Seventy-three. Not the right time?

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Wanda pov

"No one huh?"

"Wanda i didn't..."

"But you did y/n. I'm here for you to trust me, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health remember"

"You don't understand"

"What is it that i dont understand y/n, that you dont trust me? I already got that"

"But i do trust you Wanda"

"Then why didn't you tell me?"

"Because i was scared okay, i was scared you would give up on me"

"Why would you think that?" your words hurt me more than any blade would.

"That's what everyone does, when something is unfixable they tend to stop trying to fix it"

"And you thought i was one of them but not Sam or Nat?"

"They weren't supposed to know, I only told Sam about the man at the compound and Nat figured out things more on her own"

"I'm starting to think all of this was a mistake"

"What do you mean by all this?"

"I mean starting a family, marrying you. It was obviously not the right time" but i regret it as soon as i say it. I don't regret marrying you or the pregnancy, i just don't have the energy to keep this up.

I can see the tears trying to escape your eyes but you succeed in keeping them in. I try as well but i cant help it. But at least i can blame it on the fact that i cry when i'm mad. Just as you're about to say something there is a scream for your name and we both run out the door in panic. Knowing the sound came from the cell, from Petra and Sabine.

"Wanda get them out of here" you say as you continue in the room to the door of the cell. You pull it open, running up to him even though the risk while i lead them out.

"What happened to him?" Sabine asks as Petra is silent with tears in her eyes. I don't even know what to answer as i don't have all the information on him.

"I don't know, just trust y/n that she can fix it"

y/n pov

I rush to his side on the floor, hearing his bones crack.

"Daniel, please just look at me" i say but he only screams in agony. "Daniel, it's me"

But it's not him as he meets my gaze. His eyes is no longer forest green but a darker yellow.

"Enemy now, friend never" he says with a darker voice that's not him. The fear strikes me and i quickly get up on my feet but he's so much faster than me. He gets to the door before me and closes it, letting it automatically lock up behind him. It only unlocks from the outside and the cell is soundproof so there is no idea in screaming.

"Daniel, please don't. It's still me, it's the same y/n you fell for, the same you married"

"That woman died a long time ago"

"No she didn't i'm right here" i say as he moves closer to me, backing me up against the wall.

"You're a killer, an unlovable monster that needs to be put down" he says and I've never been this scared in my entire life. This wasn't how it was supposed to go. This way, the chance of my body surviving the transformation comes down to an 8 procent.

"Please Dani, it's me" he hesitates at the nickname, but only for a second.

"No it's not" he lets out a roar in my face as he fast holds my wrists against the wall. Tighter than anyone ever before. Not even my brother or Steve is able to do it as super soldiers. Only people like him.

Someone must have noticed me as the room quickly filled with some kind of gas, making everything blurry. But the pain is still there, in my arm. He caves to the gas, which must be nitrous oxide, since he falls unconscious to the floor. It's a sedative that doesn't affect me as fast. They let in that on purpose. The lock on the door clicks and i stumble my way over, falling against it and pushing it open.

I see a redheaded figure move around to cup my face. Her lips are moving but nothing comes out. I let my head fall into her left hand, gazing over my right arms that's covered in blood. At least i get to look into her ocean eyes one last time before i die. I have no interest in being there but not actually being there.

"I'm sorry" i manage to mumble out in two breaths before everything goes black.

Wanda pov

Two things are roaming my mind, the panic flows through my body at your words, your unconscious body laying in my lap. I was the first one down here, no one is here to help me get you up. This wasn't how it was supposed to go. They were supposed to load up your memory before.

"Mami" "Abuelita" both Petra and Sabine almost scream as they also rush into the room, finding you on the floor.

"What happened?" Petra is trying to get words out of me but I can't. I only have one priority now. You.

"We need to get her up to the medbay now" i mumble, even though they hear me and i say with a higher tone. "Friday get everyone down here now, we need help"

"Everyone is on there way, Mr. Odinson and Mr. Barnes are closest and should arrive in a second" and the AI is right because they both come running through the door. Without hesitation Bucky lifts you up and starts to run back up the stairs to the medbay a few floors up. We all follow him closely even though he runs faster than all of us.

Regret is the other thing roaming my mind, regret for what i said before. That I regretted marrying you and starting a family. I was just angry at you for keeping it a secret.

"What happened?" Steve asks as he also enters the medbay with Tony in his steps. Bruce is already checking on you and Nat is holding me. I didn't notice her walking up to me, or the tears streaming down my face that's buried in her shoulder. There is too much happening at the same time that I don't know what to do anymore.

A/N well I have summer break now so hopefully I will be able to focus more on writing then school.  Since I don't have such a big social life it should work. Hope everyone is having a nice pride month and start of summer.

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