Fifty-seven. Iron problem

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Wanda pov

"Didn't i say your staying in bed" you say when i try to get up again. You've insisted on not letting me pack, since i'm pregnant.

"I can help you pack, i'm only one week in babe"

"I know, but i don't want anything to happen" you say, closing the last bag. "I'll see you tomorrow at the altar"

"What do you mean tomorrow?"

"It's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding and with our luck im not taking any chances." your right about that.

"I didn't know you were so old fashioned" i say, draggin your face close to mine.

"I may be only 28 but i was raised in the start of the 19-hundreds."

"Can't you just leave in the morning instead"

"Sorry, against the rules. I'll sleep in Loki's room and then he'll come and get me before Thor comes and get's the rest of you."

"How will i survive without you in my bed?" i can see how my breath on your face makes your calm. Like it's insuring you that this is real and i'm alive.

"It's only a few hours and then you'll have me forever"

"A few? It's almost an entire day till i see you again"

"You'll be fine, Nat will keep you company. Sam and Bucky are going with me so you'll still have plenty of company" you place your hands on my cheeks, holding me in your hands. "Have i told you how beautiful you are?"

"Only a million times" you take my lips in yours as a goodbye kiss. "I love you"

"I love you too" and with one last kiss you're out the door.The fact that I'm marrying you is still unbelievable. I've dreamed of this moment for ages, and now it's finally here. And we're having a baby. You don't want to tell the rest right now, but will do it at evening reception. But i do no look forward to the morning, ugh.

"Morning sickness" i mumble as i lay back down on our bed, were im alone tonight.

y/n pov

"Why are you going into Loki's room?" Sam asks as he and the two super soldiers at his sides.

"Bad luck to see the bride before the wedding" The three of us all answer in sync. Making us all laugh.

"Sometimes I forget you three are like a hundred years old." Sam says.

"You've never been one for traditions" Steve says, walking up to me.

"We've had enough bad luck in just the last few months, so i'm not taking any chances. Either it's tradition or superstition" i say as he takes an arm around me.

"We'll im glad that your marrying someone good this time" Bucky says and i hit him on the arm, human arm.

"What was wrong with Daniel?" Sam asks and they first look questioning at him for knowing the name.

"I told him, about that time" i answer their questioning looks. "But i do wonder, what was wrong with Daniel?"

"He was a soldier" Bucky says, shrugging his shoulders.

"Both you and Steve are soldiers"

"Thats different" Bucky says.

"How is that different? You and Steve are my family, so was he"

"Still, he left for a mission almost three months after your wedding" Steve cuts in.

"I toured with you to all kinds of places so it wasn't just him leaving home" i say, pointing to Steve.

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