But she did, when you found her on that roof"

"She was trying to use me as a bandaid, and i was happy to help" i trowe a pillow in his face and he laughs. "But never anything else, and then you kidnapped her"

"I did not" he looks at me. "Okay so maybe i did, but it was for her best" he gives me the same look again. "Okay it was best for me, call me selfish and give me my tea"

"Your not selfish" he says as he gives me the cup of tea. I'm actually surprised that he didn't say i was selfish. But i thought that too soon when he says. "But it was a selfish act"

"I still don't hate you"

"Why is it so hard?"

"We'll all i've heard about you are negative, apart from what y/n says. And here you are" you gesture at your little breakfast and everything around. "handing me breakfast in bed and letting us have our wedding at you home"

"I guess im a hard man to understand"

"That is something you two have in common"

"How come?"

"The curse" i sigh and he stiffens.

"She told you?"

"You knew?" he nods. "No, she didn't tell me, Freya did"

"Mother told you about the prophecy?"

"Yes, and i guess that cave that they're on there way to is a part of it"

"Yes it is" he sign, resting his head in his palms and mutter. "y/n's gonna kill me"

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