Fourteen. Some memories

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June 22, 1943 Brooklyn, USA

"Steve be careful" i say as he smiles at me, he lies down on some kind of camber thingy.

"I'm always careful," he answers before Dr. Erskine processes to walk up beside Steve.

"Comfortable?" he asks and Steve feels around a bit.

"It a little big" they both laugh" Did you save me any of that schnaps?"

"Not as much as i should have" he admits "Sorry, next time"

"Mr Stark, how are your levels?"

"Levels at one hundred procent" Howard Stark answers as he walks up to us.


"We may dim half the light in brooklyn, but we are ready" he breaths "As we'll ever be"

"Agent Carter and Miss Barnes, don't you think it would be more comfortable in the booth?" Dr Erskine says to me and Peggy, gesturing to the booth field with men.

"Yes of course, sorry" she answers and gestures for me to walk. I peek one last glance at Steve before heading up the stairs, and he meets it so i just give a smile. A horrible noise comes from the speakers grabbing everyone's attention as we enter the booth.

"Do you hear me? Is this on?" Erskine voice says over the speakers. "Ladies and gentlemen, today we take not another step towards annihilation, but the first step towards the path to peace. We begin with a series of micro injections, into the subject major muscles. The serum infusion will cause immediate cellular change. Then to stimulate growth, the subject will be saturated... with Vita rays"

"That wasn't that bad" we hear Steve say.

"That was penicillin"

"Serum infusion... beginning in, five... four... three... two... one... now Me. Stark" he says and some machines begin to sound. "Steven, can you hear me?"

"Probably too late to go to the bathroom, right?" Steve jokes.

"We will proceed"

"That's ten precent" a light starts to form from the chamber.

"Twenty percent"


"That's forty percent"

"All vital signs are normal"

"That's fifty precent"


"Seventy" a scream echoes from the chamber and both me and Peggy rises from our seats.

"Steven... Steven" Erskine yells over the screaming.

"Shut it down" my voice spreads through the room as I'm are now standing on the staircase.

"Steven" Dr. Erskine continues to try and contact him.

"Shut it down" Peggy's voice now echoes throughout the room together with Steve's scream.

"Turn back, Mr Stark. Turn it off, kill it, turn it off" Erskine yells but just as they are about to shut it off Steves voice is heard.

"No, i can do this" he screams and they continue.

"Peggy please, do something" i plead to the serious woman beside me.

"He can do this" is the only thing she says before turning her head back down.

"Eighty... Ninety"

"That's one hundred percent" sparks start to fly everywhere as the thing shuts down.

"Mr. Stark" Erskine says and the chamber starts to open up. And there he is, hes looks to be bigger then James now. And hes breathing heavily as me and Peggy make your fast steps down.

Late 1943 somewhere in Italy

Steve walks into the sick tent where I'm work. A nurse's work never ends.

"y/n i need to talk to you" he says with tears in his eyes. I notice them and stop stitching in the man's arm in front of me.

"Just a second Rogers" i say as i finish up the stitches, but even though stress is filling me the stitches are perfect.

"Your back already, where's my brother?" I ask and see tears fall now his cheeks. "Steve where is he?"

"He's gone, im so sorry y/n '' he says and tries to come closer to me but i take a step back. "For good this time"

"Wha... What happened?" I ask, not knowing what to do.

"I'm so sorry, i truly am"

"Answer the damn question Rogers... what happened?" I yell but in the end my voice breaks. But he doesn't seem to answer, i walk past him out in the open where soldiers are running around everywhere. I find Peggy and tell her what happened.

"Im so sorry y/n" she says while hugging me as tears fall down your cheeks. But I'm his twin, i would know if he died, somehow i know he's not dead.

"Promise me you wont do anything stupid" she says before getting called over by some soilders. Well... i never promised... so here to doing something stupid.

2011 Pingueta, Venezuela

"Naia Avila, hay alguien al teléfono buscándote(Naia Avila, there's someone on the phone for you)" my assistant voice cuts through the thin air of the office and you look up.

"Solo cuelga(Just hang up)" i say not caring, too many are calling me to solve their problems. But I guess that's a part of the jobb with a legal aid office.

"Dicen que es urgente(They say it's urgent)" she says and i wave my hand to gesture her to come in.

"¿Quién es?(Who is it?)" i ask and look up at the woman in front of me.

"Se llama a sí mismo Nick Fury(He calls himself Nick Fury)" i freeze at the name.

"Conéctalo conmigo(Connect it to me)" i say and the woman runs back out of my office.

"This is Naia Avila speaking" i say as i pick up the phone to my ear.

"We both know that's not your name" Nick answers with his arogans and i sigh.

"How'd you find me?" I ask, trying to get to the point.

"I just thought that i would inform you that we have found Steve Rogers, and he's alive"

"What? How?"

"He was frozen and I thought maybe you would want to know" he says and I look out the big window wall.

"I'm still not coming to work for you" i say and he gives a soft laugh.

"I know, but i think you should come, so he can wake up to a similar face"

"You know i can't do that" is all i answer. "Now Nick leaves me to live this life, goodbye" before he has a chance to say anything i hang up.

"Virginia(Virginia)" i say and the woman comes into my office again. "Cancelar todos mis citas del día"(Cancel all my appointments for the day)"

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