Twenty-nine. Last petal

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Y/N pov

I swear to god if thats the team attacking now, i will kill them. I dropped the agent that led me here on the floor. But i kinda wished i had taken that suit.

"Fraulein Schimdt you need to come with us" another agent says rushing into the kitchen. I quickly turn with tears in my eyes.

"It was horrible, she just came out of nowhere" i say with a chackey voice, still russian. He notices the body lying on the floor and starts to take me out of there, I'm still covered in blood.

"Who was it?" he asks and i turn to see his face.

"Me" my eyes starts to glow red again and i set my teeth in his neck. The taste of his blood almost makes me lose control but i keep reminding myself of why I'm here. I drop him to the floor, empty. With a wave of my hand the blood on my clothes is gone. It happened so quick that not even the camera would realize what happened. I prepare yourself and scream, starting to run. In heels i may add. They break, my left heel breaks and i kick them off. Continue running as i let ice cover the walls behind me, as if it's chasing me. I run into Damian's hard chest and meet his eyes as he grabs my wrists. Somehow i don't panic, I'm calm and meet his gaze.

"Who killed my men? Did you see him?" Typical of him to think of him not her.


"Who was it?" Before i answer i let an icepeak get thrown at me, but i avoid it and it hits him. I can't stop that grin on my face.

"I really thought you were smarter than that Damian" i say with my normal voice as i let my hair go back to my natural color, let my eyes go back to red and now i look like me again. "But i guess... your not"

"How did you? Where is fraulein Schmidt" he really is hopeless.

"She was never here, good where is your brain? You used to be so smart"

"And you used to work alone"

"I still do"

"So the fact that the Avengers are blasting their way down here has nothing to do with you?"

"No, i just gave them a lead on where to find you"

"But it's was because of you i am here"

"Oops" i say before starting to break into his mind and throw another icepeak at him. Another agent comes running to try and attack me but is unsuccessful, as soon as he set his foot in the ice he froze to ice. I can't help but laugh at that, and Steve's nickname is capsticle. "Didn't you know" i start holding out my hand and push him against the wall "That i take men editinal seven seconds to preciv a woman as a threat then a man" he starts to have trouble breathing as i start to squish my hand on his throat.

"Y/N!?" I hear someone scream from the other side of the hall, but I'm focused.

"Stay back Tony" i say, feeling the power from his suit. Hearing the others on the coms. Then comes the smell that distracts me enough for Damian to take that to his advances, one swift movement to his pocket and a shot is fired. But it goes through me without a mark and hits the wall. Bringing me back from my distraction. But i can still hear her heavy breathing. Another shot is fired before i get the gun out of his hand. But this time it wasn't to me, time goes in slow motion as i let go of him and now stands in front of Wanda. Everything's quiet until i realize what i just did. I took a bullet in my abdomen. I can hear the scream of Wanda and Tony echoes through my ears. With my hands on my wound, Wanda catches me as i fall to the floor.

"No no no no" she pushes her hands on the wound, trying to stop the bleeding.

"Y/N, we need to get you out of here"

"No... i need to get to him" i say and start to vibrate at such a speed that i sink though the floor. Good shes going to be so mad at me after this.

"Damn you" i hear Tony before landing on the cold floor on the floor below. As i get up in a puddle of my own blood i turn it off, a serious mistake, i turn my humanity switch off. The small pain i had felt from the bullet was no longer there, even though the bullet is technically still in my stomach. I turn it off and start to walk down the hall, smelling the fear of him from somewhere.

"Come out you coward" i scream out into the empty hallway, the lights are flickering and here comes another shake. "Or are you afraid to get your ass handed by a woman?"

"I'm not afraid of a freak like you" i hear his voice behind me to the click of a gun, the safety is off.

"Oh, but you should" he fires and it goes right through my chest. I'm now standing so close to him that he backs into the wall behind him."And you are going to pay for what you did"

"Could you be more specific, i've done many things in my life" i can hear how his voice breaks even though he's ignoring the fact that his heart is racing. He is afraid.

"Why do i need to be specific... you deserve to burn for everything"

"So do you, your no more innocent than me"

"Oh i know that, but i'm not stupid to attack a killer freaks girlfriend"

"So thats what this is about, the chip that drained her powers. Yeah that was meant for you" the lust in my eyes flicker to his words. "I was aiming for you, she was just in the way" somehow his words have turned my humanity on, so i turn it off again.

"You should have kept your mouth shut... now you pay for that" i drill my fangs in his neck and starts to suck the life out of him. There is no guilt in the kill this time, he deserves it. I want to enjoy it but my hunger beats the best of me. I look him in the eyes for his last breath. "I win" but as i let him fall to the ground he injects you with something. Something that burns. But now hes dead and i fall to the floor beside him, feeling the pain of the bullet. The pain is nothing like I've ever felt. It's almost like I'm ... human. Like it's killing me and the last thing on my mind is that i never got to show Wanda that ring, and i might never will.

Wanda pov

"Stark, Wanda we need to get out now" someone says over the comes, but i cant focus. I need to get to you. You had just fallen through the floor to the floor below where I am now. I hear the saml sound of something falling to the ground. And there in the end of the hallway lies too, you and... Damian. He is dead, and you are bleeding like hell. It should have healed more by now. I take you in my arms and hold you close to my chest, hearing your straind breaths.

"I... love you... Wanda and i'm... sorry" you say with a strained smile before your body becomes limp. Your not breathing, you have no heartbeat but thats not something you have either, i don't know what to do anymore.

"You are not leaving me, not now do you hear me" i'm crying now as I hold you close. Your to weak to teleport, i need to get you out of here and back to the others, i won't survive you leaving me. It takes some strength but I succeed to lift you up, holding you tight in my arms.You did it, you killed him. But what did it cost you?

A/N thanks for over 1k btw and hope you all had a happy Easter. And please I could still use some help for what to write. I have a serious writer's block

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