Seventy-seven. A godly breakin

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Nat pov

Seeing her like this is killing me. y/n was right about that i see her as a top priority. She's sitting on the balcony of her room, which has become yours first too but now mine since i sleep in here like almost every night.

"May i come in?" Steve asks as he doesn't need to knock since the door was open.

"How about we talk outside, she looks like she might be sleeping and she hasn't in a while" i know thats a lie. When i asked you about it, you told me you can't sleep alone in bed anymore. One of the main reasons i sleep there now. I know it's not the same since she still doesn't sleep that well. But it's the best we've got.

"What's on your mind?"

"I was thinking that she might need to go on a vacation. Something to take her mind off things" Steve says and i'm actually surprised by his words.

"She lost her wife and went into labor right after. Knowing that she might not even see her again but still he has hope. But what she needs right now is someone to help her take care of Natie and Pip" i can't help but smile at the twins' nicknames. Wasn't my idea, was all Stark.

"She's not coming back, you know that"

"There's still hope Rogers, if you say that again i will put you down in that ice again" i say before going back into her bedroom and closing the door behind her.

"I know" Wanda says, still out on the balcony.

"Know what?" i ask her, walking out to her.

"That she's alive" i sit down on the other chair as she continues. "I know it's a long shot since she had the werewolf venom in her systomens, but our hearts are one and i know her's is still beating. Metaphorically speaking since she doesn't have a heartbeat"

She let out a soft laugh and i see how she stares up into the sky again. Just like a few hours ago.

"I just hope she can find her way back to us" yes, us. All of us.

"So do i"

y/n pov

two weeks later

"Breakfast is ready" Joe calls me down from the kitchen. Me and Barry race down, but I'm still faster than him, with Iris behind us.

"Thanks Joe" we say in union as we sit down at the table. Joining in on the food.

"You know, it's kinda nice to have another woman around" Iris says, also joining in as Joe's phone starts to ring and he excuses himself.

"I get it, home there's only three girls and like six men."

"Could you tell us more about them? Like your wife, where did you have your wedding and when" Barry asks and i laugh, drinking some coffee.

"She's a mixture of you and Cait actually, on the outside at least"

"What's she on the inside?" I can't help but think that question wrong and Iris can see what i though as i choke on bread, making her laugh.

"She's one of the nicest people i've ever met, apart from you Barry" i say with a laugh. "She's perfect and she's the most lovable human you'll even meet"

"Why the sad face?" Wally asks and i forgot he was even there. I have been strictly told to not talk like I'm from another earth or vampires of Barry being the flash around him, so i don't.

"I had a huge fight with her before i got here, i had keep something a secret and she said she started to regretting marrying me and starting a family"

"Would your child have been born yet?"

"Unfortunately it was only a matter of time before, so probably yes. Meaning i missed it" i say with a sad smile. Trying to seem more happy than i actually were as Joe comes back into the room.

"Why did you leave?" he asks and i freeze but is saved by Joe grabbing everyone's attention. That's not a question i can really answer, not if I'm gonna break that promise.

"Sorry got to go, there's been a breakin at Star labs"

"Was anyone hurt?" Wally asks and Joe shakes his head.

"No but the perpetrator is still there so i need to go" he says walking out the door.

"You should go" Iris says to Barry and he looks at me.

"Race you there?" I say with a smirk.

"If you wanna lose?"

"Are you gonna run or take a car, because Barry doest have a car? '' Wally asks and we're reminded once again that he's there.

"Running, we found a shortcut so we don't have to run in midcity" i say as we both get up and run out the door leaving the siblings there. As soon as we're out we both race away. I slow down to his pace or else i would have to wait for him there. On the way out we grabbed our suits that were scratched under the house porch. The wristbands we're in the glove that Tony sent with me through the portal so i let the suit slide on as me run.

"Look it's the flash and Ace" someone screams and i kinda like my nickname. It only took like two days of being a superhero. I had gotten your own name by the CCPN, or by Iris who published it. It was from a few posts about a new superhero.

As everyone see we're there they start to take pictures or trying to talk to us so we just speed over to the police standing on the other side of the yellow tape.

"They still in there?" I ask them and they nod.

"We have inside footage" one of them says and i tell them to show me so he goes to collect it.

"Is someone still inside?" Barry ask worried out of his damn mind if the team is still in there.

"Not that we know off, but if you could follow me i could show you the footage that should be ready now" we both follow him to an open van where there are almost as much tech as in the cortex. They pull up the footage of a man walking around in the cortex, he has hair like Cisco and is wearing weird clothing, kinda like... oh shit.

"What? Do you know who it is?" Barry asks, seeing to my reaction.

"Tell everyone to leave, the police and the public, okay. I'm going in" before i can speed away he grabs my arm.

"Be careful" is all he says, i was kind of expecting him to at least follow me. But he stays behind, as he can look at me from the screens.

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