Forty-eight. She was your first

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Y/N pov

"Miss Barnes, they have returned" Friday's voice echoes throughout the tower. "They wish to meet you in the medbay"

"Give me a lift?" Sam asks so i extend my hand to him and in a millisecond we're in the door of the medbay.

"What happened?" I ask, entering the room. Everyone is intact, except for a few scratches and bruises. Wanda, Tony, Nat, Clint, Bruce, Bucky, Steve, Thor and Loki, i count in my head.

"She got caught in crossfire and i ..." Tony continues talking but everything gets blurry as i see who's lying on the bed. Her bright blond hair with the misscoloring of blood, her pale skin and even though her eyes are closed i can see the bright red in them. I didn't know she had survived the proces. I thought I'd seen her in japan in 67 but i just thought i hallucinated that.

"You know her?" someone asks, referring to me just standing there still and staring.

"She was in the program with me, she..." i let out a deep breath, coming up beside the bed.

"Lamia project? The one that made you?" Sam says, proving that he actually listened to my answers. I nod and he understands, only him. "Does that mean she's like you?"

"Yeah, she's like me..." just as I'm about to explain she jerks up and as soon as she notices everyone she starts to go to attack. But i stand in the way, blocking her. I let her blood red eyes meet my blood red, and it scares her into backing up against the wall corner.

"Maybe you all should leave, let me talk to her" i say and to my surprise they listen. Even though i can feel how Wanda wants to stay, Sam takes her out.

"Hey, hey, it's okay, it's me, it's Y/N" i say, moving closer to her with my hands up.

"You can't be, you're dead, I watched you die" i didn't know she was watching that day. her voice is cold and sharp.

"I made it, just like you, i'm here Mia, im here"


"I woke up in the morgue outside of Hydra, i'm here Mimi, remember I used to call you that" she puts her hands on my cheeks to check if I'm real.

"It's really you" she says, and i drag her into a hug on the floor. I feel her smiling against my shoulder. I take her out of it and meet her searching gaze.

"Where have you been this whole time?"

"After they realised you had turned they did the same to me and waited, i really thought you were dead. I escaped when i found out you weren't, but when i got there, you weren't."

"Where did you search for me?"

"The hospital, whole of germany"

"I had fled, i was in switzerland by then"

"Good i've missed you, it feels like forever" she drags me into a kiss, for a moment i forget and is about to kiss her back but get myself out of it before i can. She looks at me, questions in her eyes. "Is there something wrong?"

"It's been eighty years Mia"

"And? We told each other we'd love each other forever"

"But i thought you were dead, so i moved on" she signs an 'oh' when she realises the ring on my finger. "I do still love you, but in another way"

"Queene, we have to go again, are you good here? I'll leave Wanda so that you two can talk" Steve says just passing by outside the room.

"Yeah, sure" i call back, hearing him walk back upstairs to the others. I put on a smile and get up on my feet, extending her my hand. "Come, let's get you something to eat, you look like your starving"

"Thanks" she says and next we're in the kitchen. I must admit that it's nice to have someone else that can do more of what i do. I take out what's left of the pizza and put on some of the leftover bloodbag, in the oven.

"Y/N, can i speak with you? In private?" Wanda asks entering the kitchen. Not giving Mia a second glance.

"Can we do that later, i have to get her something to eat"

"No, now"

"Yes ma'am then, Loki can you look after her" i say, knowing full well Loki was hiding in the shadows.

"Dammit, sure i'll do that" he says, appearing on the side counter. Wanda drags me out and in to a soundproof conference room.

"Why in here?" You ask.

"Because i don't want her listening in"

"You can trust her, she's cool"

"How do you know her?"

"I told you, we were in the program together"

"Who was she to you?"

"Is that what this is about? Your jealous"

"Not im not, i was just wondering" she has some anger in her voice.

"She was my first"

"First what?"

"First girl i've ever been with"

"And you still care for her?"

"Absolutely, we went through hell together" i see the jealousy she's trying to repress. "But im not in love with her anymore"

"She sure seemed to be in love with you"

"Then sorry for her but im taken" for a slight second there is a smile on the corner of her lips. "I will say it over, and over again for the rest of our lives" i take a dramatic pause, taking her cheeks in my hands "I... Love... You"

"I love you too, i'm sorry, i just... i want you to myself"

"And soon you'll have me all to yourself" at least for a short while. I take her in my arms and kiss her deeply. I can never grow tired of her taste. But I'm interrupted by the beeping of the oven in my ears.

Wanda pov

"Sorry, i have to go" you say with a paut, still with your hands on my waist.

"That's fine, i'll come join you later" i say as you withdraw your hands and head out the door. Why im i overwhelmed with jealousy for that Mia? I know you love me, or else you wouldn't be marrying me, right? Or did you move it because you had something to hide? You don't have anything you're hiding from me, right? Right. Why am i even questioning that?

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