Eighteen. First feeding, keep it hidden

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y/n pov

I can feel the cold autumn air brushing my y/h/c hair to my cheek. It felt so normal, even the burning in my throat feels normal. I listen to the sound of the city, every heartbeat, every breath. And without being disturbd by my own heart. I remember everything and want to leave, but i made a promise. Till death do us apart, which it has since I'm dead. But as long as her heart beats I'm alive for a reason. I can't leave no matter what, even if that means spending time with the people who hate me. The burning takes over the cracks spreading down my eyes, i had missed is somehow. The feeling of not having to control myself, is freedom in my ears. I walk in again through the hospital door into the office.

"Miss Barnes, here's what you asked for '' a doctor said coming back through the door, making sure to close it immediately. In his hand there's five bags, blood bags.

"Thank you Dr Murphy" i say as he's about to hand me the bag he hesitates. He sees my eyes, the cracks and the blood lust in my face, then he hands it to me. I feel the cold blood stop the burning in my throat. I use my finger to wipe some of the blood off the corner off my lips and then meet the doctor's gaze.

"Is everything to your liking?" he asks as i walk closer.

"Yes thank you again" he doesn't back away the closer i get. One look at the clock reminds me that i have to get back before anyone notices I'm gone. It's almost six in the morning. "Remember not to tell anyone that i was here or they wont find your body."

"I understand miss" he says and there's this little fear in his voice that i don't miss.

"I'll be back soon" i begin making my way back to the balcony. "Until next time Dr. Murphy" i say and I'm gone, out the balcony. I quickly make my way up the stairs in the tower to make it go faster.

"And where have you been?" I hear my brothers voice in front of me as you exit the stairs.

"I had to take some air brother" i lie, you know its useless since hes my twin and he'll know when i lie. But i hope he doesn't.

"Okay, just be careful, they may still be looking for you" he says before making his own way to his room. He didn't take in that i lied, or he didn't care. Or maybe because i didn't want him to. Right, mind manipulation. I had almost forgotten about the powers i never took the time to learn. Nevermind as i make my way into what have become mine and Wanda's bedroom.

"Where have you been?" Wanda's worried voice says angrily as i enter the room.

"I just took some air" i answer, hoping she won't realise I'm lying.

"You know your mind manipulation doesn't work on me y/n, where were you?" Fuck

"I was practicing my powers on the roof okay, i want to learn how to control them this time"

"You remember your other powers?"

"Just the mind thing and this" i say with my hand out, a crystal of ice starts forming floating about my hand. "I also remember i never got to learn how to use them, and i was to scared to learn alone"

"Just come back to bed, it's too early" she says, dragging me by the hand, so that i land above her. "Well talk about training later" i kiss her with passion. "Maybe with Thor" i kiss her again, making her unable to talk.

"Or you can just shut up malyshka (babygirl)" i say tracing my fingers down her side as i kiss her again. But she's right about one thing, i need a god to help me, but not this god. I need Loki. I continue to kiss her and she rolls me around so that's she's on top. I say nothing before rolling her back over with a swift movement. I'm over her again, kissing her jawline, shes tracing her fingers down my legs. I can feel her heartbeat flow throughout her body, how her heart skips a beat for every kiss i give her down her chest.

"You need rest Wanda, you're sick. Remember" i say, stopping kissing her. She makes a silly sad face and i laugh, kissing her again. Laying her in against my chest, with my hands around her waist. Even though i know she can't hear my heartbeat anymore, i can feel her feeling safe in my arms.

Wanda pov

You were breathing in a rhythm that slowly put me to sleep again, even though its not a heartbeat, your breathing. I know you don't have to breathe but it is so that i would know you're there. I know you lied about where you were but I know you're not human anymore, i was hoping for more time before you turned back. I just wished that you never remember more, that you can start over, with me, with the team. We'll tell them about you when you're ready. When they are less afraid of you.

I jerk up, must have been a nightmare. The first thing I notice is that I am alone in bed again. I look at the clock, it's almost nine pm, the sun is still on the way up the horisont. The door opens and you enter.

"Where were you this time?" I ask and you signs as you puts a tray with food on the nightstand. "Im sorry, it just the last time i let you out of my sight you got kidnapped"

"Yeah i remember that, which is why I'm not leaving your side for awhile. I just got us some food in case you wanted to spend another day in bed" you say yet again giving me a glass of water. Before I have time to drink I jump out of bed and into the bathroom. I puke once again and you're fast behind me, holding up my hair. Her hand rubbing my back as I continue throwing up yesterday's dinner.

"Here drink this" you say, giving me a glass of red liquid as I lay back on the wall.

"What is it?"

"Just drink it, you'll feel better" you say, but I still hesitate before taking it to my mouth. The taste is repulsing but you make me drink every last bit of it. "Now let's get you back to bed"

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