Seventy-eight. I missed you

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y/n pov

"Hello?" I call out as i enter the cortex, it could as well be another metahuman that can shapeshift.

"Missed me?" that too reconocible voice says and i turn around to meet Loki's smile. I speed into his arms to hug him. He hugs me back as Barry comes into the room.

"Mind filling me in on who he is?" he asks but i don't dare let go of Loki. He notices it and only hugs me tighter.

"Loki, god of mischief" he just says, starting to break the two of us apart.

"How are you here?"

"The bifrost, why didn't you come home?"

"Because this is a different earth Loki"

"Well i guess the Bifrost can travel between earths now" he says with a laugh, draggin me in a hug again.

"I hate to interrupt but is there anyone else in this building?" Barry says and we both look at him.

"A man who tried to shot me is locked in a room and a woman is hiding somewhere"

"I'm hiding here" Caitlin says, emerging from her hiding spot behind the wood that has replaced the glass i broke. One snap with Loki's fingers and Cisco appears in the middle of the room.

"What just happened?" he ask, looking around and seeing me wrapped around Loki.

"Sorry about hunting you Caitlin and sorry for locking you up Cisco but to my defence you did shot me with a cold gun"

"You should take the apology, he doesn't do that often" and the three move closer to each other. I turn back to Loki. "How did you know I was gone? You stayed at Asgard"

"Your hourglass started to break. First the castle just shook a little now and then but someone went down and told me directly. When I went down I saw that it was cracking slowly. First i thought you had died so i went into the bifrost and it sent me here"

"I am so glad it did, because i had no idea of how i was gonna get home" i say with a nervous laugh.

"Care to tell me what happened?"

"Not here, we need to leave" Barry says and i hear as people enter the building, police.

"We can all meet back at Joe's, Wally should be gone by now and everyone can meet us there" he continues.

"Who wants to ride with me?"

"I will gladly not go with Barry again, sorry" Caitlin says before i even get the chance to finish my sentence. I give her my hand and we're off. Barry and Cisco run together while i take Caitlin and Loki to teleport back to the house.

"I didn't know you could teleport" Cailtin says as i let her go on the doorstep.

"I usually can't, not when I'm not close to Wanda. It's something Hydra did that we share. And it take a lot of energy to do it alone" i say before almost falling, being catched by Loki.

"Sit down while i get some water" Caitlin says and Loki guides me to the sofa.

"We don't have time, you have to take me home" i say but are too weak to stand against him sitting you down.

"We can't travel when your in this condition and i don't know how to get back either"

"So great, we're stuck here both of us" i say as Caitlin hands me a glass of water. "Thanks"

"Since when can you teleport" Barry says after he's whooshed in with Cisco.

"Takes a lot of energy out of her if she's not close to Wanda, her wife. It's something they share" Iris says from the staircase. She must have listened.

"I brought this" Cisco says, taking out a small pallette with a blue button in the middle. "It's a transdimensional portal, pocket size"

"You did it?"

"I did it?" but as he lets it fall to my hand Loki snatches it.

"We're not going anywhere until you have your strength back, you'll need it"

Wanda pov

"Is Loki here?" Thor asks as he enters the common room. He's both angry and worried, i can see it.

"I thought he was at Asgard?" Tony asks.

"No anymore, he took the bifrost down to midgard"

"Well where is he then?" Nat asks, i guess still not trusting him after the NY battle.

"Maybe he's found her?" i say more to myself than anyone else.

"Wanda, we talked about this" Steve says and Nat gives him a look.

"They have a special connection, maybe he traveled to wherever that hole took her, i'm not saying that she's alive im saying that he might be in the same place"

"You think Lokis dead?" Bucky asks, confused.

"No, i think the wormhole took her someplace that's not here, maybe a different time or place. I mean, that's how Daniel got here, maybe it's possible"

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