Thirty-one. Shes not dead until shes warm and dead

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Wanda pov

"Hey, it's been eleven days now, since the bunker now. In three weeks it's christmas even and" i say with tears in my eyes, sitting in the chair next to your bed. "They still don't know how to wake you up, or even if you're still... Anyways, they agreed to let Loki stay here, hes staying in your room. Most in case you don't... but you got what you wanted. You always do." i lay my hand on yours, you look so peaceful. I look at your heart monitor, its so flat it can get. But twice a minute its a beat somehow. I know you're dead, but you're not dead dead. Not until you are warm and dead or turned to ash. He had injected you with something that was similar to IL-2.

"This is what i get for being mad at you for a few minutes" i say with a cry laugh. Its not fun but the thought of you laughing at it makes me smile.

"Wanda" i hear Nats voice from the door opening."Bruce needs to talk to you"

"He can come down here instead, im not leaving her. What if she wakes up and shes all alone"

"There's something he must show you, i'll stay here, i'll even make smalltalk" she says with a strained smile, putting her hand on my shoulder. I don't argue against it as another beep is heard from the monitor. I pass her and make my way out. I walk like am an emotionless zombie, witch in this case feels like i am to.

Nat pov

"So, i don't really know what saml talk to make here but... i guess now that shes not here i can tell you that i found the ring. I really hope you don't hear this because you will probably kill me for searching your room" I say with a sad smile as i sit down on the same chair as Wanda was sitting in previously.


"What the hell?" i jerk up of the chair and look at the monitor.

Please Nat, help me

"What? What am i supposed to do? I need to get Wanda down here. No she will panik or maybe I should get Loki." I ramble on as the voice, your voice echoes in my head.

Please let me out

"Stop. Where are you Y/N?"

"What do you mean where is she?" Loki says appearing next to me.

"I don't know. She's talking in my head"


"And what is she saying?"

Please help me, I don't want to be here

"She says she doesn't want to be here. That she wants to be let out" I say and he seems to realise something. "What?"

Let me out, please I promise to be good

"She's trapped"

"What to you mean by trapped"

"She's trapped inside her own mind. That's why she won't wake up. She is awake in her mind but that's in a different place"

"That's it you lost me"

"We need to get inside her mind"

Please don't hurt her

"Why can only I hear her"

"I don't know. Maybe you know something that's connecting you two. Something only you know"

"Like the ring?"

"No I know about that too. I helped her buy it"

"Then what? What is connecting us together"

I PROMISE, just please don't hurt her

"Get working on that now. I can't bear her voice in my head. It's broken and I can fell her fear. Not for herself, for someone else"

"That would make sense"

"How does any of this make sense? And why I'm I only hearing her now?"

"I don't know. I don't have the answers to everything. Especially about her." He looks at her with worried eyes. The Loki I knew didn't care for anyone, but the way he looks at her. It love. "She still has parts of her life that I don't even know about"


"What is she saying?" He asks to my distant look.

"Telling someone not to touch her. I don't know who her is though. Could be Wanda"

"No, she is trapped in her worst memory. She has been through much worse then that torture"

"I thought you didn't know everything?"

"I don't, but I know her fears that are linked to those memories"


"Just, please, tell me what to do"

"We need to get into her mind, physically."

"Well that's easy, Wanda can do it, right?"

"Well there's a catch, it can't be Wanda. She will be to emotional and it can't be me either"

"Then i will do it"

"You don't understand... the things you will see. It can break you"

"Well the funny thing is that she would do it for me even though were not best friends, she would save me for Wanda... so will i" he looks at me will dout but eventually he agrees.

"But you still can't go alone"

"Then who can i bring? Tony, Clint or Thor maybe?"

"No we need someone else, but if that person is willing to help or not. Well thats a different question."

"And if they dont help? What then?"

"Then... i don't know, well find another way" i take your hand and feel you screaming in pain. A pain i cant understand.


"And who is this person and where can we find them?"

"Her name is Athanasia Al-Ghul, also known as the silver killer"

"She's a part of the league, isn't she?" he nods and i let go of your hand. What will i tell Wanda about this.

"Her mother was our dear Y/Ns lover"

"Then why wouldn't she help her?"

"Because Y/N got her mother killed when she escaped the league"

"Then i guess we have a mission, you and i, only us"

"The god of mischief and the famous black widow" he says with a smirk. "Sounds like an unstoppable duo.

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