Twenty-one. Keep me company

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y/n pov

I had heard Nat and Wanda speaking before the explosion, about the proposing thing. I had eaten with Tony, who became a friend after today, but I'm making my way to the medbay to get Wanda and get her back into her own bed.

"Ready to go sleep in your own bed?" I ask as i enter the medbay, Wanda smiles at me. That smile makes me light up more than christmas. But the proposal and marriage thing stays in my head. "Come on" i say, helping her out of the bed.

"Whats on your mind?" she asks and i realise i had closed it. Like i had before, she had gotten used to the fact that i didn't hide my thoughts.

"How im going to survive the night without you"

"What do you mean? Where are you going?" I can see the worry in her eyes.

"Chill printessa, Tony had made up my own room" she just looks at me as i enter her bedroom. She looks like a five year old that isn't allowed to sleep in her parent bed. "You need to rest and my room is literally right across the hall" i say nodding towards the door on the other side of the corridor.

"And why cant you sleep here with me. Like you've done for the last week"

"Because you need to rest, but i need my own space" i smile at her frown."I'll sleep in here when you recover" i help her down on her bed and just as I'm about to leave she drags me back by the hand. Smacking her lips onto yours.

"I can recover in your arms" and jeez, we sound like newlyweds. She stops kissing me, meeting my gaze.

"Are you thinking about weddings?" fuck, i forgot to close that mental door.

"No, i think about spending time with you" i kiss her again, passionately. "But if i had asked, would you say yes?"

"More than a thousand times" and that answer makes me think, with my mental door closed, that i could do that.

"Good night" i say getting up and kissing her on the forehead. "Love you"

"Love you too" she says before i walk out of the room, into the room across. It looks the same as Wandas, just with a smaller mirror. You fall into the bed, ready to fall asleep, ready to have a day with the person that hates me the most in the whole tower.

A knocking on the door wakes me up, one look at the clock makes i sigh. It's six in the morning. I drag myself to the door and open it.

"Ready for our day together?" Natashas voice makes me look up and down her. She is already in a training outfit and probably already drank her coffee.

"It is six in the morning" she nods and starts to turn around.

"There's coffee in the kitchen if you want, meet me in the training room in twenty" she says before running along down the corridor. How can she be in such a good mood in the morning. I go into my room again, throwing on some grey sweatpants and a y/f/c shirt. Heading to the kitchen where i find a very tired Clint.

"Good Morning" i say, so he notices me.

"How can you wake up this early? Did Nat wake you to?" I laugh.

"Yeah she woke me, i don't really do mornings"

"Then your gonna hate it here" Tony says walking into the kitchen.

"Yeah and why is that?" I ask, taking another sip of my morning coffee.

"You're not a morning person, if i hear you correctly" i nod. "five out of seven of us are morning people"

"I guess i'll have to become one" i say and Clint sighs. Both me and Tony laugh at the sleepy man at the table.

"We should go down to the train station now, before she gets mad we're late" Clint says and i look at the clock.

"Your late, give me one hundred pushups" i say in Natashas voice, making Clint jump at the anger in my voice. Tony gives me an appreciated look, liking the view of morning Clint scared. "You want a lift down or are you going down by yourself?" I ask now in my own voice.

"I'll go down myself, thank you very much" he says but before he has the chance to get out of his chair again i have put my hand on his arm and we're down in the training area. Natasha notice us and Clints sick face, she throws an empty garbage can and i quickly give it to him as he starts to throw up.

"And i who thought you could take anything" she says laughing at him, and me give of a little smile. "I also though your powers did not include teleportation"

"It doesn't, thats just something i can do when Wanda is near. Like she can do with me, but im the one who controls them more" i explain, the surprised expression on her face for the information i gave her. But I guess that's something I'll have to do if I'm going to stay here.

"Shall we start?"

"Sure" i say walking towards her, throwing me a bo staff. For every attack she came at me, i avoided. But never got the hit on her. That's what we did for two hours, escaping each others attacks.

"Your pretty good, but can you do it without using your superpowers?"

"You bet your ass i can" and we start again, not hitting each other but going to attack. And i don't use my speeded reflects, just normal instincts.

"Okay, this is getting boring, i thought i would see one of you one the floor" Clint says interrupting the fight. "But its been five hours now, straight" Natasha is distracted by Clint and i take that to my advantage, with one swift movement i use my staff and pull her legs under her so she falls.

"Never let yourself get distracted" i say as Clint lets out a laugh. I take out my hand to help her up.

"That's my line" she says and drags me down, throwing her over me so that i land on my back. She got up by herself and offered me her hand. I take it and stand up.

"Where did you learn to fight like that?" I ask, even though i already kinda know the answer.

"The red room, you?"

"There's this group called League of Assassins... they are so secret, no one knows about them" i answer, putting my staff in a stand.

"Then how come you trained there?"

"The master's daughter caught an eye for me when she was sent to kill me" i answer with a dead voice. But it's in the past.

"When was this?" Natasha asks, wanting to know if it was before i had met Wanda.

"Take it chill Romanoff, it was long before that. I got there 1978 and got out 1994. Which is when Fury found me and wanting me to join SHIELD"

"Sorry, i know im over protective and i guess... sorry... for hitting you" I'm kinda surprised she even apologized for that.

"You hit her?" Clint asks with a high voice, reminding us that he was there.

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