Forty-five. Fight or Flight

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Wanda pov

"Take your hands off me" Nat says angrily but you give her a silencing look. Making her stop fighting, what is your plan.

"Seperate those two" the man says, pointing to me and you. I expected you to fight against it but you don't as they lead us into a bigger cellar. They put you against the wall and attach chains on your wrists. Then they do the same to Nat, Clint, Tony and then me, in that order. So we are on the opposite side of the room.

"Your never getting out of here" another man says before they all walk out. Now that it's silent i can't keep myself from asking you.

"About earlier..." i start but you cut me off.

"Does this really seem like the time"

"No but you can't walk away from it this time"

"Seriously, we're on a mission right now"

"I don't care, we are more important"

"She's my granddaughter"

"And i'm your fiance"

"And i don't care, you either focus on the mission or teleport out of here"

"Then why don't you let me?"

"Just shut up, both of you" Nat cuts in and I realise that we had started yelling. There is a silence before someone starts to laugh, rather you start to laugh. While we all just look at you.

"How is this funny?" Clint asks, making you laugh anymore.

"They actually think they can keep us here" you take a breath but you continue laughing. "It's just..." you can't finish that meaning before you start laughing again. I feel my magic working and see why your laughing making me laugh as well. They removed the power dampeners when they chained us to the walls. Which means we both can use out powers.

"What is the matter with you two? Just a few seconds ago you were literly screaming at each other" Tony says but we don't stop laughing.

"It's just" you start and the chains freeze and when you pull they brake. "That i can do that"

"If you could use your powers this whole time then why did you let us get captured?" Nat asks, even though she might see this the same way you do.

"To find Sabine, being leed in is better then trying to sneak in somewhere you don't have eyes"

"What do you want with her? a weak voice asks deeper into the room, where it's dark. As the figure comes more into the light. She's about to say something else but then she lays her eyes on you. "It's you"

"How do you know who she is?" Tony asks protectively.

"I'm her granddaughter" she answers, stepping fully into the light.

"Sabine? Your okay"

"Yeah, but they took my baby Nonna" she looks like she's gonna break but is to weak. A tear starts to fall down her cheek and i can see then she was crying even before. You take her into your arms protectively.

"We're gonna get both you and your baby out of here, i promise" you say, letting her cry into your shoulder. It's feels weird , her looking older than you. But I guess it's a part of my new normal since I'm marrying you.

"I would hate to break the reunion but we need to find Bruce as well"Nat interrupts and you let each other go.

"Right, sorry" you say, making your way to Nat, putting your hands on the chains, freezing them. You do the same to both Clint and Tony but when you come to me you just meet my gaze. You've closed your mind again but i can see your thoughts in your eyes. Then you break me free as well.

"So, what's the plane?" Tony asks you and you just look at him. "You do have a plan, don't you?"

"Honastly i didn't think they would be stupid enouh to think they could lock me up like that. Which means they are not a part of Hydra, or else they would now"

"So make up a plan then" Nat says, walking towards the door and opening it. I expect an alarm to go off but it's quiet.

"I'll get the baby, Nat gets Bruce while the rest gets out of here" i grab your arm before you start walkinging. "You don't wanna be here when im done"

"Just be careful. I would like to have a whole wife, not just a part of her" i say and you smile at me. The first smile I've gotten in hours. But before i can tell you anything you and Nat run along down the corridor. As soon as we've all out of the cell that alarm starts sounding it's tones.

"Let's move" Tony says, leading us fast the other way up. He almost has to drag me to get me to move.

Y/N pov

"He's down there, i can hear him" i say, pointing down another corridor.

"See you when we get out?" she says more as a question then a 'see you later'.

"Just get Bruce" i say and continue running down, further down in the bunker. To the cells, the same cells i meet Wanda. There is my old cell, next to Wandas and Piestros. There in that corner i kissed her for the first time and there is the brunmark from one of my escape trays. Another burnmark in my old cell where i burned the letters so that no one would find out. As i see where everything started, that fight earlier seems like such a small problem. I can understand her wishes of becoming a mother, but it's just...

"Are you just gonna stand there in the shadows?" I ask right out, hearing the man's heartbeat and breath. But also a weaker beat, like someone's sleeping. A smaller heart.

"Thought i'd just help a little" he says and i stiffen at how familiar it sounds. But that's impossible, because hes dead, i made sure of that.

"What could you possibly help me with?" I ask, turning around. Seeing the man standing there, with something in a blanket. I just stare at it when i realise what it is. "Is that Sabines baby?"

"Isn't she lovely" he says, rocking the baby girl in his arms. Just the sight of him disgusts me. "You wanna take her or should I just keep her?"

"Why are you helping me? You hate me" i say as he takes a few steps forward.

"To repay a debt of my great grandfather"

"Your Florians grandson?" I remember how i helped him escape Hydra back in 1968, because he's been nice to you in the cell.

"And with this, that debt is gone"

"He would be very disappointed in you, especially for what it cost him so much to get away from" he is standing right in front of me. Close enough to take the baby in his hands.

"On the contrary, Miss Barnes, he would be proud" he carefully hands over the baby into my arms. "Now get out of here before i change my mind"

I do as he says and start walking out the same way i got down there. But before i can speed away he calls after me. "Next time you won't be so lucky, Lamia" that gives me chills down my spine. I look down on the beautiful baby girl in my arms.

"You have your great grandfather's eyes" i whisper as i speed out of there. The jet is gone, they left, for once they listened to me. Because this place is about to blow up. But the thought of the man down there is still in my head, i didn't even know he had a grandson and this trap, it was just so that he could take that away from me. No past leverage, no way out the next time. And there will be a next time, that will probably be your last.

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