Forty-two. I have a question

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A/N if you missed it, the former chapter has been re published. I forgot to add an very important detail, so just go back at re read the last part, after the picture of the rings.

Y/N pov

"Asgard" Tony says and I'm just quiet. It's Wanda who takes up the conversation again.

"Asgard? As in Thor and Lokis home?"

"Yes, i have talked to them and they love the idea"

"Sure they do, but who will protect earth while we're there. Time moves differently there" i say, looking up to meet Tonys gaze.

"Earth can make it, they'll still have the iron league and that'll be enough for the time being"

"I've been sitting down to long, we can continue this chat some other time." I say, getting up and walking out. What's with me? Why can't i just accept that my friends want to fix you the perfect wedding. Before i notice it I'm knocking on Loki's door.

"Yes, my lo... whats wrong?" he asks and i feel that tear falling down my cheek. But the sadness turns into anger.

"You! You're the problem. You told Tony that it was a great idea to have my wedding on Asgard" i say, walking into his room, my old room.

"Don't you?"

"No i don't, i really don't"

"You loved Asgard the last time you were there"

"Yeah and i almost didn't leave because of it, but i also lost the chance of seeing my granddaughter grow up" i blurt out making him freeze at my words So i sitt down on his bed and start to explain how i had just found out where my daughter was, and that she had given birth to a daughter of her own. That they were in Sweden the same time he and we were.

"Then why did you leave with me in the first place?"

"Because i was hoppin there was something there that could make me normal again" i let out a sigh. "I don't regret not going through with it since it got me here, to Wanda and the team. But i could have seen her grow up."

"Why don't you tell me stuff like that?t" Wanda asks, and i see her in door opening. I eye Loki who just shrug his shoulders and disappear.

"I didn't want anyone to know"

"Know what? That you could have been mortal if you wanted, that you choose to stay a monster when there was a way" she says and i just look at her. "I'm not saying that you should regret that because i don't know what i would have done if you weren't here. But i meant the other thing, about your daughter"

"I really don't want to talk about it" i say, getting up. But as i try to walk out the door she stands in front of me. "Move"

"Not until you talk to me"

"There's nothing to talk about" i try to go past her again but she stops me.

"I have tried so hard not to bring it up the last month, but we need to talk about it"

"There is nothing to talk about" my eyes start to gets it's reeder shade.

"Your mind tricks don't work on me, now you, me, talk, right now"

"No" i gently and fast move her to the side and walk out. Obviously she follows me.

"You can't just walk away Y/N"

"Watch me" i continue walking down, towards the elevator.

"Come back here and talk to me" i can hear the tears in her angry voice.

"No, im not talking to you about something you don't understand" are we really having a fight? It's our first fight as an engaged couple.

"Then please talk to someone, i really don't care who. You... you can't just run away"

"I've been running my whole life, i can't stop now"

"That's the thing, you don't have to run anymore" i register the sound of multiple heartbeats in the living room, beside me. I turn to see everyone, like the whole team plus Loki, staring at me. Not at Wanda, but at me.

"I'll be back later" is all i say before running down the stairs too fast. As i get out the door, i collapse on the floor in tears. No one is on the floor so no one can see me or hear me. She'd sounded so angry, so sad, and i just walked away. She's right, god when i hate she's right, but i don't have to run anymore. I have found my home, but up there everyone was turned to me, not to her. They were on her side, even Loki. I don't have to explain myself to them, they're not my family. But they are her family, and she's mine. I hear a door open and i quickly get up on my feet, wiping those tears.

"Hello?" the voice says, it's a woman, old woman. Like in her mid eighties."Is anyone there?"

"Can i help you?" I say, appearing behind her, making her jump and put her hand over her chest. "Sorry i did not mean to scare you"

"It's okay," she says as she turns around. Her y/e/c eyes meeting your red. Her long y/h/c swaying over her shoulders in a braid. She's pale, not as pale as me, but not normal pale either. She must have looked very pretty in her younger years. I see the resemblance, but that can't be possible, right?

"I'm looking for a Y/N Bennet" she says, giving me a black and white photo. It's my wedding day, with Daniel.

"That's me, but it's Barnes now" she puts a smile on, also putting her glasses on.

"You can't believe how long i have waited for this moment"

"Im sorry, but do i know you?"

"Technically, no. Biological, yes" i put a hand up to my mouth in shock.

"I thought i'd never get to see you" a tear starts to fall down my cheek again as i take her in my arms. She hugs me back. I actually never got to see her after the birth, not in person anyway. I would always keep tabs on her, but never make contact. Just so that she wouldn't be found. "How did you find me?"

"You're not the only one that have people in weird places" she says with a laugh. But takes me out of her arms to look me dead in the eyes. "I need your help"

"Of course, whatever you need Petra" first time I've ever said her name out loud to a real person. Loki doesn't count in this case.

"It's Sabine, she's been abducted" it takes a few seconds for my brain to load what she's saying.

"By who?"

"I don't know, but please mama, you have to help me find her. Shes pregnant"

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