Five. A "simple" mission

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A/N so im sorry ahead but this is a filler, but dont mind me. Just keep reading

Note: the cursive is for over the comes

five weeks later

Wanda pov

"You really chould get some sleep Wanda, youve barely slept in weeks" Nat says bringing me back to reality. "You have to accept that shes gone"

"NO, no i will not accept that, not again" i snap and Nat looks really hurt. I know she only wants whats best for me. "Nat, im sorry. I owe her my life, i just feel powerless" Nat hugs me as i start to cry. I didnt mean to cry but its been weeks, since you disappeared.

"I know, but what would she say if she could se you non huh? i just slightly laugh at the though of what you would say. In fact, it wasnt hard to imagine.

Flashback five and a half years ago - Hydra

"What the hell Wanda? Your so damn stubborn that i hate you. You cant just stop taking care of you just because im not there. You cant go days without sleep, food or fucking taking a shower" you almost scream at me. You had found out that i wouldnt stop looking for you when you where transferred with your new husband. "You cant just let go of yourself Wanda, i love you and i dont know what i would do without you. Which means you need to take care of the thing i love most, you"

End of flashback

"Just get some sleep" Nat says but as i stand up i can barely stand at the loss of energy. So Nat caries me bridal style back to my bed room and lies me down on the bed. As soon as my head leans on the pillow the sweet darkness of sleep draws me down.

Nat pov

"I dont think Wandas gonna be such a resort on these mission" i start and no one dissagrees with me. Everyone has seen how she is, since you had disappeared. "Nether is Bucky" and everyone starts to disagree. But i know im right

"You've got to be kidding me Nat, i am not some greaving human here" Bucky defends himself but i shake my head and say. 

"But maybe you need to be Buck, she was your sister and is most certainly dead right now"

"You dont know that '' Tony says and everyone looks at him in shock, he disliked both Bucky and y/n as soon as she came here. And its not a secret. "If its one thing i know about girl Barnes is that shes not dead. I mean come on, how do you think shes still alive?" he asks as if he knows something.

"Tony do you know something about y/n that the rest of us should know?" Bruce asks and i look at Steve whos just quiet. "Then you should tell us"

The heat in the room is interrupted by an alarming JARVIS. "Im sorry for interrupting but theres a man fire a mile out side of the city"

"What do you mean by man fire?" Clint asks and it surprises me how long it took for him to speak.

"A literal human fire mr Barton" the AI answers as we all look to each other for an explanation of the the hell is happening. In this case i guess we cant have two on the sidelines.

"Suit up" Steve say as he runs down the hall to get his suit while i was just casually sitting there already in my suit. First thing i learned is, always be ready for an emergency. Like this one, but what the hell? A human fire. What is that supposed to mean? Started by humans or built on humans. I guess we'll have the answer soon.

"JARVIS notify Wanda where we are in case she wakes up before were back, but dont wake her. She needs the rest" i say before exiting the elevator to step onto the jet.

Tony pov

"Is that what i think it is?" Clint asks as we move towards the big burning pile.

"Nat, Clint search the buildings, Thor and Tony search from the sky for someone alive while i, Bucky and Bruce try to take out the fire" Cap says and there the order is given. We split up, and i begin looking around for anyone alive beside the mountain of dead people that gives me chills.

"We have movement on the north side" I say in the coms before descending to the ground. Theres a girl, i think, leaning over someone on the ground. As i get closer, she begins to strike a familiar bell. The y/h/c hair, the pale skin under the ripped clothes.

"Ma'am, can your turn around for me please" i say in my most friendly voice, for this happening to her might not be the best for an unfriendly voice. As the woman stand up a man falls to the ground with blood all over him, but as she turns around i see why she was so familiar. Besides the blood all over her and her face, the cracks under her eyes and the darkened red eyes I can see you.

"Guys we have a bigger problem, i think Clint was right" i say as she starts to walk towards me.


"What to you mean i was right"

"Whats the bigger problem?"

"It's y/n and i'm pretty sure shes a vampire" i answer all their questions and theres a dead silence before she jump towards me and clutch herself to my suit. I try to fly up but shes dragging me down, before I crash with her on, an electric surge goes through the suit and paralyzes her. No one tries to catch her as she fall to the ground. As she hit the ground a hole is created but she doesnt move as her face goes back to normal. The cracks fades and her eyes are bright red again. Brighter than ever before.

"What the hell Tony" someone says but i cant take my eyes of her. The blood from her mouth thats not hers. "What are we gonna tell Wanda" her bright red eyes flicker as shes trying to stay conscious. "Do you think she knows what sha is?" But she fail and fall under but with a last glans to me. She mouth a word that i cant quite understand. But it then hits me what the word is, not a word a name.

"Hydra" i mumble most to myself even though everyone can hear me. This is not good. I hope that Wanda knows the words to turn her back to.

A/N not a filler as i thought i would be but just contiue looking

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